Sunday, June 30, 2013

How Women Can Overcome Hormonal Imbalance With Human Growth Hormone HGH Therapy

Hormones regulate the brain functioning, cell metabolism and reproduction process in a woman's body. Hormonal balance is therefore essential and any chronic imbalance may create a number of problems for women. This imbalance may cause a fragile immune system, faster aging and innumerable diseases.

Peri menopause, menopause, flashes, forgetfulness, mood swings, insomnia, weight gain, lost libido are some signs of hormonal imbalance among women. These symptoms start to reflect in the early 30's onwards. In the U.S., the number of hormonal imbalances among women is common. The factors are many, including unhealthy diet, life circumstances, stress, environmental pollution and heredity.

How Women From Age 35-50 Can Treat Hormonal Imbalance With Human Growth Hormone HGH Therapy?

For ages Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been known for the lovely benefits it gives to the people. It is a natural hormone deep down in the body that keeps men and women energetic and youthful in a plenty of ways.

Human Growth Hormone HGH Therapy has become a unique healing option for women having GH (Growth Hormone) imbalance and deficiency. Most recent studies show that a number of metabolic and psychological abnormalities related with hormonal imbalance can be controlled and even inversed with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Replacement Therapy, even at a lesser dose which does not carry any side-effects.

The imbalances in body basically disrupt the hormonal growth in the body and should be nursed on-time. The Scientifically Advanced Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women serves as a beneficial strategy to help the body safely rebalances the female hormonal system. Since hormonal imbalance can create subtle dysfunctions in our physiological and psychological states, it is important to get it treated soon.

HGH therapy is the supreme anti-aging recipe and hormone balancing treatment responsible for;

" Improving Memory
" Enhancing Sex Drive
" Controlling night sweats and hot flashes
" Reducing Stress Levels
" Overall Energy Increase
" cell production and growth stimulation
" increasing height
" keeping bones healthy
" checks and regulates sugar and insulin level
" reducing fat in women

The great news is that now you can rebuild your hormonal balance in a healthy and safe way with Hormone Replacement Therapy. At LA Health & Rejuvenation Center we have treated a number of women suffering hormonal problems of all kinds. We conduct a proper medical test before proceeding with Hormone Therapy.

Menopause Symptoms Reduced by BHRT: My Wife Is In Her 3rd Week of Treatment

As you will remember, I wrote about my wife beginning Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy. Our decision for her to do this, came about because my wife and I are both dealing with her perimenopause. This process for her has been an ongoing research for 10 years. It seemed that every time we learned something useful there would be some improvement, but still we could not get her feeling and acting like herself. It has always been in the back of her mind that she had the symptoms of hypothyroidism. But, curiously the symptoms of perimenopause and thyroid low function are nearly identical. She has been considering Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for 2 years, but putting it off due to the fact that she was unsure if she had learned enough about it.

She has found the medical group that she wanted. They specialize in BHRT. She started treatment two weeks ago.

The way we got here, was through the belief that the blood tests that our primary physician was looking at for her were showing a normal thyroid. But it was in the very low normal range. Therefore the doctor did not look at other hormone levels. We understand the doctor's actions, but we disagreed. We wanted to know what her HORMONE levels were. Well this new medical group added the full range of hormone levels to their very comprehensive blood tests. My wife was completely out of wack on 9 out of 10. She signed up for their program and began it immediately.

Her first treatment included a B-12 shot, which she will continue weekly for some time. There was an immediate energy boost that was mirrored by a reduction in fatigue. At the same time she had some very small capsules (the size of a grain of rice) in a time release configuration implanted just under the skin of her buttocks.

The tests had showed she was way off of the scale on: Estradiol; FSH; Progesterone; TSH; Testosterone; Vitamin B12. No other physician had tested for these. Yet, these are some of the supplements she is being given now. I will find out more about each and write another article on the progress next week.

The daily changes were subtle but noticeable and all positive. But, each day I could not be sure that it was not just my perception of change since that was what I was looking for.. But the "overall changes" during the entire two weeks are noticeable and dramatic. She is waking up earlier. Making a lot more jokes. Laughing harder and working harder. It is my initial judgement that the balancing of hormones is real and it is working. In the next week she will go in for an evaluation. I expect it to be positive.

We still have not found out how much of the cost is covered by our insurance, which is Blue Cross Blue Shield. But, we expect to hear soon and I will include this in the next article.

I'll let you know how the evaluation goes too. Expect to hear from me next week again.

If you want to share your experience, or ask questions you can visit the website mentioned below.

Alternative Treatments for Hypothyroidism

Functions of the Thyroid
The thyroid is a small ductless gland weighing less than one ounce, located in the neck along the trachea or windpipe. The thyroid is the only place where iodine can be absorbed into the body.

Iodine comes from the different foods we eat and is necessary in small quantities to make thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones are then circulated throughout the body where they control metabolism in every cell. Metabolism is the body's conversion of oxygen from the air we breathe and calories from the food we eat to energy.

What is Hypothyroidism?
"Hypo" means too little or under normal, and "thyroidism" is the disease of the thyroid. Therefore, "hypothyroidism" is the disease of too little thyroid activity or decreased thyroid activity.

Hypothyroidism is the result of too little thyroid hormone. This can happen when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones, an under-active thyroid, OR the thyroid produces enough hormones, but the hormones break down too quickly and cannot be used by the body.

Causes of Hypothyroidism

  1. Thyroid produces too little hormone.

  2. Hashimoto's disease - the body creates an allergy to thyroid hormones, destroying them, and causing low hormone levels

  3. Undiagnosed thyroid problems - normal laboratory levels of thyroid hormones T3 & T4, but have reoccurring or non responsive health problems; often, patients do better when supplemented with thyroid nutrients or hormone.

  4. Viral infection may onset inflammation of the thyroid gland, causing hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

  • fatigue, slowed heart rate

  • weight gain

  • constipation

  • irritability, mental depression

  • cold sensitivity

  • slow or slurred speech

  • drooping and swollen eyes, swollen face

  • recurrent and frequent infections, decreased immunity

  • increased allergic reaction

  • headaches

  • hair loss, brittle hair

  • problems with calcium metabolism

  • Women: heavy menstruation, painful menstruation, premenstrual tension

  • Children: decreased growth and development

Home Thyroid Test
Take your temperature each morning for 3 days before you wake up and get out of bed.

1. Before falling asleep each night, keep the thermometer next to your bed.

2. In the morning before rising out of bed, lie still, and take your temperature under the armpit for 15 minutes. Do this except on the first few days of your period and the middle of the menstrual cycle.

3. Calculate the average temperature. If your body temperature is below 97.5 F, and consistently low, this may indicate a thyroid problem. The lower the temperature, potentially, the greater the thyroid problem.

Complications for Hypothyroidism

  • Allergies, Food allergies

  • Vitamin B deficiencies

  • Iron

  • Digestive enzymes

  • Liver disease

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Parasites

Alternative Treatments for Hypothyroidism

1. Eat foods high in Iodine

  • kelp

  • vegetables

  • root vegetables (ie. potatoes, carrots, etc)

  • Eat foods high in Vitamin B complex

  • nutritional yeast

  • raw nuts & seeds

  • sprouted whole grains

3. Avoid these foods which naturally slow down the thyroid function

  • cabbage, brussel sprouts

  • mustard greens, kale, spinach

  • brocolli

  • turnips

  • peaches, pears

4. Eat foods high in Vitamin A, except for the ones that are listed in #3

  • dark green & yellow vegetables

Drug Warnings
1. Avoid sulfa drugs & antihistamines

  • any drugs with sulfur, sulfate, sulfite, etc.

  • any known antihistamine such as allergy medication

2. While taking thyroid medication, be sure to take Calcium supplements. Thyroid medication is known to cause rapid bone loss.

Chiropractic Care for Hypothyroidism
Along with changes in Diet, Nutritional Therapy, and other therapies, chiropractic care is very effective for hypothyroidism

  • Balances hormone levels

  • Increased immunity

  • Improves Allergies

  • Improves gastrointestinal problems

  • Beneficial for headaches, irritability, mental health

  • Improves menstrual symptoms

Nutritional Therapy
Taking a multivitamin that shows good absorption into the body will be helpful for symptoms. Take vitamins with meals. In addition, the following may be helpful.

  • Tyrosine (amino acid)

  • Iodine

  • Vitamin B

  • Calcium, Magnesium

  • Essential fatty acids

  • Vitamin A

  • Zinc

Additional Therapies for Hypothyroidism
These following therapies may be helpful for self-care and home care under professional supervision.

  • Biofeedback Training

  • Yoga

  • Qi Gong

  • Fasting

  • Juice Therapy - warning: do not juice any fruits or vegetables in the prohibited list above.

  • Aerobic exercise - highly important

  • Hydrotherapy - Contrast Application daily to increase thyroid

  • Homeopathy - 1M Calcium carbonate is beneficial; Iodum


  1. Gentian or Mugwort - mild hypothyroid cases may be helped

  2. Kelp - only if there is a deficiency in iodine

  3. Yellowdock, butternut, or Cascara sagrada - to ease constipation

  4. St. John's Wort - antidepressant

These therapies should be conducted by a qualified health professional.

  • Acupuncture

  • Cell Therapy

  • Magnetic Field Therapy

  • Naturopathic Medicine

  • Osteopathy

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

Natural Hormone Replacement - Sans The Usual Side Effects

Hormones play a vital role in the development of both male and the female bodies. Any imbalance in them can entirely change or alter the direction of a healthy life and can turn into a miserable one. There are three primary hormones: Testosterone, a male hormone which is also found in the females and which is responsible for imbuing physical strength, bone density and other characteristics.

The Estrogen and Progesterone which are female hormones (a little quantity of them is also found among men) and are basically responsible for primary and secondary sexual functions. For instance, the children diagnosed with rare hormone deficiency may become midget, or in the case of the elders, the hormonal imbalance can bring life threatening problems such as osteoporosis, dementia and other cardiovascular problems. Although hesitantly, but surely enough, most of the doctors prescribe the use of synthetically prepared hormones as counter measures against Andropause or Menopause (in case of women). But there have been a lot of clinical studies that suggest that the use of synthetic hormones may lead to prostate cancer, testicular cancer and other life threatening problems.

Although the hormonal imbalance affects the lives of both men and women, as compared to the men, the hormonal imbalance in women is more glaringly evident especially after the onset of the Menopause. The natural hormone imbalance is the condition which starts after the cessation of the monthly ovary production cycle, which starts from 40 to 50 years (depending upon the overall health of the woman). The associated symptoms and disorders are summarized into one single term PMSD or post menstrual stress disorder.

For years, the physicians have been trying to find out the best and the most ideal ways to restore the hormonal imbalance and now the hard work of decades is bearing fruit in the form of bioidentical hormones or simply the natural hormones. By these we simply refer to those hormones which have a similar molecular structure to the ones being produced inside the human body. Although they still are being replicated within a laboratory but still, their origin can be different such as they can be extracted from the plants or from horse's urine.

The advantages of natural hormone replacement are many but the most obvious of them all is that these have very little or low side effects. This is because of the fact that whereas the synthetic hormones are one-size-fits-all type, the natural hormones can be custom compounded according to the specific needs of the patients. This is not only a good thing for the patients but it also relieves the health care provider of a lot of worries.

Hormone Imbalance and the Effects of the Endocrine Glands

People can suffer from a hormone imbalance when their body does not produce enough or to much of a hormone. Hormones act like chemical messengers that go through the body to the different organs and tissues. The endocrine glands are what produce the hormones. There are several different endocrine glands in the human body. The major ones are the pancreas, thymus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and the thyroid. Women and men will make the same hormones except when it comes to the sexual hormones. In a male the sexual hormones are made by the testes and in women they are made by the ovaries. Hormones can dramatically effect the body and small fluctuations can have dramatic impact on a persons body.

When a hormone problem goes untreated it has the possibility of creating serious problems including diabetes. There are an estimated six thousand endocrine gland disorders that can occur from a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances can effect men and women through different stages of their life. The purely clinical definition of a hormone imbalance is chemical messengers that regulate the systems of the body and do not function properly anymore. When a hormone imbalance does occur it can mean that one of the endocrine glands is either producing to much of or not enough of the required hormone.

There are many things that can cause a hormone imbalance. In women it is usually to much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Some things that have been known to cause this hormone problem are stress, using makeup to much, animal products that are not organic, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, lactation, obesity, genetics and birth control pills. Obesity tends to be the biggest contributing factor in a hormone imbalance and becoming pregnant is the biggest factor associated with a lifestyle change.

Many symptoms of a hormone imbalance are experienced by both women and men. The most common symptoms of a hormone imbalance that are experienced by both sexes are fatigue, skin problems, gaining weight, mood swings, lack of a sex drive, and reduced memory. In severe cases of hormone imbalance we have a hormone allergy that can cause arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Some secondary symptoms include dryness in mouth and eyes, urinary tract infections and abnormal heartbeat.

There are treatments for a hormone problem. The main treatment is hormone replacement therapy. There are risk associated with this and people who have had blood clots, breast cancer, liver disease and endometral cancer are at a higher risk. There are two different types of hormone replacement therapy that are available for women. The first is replacement of estrogen and the second is replacement of estrogen and progesterone. You should always consult a qualified professional for the correct dosage and medication when taking hormone replacement therapy.

There are also several different forms of drug treatment for a hormone imbalance that do not include hormone replacement therapy. These are primarily designed to treat premature menopause hormone imbalance symptoms.

The first option is Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor and Serotonin Norephinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor. Women have been treat successfully for hot flashes and depression with these drugs.

The next is Medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate which have treated hot flashes with success.

Clonide is another drug that has proven to reduce the severity of hot flashes.

Gabapentin is used to treat hot flashes that occur when one is sleeping.

Links Between Steroid Use and Gynecomastia

If you are living with a condition called Gynecomastia, you may already know how embarrassing and uncomfortable it can be. Even though it is not a life threatening condition, it can negatively impact a person's personal confidence and lower their self-esteem. Since there are several different forms of Gynecomastia and many ways it can be caused, it is important to understand some basic information about the condition. Some versions of this condition are related to hormonal imbalances, age and steroids.

Gynecomastia causes the appearance of what is commonly referred to as man breasts. Normally men have a healthy amount of breast tissue, but due to average amounts of testosterone, the breast tissue doesn't continue to grow. Men who have this ailment often end up with breasts that start to take on the shape and appearance of women breasts. When this condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance, it is usually the result of an excess of estrogen in the body and odd levels of progesterone as well.

When from the pseudo form of this condition, losing weight will help to alleviate the appearance of man breasts. Hormones don't play a factor in its appearance; it is caused by too much fat tissue in the pectoral area of the chest.

Surprisingly, this is a condition that affects young boys as well as older men. It can affect babies as a result of the hormones that are passed from mother to baby, puberty and side effects from certain medications. Some cases involving pubescent boys will ultimately require surgery to get the condition under control, others can benefit from hormone therapy treatment. Of course, no treatments offer a guaranteed cure, just relief and a break from the condition.

A surprising risk group for Gynecomastia is those who take anabolic steroids. Since these steroids convert to estrogen once inside the body, it causes a buildup of estrogen that interferes with testosterone levels; this increases breast tissue growth in the pectoral area and also causes puffy areolas.

Many athletes who take steroids can prolong the onset of this condition by taking some precautions. One such precaution is to take certain hormone inhibitors that work by stopping estrogen from binding to certain receptors. Even this treatment method is not 100%.

The only way to truly get rid of Gynecomastia is to have surgery. Depending on how severe the condition is, in a worst case scenario, the glands in the chest area will need to be removed to prevent the condition from reoccurring. Liposuction may also be performed as well to help alleviate the condition.

If you suffer or suspect that you have this condition, talk with your doctor about your concerns and find a surgeon that specializes in treating this condition. It doesn't matter how old or young you are, this condition is something you can beat and get rid of. Find a plastic surgeon that specializes in treating this condition so you can stop feeling ashamed and embarrassed about your appearance.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What to Expect During Your Infertility Consultation

During a infertility consultation you get the opportunity to find out what your specific infertility problems are and the opportunity to ask any questions that you have so that you can get a better understanding what it all means and what your options are for treatment.

It is best to get expert advice when having to make a decision on such a complex issue as infertility treatments. The medical procedures used to assist couples to conceive are extremely sophisticated these days.

Your infertility consultation appointment. When you go for your infertility consultation appointment you will quite possibly be seen by a reproductive medicine specialist physician.

Prepare yourself for a lot of questions about your previous medical history. The treatments that you have tried before. The length of time that you have up to now been trying to become pregnant for and any other medical conditions you have had that might affect you chances to conceive.

You might have to go for a lot of medical tests so that the reproductive medical specialist can get a clear medical picture or you current medical fertility situation. This test results will then enable the reproductive specialist to make appropriate medical decisions on how to treat your specific case.

Reproductive infertility consultant recommendations. One of the recommendations might be to look into assisted reproductive technology to assist in your case. This is normally done through In Vitro Fertilization.

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF is where the egg are fertilized by the sperm outside of the body, in a laboratory. Once the fertilization are successful then the resultant embryos are implanted into the females uterus.

This is a highly complex procedure that include hormonal manipulation, egg and sperm harvesting, laboratory procedures and surgical procedures that are performed by expert medical specialists.

If through the tests it is found that the couple are unable produce their own viable, healthy egg or sperm then sperm or egg donation might be suggested to overcome that.

In the case that the sperm are not viable for conception then in some ways it is easier. Donor sperm can then be used to fertilize the egg to make conception possible.

If the infertility is due to the egg not being viable then a donor egg can be used. The donor egg is then fertilized with the healthy sperm and the fertilized egg then implanted into the uterus.

In the case of where the female infertility are due to the hormonal levels not being right, normally because either the progesterone levels are not high enough or the estrogen levels are too high, then hormone therapy might be suggested.

To check for progesterone levels it is normally a simple procedure of testing a small sample of the womans blood.

If the test indicate that low progesterone levels are the cause then hormone therapy may comprise of progesterone medications either through injections or the application of creams to increase the hormone levels. This will make sure that when the embryos are implanted into the uterus the implantation can have a high level of success.

These are just some of the most common treatments that are normally recommended but there are numerous other treatments and combinations of infertility treatments that might be more suitable for your condition.

You might not have obtained all the answers and in most cases it might be just too much information to process all at once. You or your partner might have more questions, doubts and concerns but you should now have a bit of a clearer idea of what choices to make, at least to take you to the next step.

Also you might now want to investigate other traditional or alternative holistic therapies for infertility. Which ever way you decide to go it is important to let you infertility consultant know during your infertility consultation which other therapies you are getting treatment from especially if you are using any medications, supplements or herbs.

Therapy Duration and Safety of Hormone Replacement

If you take hormone replacement therapy, how long do you actually need it?

Most women still complain of menopausal symptoms brought about by estrogen deficiency even after ten years of after the start of menopause. They may still feel the discomforts of hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sweating and loss of sexual desire and enjoyment. Many of these symptoms last for different periods of time in different people, so the appropriate duration of hormone replacement therapy for the relief of these acute menopausal symptoms varies, depending on what the individual woman needs.

For the purpose of preventing osteoporosis, estrogen replacement therapy must be taken for a period of fifteen to twenty years. Taking estrogen protects the bones against disease, but this protections ceases once estrogen therapy is halted. Many physicians therefore believe that women at risk of developing osteoporosis should stay on estrogen replacement for life, provided they feel well and have regular check-ups. Furthermore, it is never too late to initiate hormone replacement therapy. Some women can still benefit if they start it in their sixties or seventies.

It is known that less than one third of post menopausal women continue on hormone replacement therapy over the long term. This is because many women are uncomfortable about a long-term commitment to hormone replacement, as there is continuing controversy as to whether it may case an increased risk of breast cancer or liver disease. The duration of this form of treatment is a very individual matter that needs to be reviewed regularly throughout the post menopausal period. Ultimately, the length of time you take hormone replacement should be your informed choice. You will need to communicate with your doctor before you decide what is right for you.

So what if you get side effects?

Oftentimes, adverse effects of hormone replacement therapy are minor and can be overcome by trying smaller doses of hormones or taking a different form of hormone replacement. Very rarely, high doses of the oral forms of this treatment can cause thrombosis (the formation of a blood clot or clots in your blood vessels) and this may produce pain and swelling in the legs. It can also bring about migraine headaches in women who are predisposed to them and the migraines can be preceded by disturbances in vision and speech or by limb weakness. This is not common, but if it occurs, you should immediately stop taking hormone replacement therapy and consult your physician. Women more prone to such side effects are those who smoke, who are obese and who have high blood pressure, varicose veins, or a past medical history of blood clots or stroke.

Some women on estrogen therapy complain of a mild to moderate weight gain. This is because hormone replacement therapy may cause a slight increase in appetite and fluid retention. This side effect can be avoided by reducing the dose hormones, avoiding strong masculinizing progestogens such as norgestrel and norethindrone, reducing the amount of saturated fat in the diet and getting regular exercise.

Menopause - Understanding the Physiology of Menopause, Its Symptoms and Treatment

The experience of menopause may vary widely. Some women glide through the menopausal transition without seeming to have very many symptoms, whilst other have severe symptoms which can substantially interfere with their quality of life.


Menopause is the time when a woman permanently stops having menstrual periods. It is not a disease, but merely life's natural transition, from the reproductive to the non-reproductive phase of a woman's life. However, menopause cannot be satisfactorily defined as a a "permanent stopping of menstrual periods" because it is what happens to the ovaries that is key to menopause, as opposed to what happens to the uterus (which is secondary).

To illustrate, let us say the uterus of a young woman is surgically removed. She would no longer be able to have any menstruation, but she is not menopausal, because her ovaries continue to produce hormones. On the other hand, if both her ovaries are removed surgically, or destroyed through chemotherapy, she would immediately be in menopause.

Thus, menopause occurs with the the cessation of hormone production by the ovaries.


1. Natural or physiological menopause:

Occurs as part of a woman's normal aging process. It marks the end of a woman's potential childbearing years, brought on by the ovaries gradually slowing down their function. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is a hormone produced by the brain, and it is responsible for stimulating the growth of the woman's eggs. As menopause approaches, the remaining eggs become resistant to FSH (hence FSH levels increase) and the ovaries reduce their production of estrogen significantly (hence, estrogen levels decrease). It is this fluctuating and rapidly declining estrogen levels that is responsible for many of the symptoms associated with menopause.

2. Induced Menopause:

This can be caused by surgical removal of both ovaries or disruption in normal ovarian function due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


Symptoms can range from mild to severe, with each woman experiencing it differently. Some symptoms will be very bothersome, whilst others are quite manageable. The most common symptoms include hot flushes, mood changes and vaginal dryness.


(i)Vasomotor Symptoms

  • hot flushes

  • night sweats

  • palpitations

  • headaches

(ii)Atrophic Tissues

  • vaginal dryness

  • dyspareunia (pain during intercourse)

  • vaginitis

  • urinary incontinence and burning sensation on urination

  • postmenopausal bleeding

  • thinning of skin

  • breast changes (menopause may cause changes in shape of the breasts)


  • depression

  • lethargy

  • loss of concentration

  • irritability

  • insomnia

  • poor libido


Rapid bone loss occurs during the perimenopausal and postmenopausal years. Bone loss in itself is painless, but it can lead to osteoporosis with increased fracture risk.


Non-smoking pre-menopausal women rarely suffer for cardiovascular disease. However, within 10 years of menopause, they catch up with the heart attack incidence of their male counterparts.


The diagnosis of menopause is usually made in retrospect - once it has been 12 months since your last menstruation, you are deemed to be in menopause. Occasionally, your doctor may do some laboratory tests to check the levels of certain hormones. This would include Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Estradiol levels.

Other tests which may be done include:

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - because thyroid disease can mimic the symptoms of menopause.

Cardiovascular Risk assessment - cholesterol levels, checks for diabetes, echocardiogram etc.

Assessment of Osteoporotic risk - DEXA scan for those at increased risk of osteoporosis.


Menopause is not a disease that requires treatment. However, short term Hormone Replacement Therapy may be prescribed in women with severe symptoms. Treatment is also prescribed for the associated effects of menopause eg. Osteoporosis, increased cardiovascular risk, urinary incontinence etc.

Is HGH Right For You?

HGH has been getting lots of press in recent years, and much of it has been tied in with performance enhancement in professional athletics. While some in sport have used to substance to gain a competitive advantage, the truth is that there's much more to HGH than a faster time on the 40 or quicker healing from sports hernia surgery. HGH is actually a legal, medically sanctioned treatment administered at advanced medical clinics and used to help alleviate patients from a number of unpleasant conditions. But how do you know if this is the right treatment for what's ailing you?

To know if it is right for you, we must first understand what it is. As the name suggests, this is a hormone produced naturally in the body's pituitary gland. In our youth, this hormone helps control growth, and the body actively produces the hormone. However, a few years after reaching full grown adulthood, the body begins to naturally cut its production, even though the hormone still has some important jobs. Among other things, HGH aids with healing and with regulating body-fat and muscle distribution. When the body doesn't produce enough, it can create a deficiency, leading to a number of uncomfortable symptoms.

Many of the issues created by low levels of HGH can be easily mistaken for problems caused by the natural aging process. In actuality, similar to problems created by the hormonal fluctuations of menopause or andropause, these issues stem from a physical imbalance that can be easily treated. Once hormone levels are corrected, the symptoms caused by the deficiency are generally entirely eliminated, leaving patients revitalized.

So how do you know if you have a deficiency? It's as easy as following the trail of clues. A lack of this important hormone can manifest itself in both mental and physical ways. Patients suffering from low levels of human growth hormone may notice a lack of emotional stability that they never previously experienced. They may feel depressed, unmotivated, moody, anxious, or angry. Physically, they may feel fatigued, have sleeping problems, or notice an unexplained breakdown in physique. They may begin aging noticeably, have increased healing times, experience decreased mobility, and see a decline in sexual libido and performance.

The symptoms of low HGH are wide ranging and can take a big toll on your quality of life. That's why it's important to discover if you are suffering from the condition so that it may be treated quickly and effectively.

Don't let a hormone deficiency rob you of the spark in your life when advances in modern medicine has made solutions readily available. You can even take an online test for human growth hormone deficiency and find out if your symptoms could be helped with a comprehensive treatment program.

Do Bio-Identical Hormones Cause Toxicity and Side Effects?

Bio-identicals, or hormone replacement therapy (HRT), has become a popular way to combat hormonal problems in women. It is the replacement or replenishing of hormones to the body using synthetic hormones (produced in a lab) or sometimes natural hormones. Women that experience hot flashes, hair loss, low sex drive, uterine fibroids, wrinkly skin, depression or fatigue, allergy problems and other symptoms are often diagnosed with a hormone imbalance. Then medicines are prescribed that contain these "natural hormones" to help replenish the body's hormone deficiency. Unfortunately, new evidence reveals that both synthetic and natural bio-identical hormones can be toxic and may even pose a cancer threat. They may actually hinder the body's own hormone-producing capabilities.

Many consumers of HRT are simply not educated about bio-identicals and how the process of hormone replacement may affect their body. In more than 1000 saliva tests (used in traditional Chinese medicine), natural estrogen, progesterone and wild yam creams caused extreme toxicity in the subjects' hormone levels. Hormone replacement is based on the idea that as the body ages, it becomes unable to produce the appropriate number of hormones necessary for good health. Though the body does change the process of hormone production somewhat, hormone problems arise due to the body being unhealthy no matter a person's age.

Toxicity Discovered in a Number of Bio-Identicals

Natural hormone replacement medicines must be absolutely fresh to be truly bio-identical. This is difficult to achieve with manufactured products. It is also difficult to provide an exact match for hormones that are produced naturally by the body. The toxicity levels of testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone are well documented; however, these are often prescribed by doctors casually without a thought of toxicity.

Insulin is prescribed for many diabetic patients, but is toxic and always has some side effects. Physicians are well aware of the extreme care that must be used to avoid insulin shock, which can be fatal. Although it's up to the patient (not the doctor), many diabetics can correct their insulin problems through proper diet. There is, however, a need for insulin replacement in extreme cases until the person's body is able to produce its own insulin.

Another very toxic bio-identical hormone is estrogen. It is considered by many to be the primary carcinogen. Yet, natural and synthetic estrogen is administered to many menopausal women and others with hormone imbalances without restraint.

HRT and Breast Cancer

Another concern of HRT is the risk of breast cancer. In 2002, a study was documented that involved a randomized controlled trial with the Women's Health Initiative. The study found that users of HRT had a 26 percent higher risk of breast cancer than non-users. The increased risk may occur after only three years of using hormone replacement therapy.

What are other Solutions?

Women that suffer from a hormone imbalance should consider the risks carefully before using a bio-identical hormone replacement medicine. Though there are some instances where HRT may be necessary such as in the case of complete organ failure or life-threatening diabetes, many hormone problems can be solved using homeopathic means. First and foremost, a saliva test should be taken to pinpoint hormone problems. Before moving forward with any treatment or program, you'll need to know where your body is deficient when it comes to hormones.

Secondly, take control of diet and nutrition. Incorporate foods that are natural antioxidants. Avoid caffeine, which dehydrates the adrenal glands, as well as sugar. Opt for a diet that helps build the endocrine system. A doctor that specializes in homeopathy, such as Dr. Theresa Dale, can help you find a viable solution of diet and exercise to fit your lifestyle. Dr. Dale helps women realize their hormonal problems through saliva testing, and then offers a complete program to rejuvenate hormones, not replace them. She helps hormone imbalance sufferers through natural products such as EndoPure Hormone Rejuvenation, solutions to eliminate and cleanse the body of toxins and parasites, and even homeopathic products to relieve flu symptoms, such as All Flu.

Take care of your teeth and gums. Poor dental health can cause hormonal imbalances as well as accelerated aging. Minimize stress in your everyday life by participating in relaxing activities, enjoying your family, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep each night. Stress causes the body to overproduce its natural hormones, which can lead to endocrine organ failure. If you often suffer from depression, it may very well be because excessive stress in your life has caused a hormonal imbalance.

Use these tips to combat hormone problems as soon as they arise without bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Isn't your health worth the effort?

Andropause - Male Menopause And The Dangers Of Testosterone Therapy

Once a man reaches the age of 30, the testosterone production in his body will decrease by an average of 1 or 2 percent per year. This drop in hormone levels is very much different from the huge drop in hormones that is known as menopause or andropause that happens in women. This slow drop of testosterone levels in men is commonly known as male menopause or andropause. The rate of loss of testosterone can vary quite substantially depending on the man. Many men in their 70s have testosterone levels that are equal to those of an average man in his 30s.

Symptoms of Male Menopause/Andropause


oLess endurance for physical activity

oGain in weight

oBone deterioration

oLoss or thinning of hair

oSleep disturbance Psychological



oAnxiety and fear


oForgetfulness and difficulty concentrating sexual

oDecease in sex drive and enjoyment of sex

oIncreased anxiety and fear about losing sexual potency

oIncreased fantasies about having sex with a new and younger partner

oMore relationship problems and fights over sex, love and intimacy

If you go see a doctor, he's more than likely to suggest Testerone Replacement Therapy as
the cure. Instead of me going through the things that are involved in Testerone Replacement therapy let me just focus on some important information you should know that the Doctor may or may not tell in regards to Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Nasty side effect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

Probably the most dangerous effects of testosterone replacement therapy is the affect on prostate disease. Unknowingly, many men have small prostate cancer that would likely never produce symptoms. Testosterone can actually make prostate cancers grow, so one of the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy would be that it could cause unnoticed prostate cancer to become stronger. Testosterone also is known to worsen a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate called benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Testosterone replacement therapy should only be taken for men who have past blood tests showing that they have low testosterone levels as who have no prostate disease. No matter what the situation is, men taking testosterone need to be checked frequently for prostate cancer. These testings can detect cancer in its early stages, making the problem much more easy to deal with and curable.

For those who have an erectile dysfunction caused by an abnormal low testosterone levels than testosterone replacement therapy may be just the thing for you. Testosterone works by correcting a hormonal deficiency and doesn't directly deal with the hormone levels in the body. The forms in which Testosterone can be taken are: pills, patches, topical creams and/or injections. Some of the side effects include: liver dysfunctions, increased red blood cell counts, increase risk of stroke and the enlargement of the prostate.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Confusion About Testosterone Therapy and Prostate Cancer

One of the most commonly cited side effects for hormone replacement therapy as a cure to low testosterone in men is an increased risk of prostate cancer. However, much like with the Million Woman Study that linked HRT and breast cancer, the evidence corroborating this belief is dated and likely false. In fact, according to some modern research, low testosterone is actually a risk factor FOR types of male cancer.

The origins of the theory that testosterone replacement increased the risk of prostate cancer go back to research done at the University of Chicago in the 1940s by a group led by urologist Charles Huggins. Based on experiments performed first on dogs and then on humans, Huggins' group concluded that prostate cancer was androgen dependent - when testosterone levels were high, the cancer worsened, but when the levels were lowered, the cancer shrank. Huggins' theory led to surgical castration - removal of the testicles - becoming the standard treatment for prostate cancer because of the resultant drop in testosterone. Huggins was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1966 for these contributions to medical research.

Huggins' findings led scientists and doctors to believe for many years that testosterone levels and prostate cancer occurrence were linked, despite the fact that his experiments didn't test nor prove this and were limited to small numbers of test subjects. This caused medical professionals to be skeptical of hormone replacement therapy, fearing that it could lead to the development of prostate cancer. Many shied away from prescribing HRT, despite its benefits.

As time went on, more research was done, and studies showed that men with low testosterone seemed to develop prostate cancer at a higher than average rate, and that testosterone only caused progression of cancer of the prostate in men who had been castrated, and not in men who still produced testosterone naturally. The supposed link between testosterone and prostate cancer had to be reexamined.

Eventually, the medical community began to change its tune as it was presented with new evidence. A number of studies done in the 2000s, including ones published by the New England Journal of Medicine and the Mayo Clinic, showed no correlation between elevated testosterone levels and cancer of the prostate. Separate studies done by Abraham Morgentaler, a leading doctor in the field, showed that raising the levels of testosterone in men already diagnosed with prostate cancer caused no further progression of the disease, and that men in the lower range of testosterone levels are actually more at risk of developing prostate cancer than men with higher amounts. It's now become clear that the relationship between testosterone and cancer of the prostate was misunderstood for much of the 20th century, and that hormone replacement as a means of supplementing low testosterone levels in men won't cause the disease.

So if you're a man who suspects he may have low testosterone, and are considering hormone replacement therapy, you can rest easy. HRT won't give you prostate cancer; in fact, it might help prevent it.

Hormone Replacement Therapy: What Is It?

Every individual wishes to maintain a youthful appearance. There are several beauty enhancement products available in the market. However, cosmetic products do not provide permanent positive results. They can cause certain complications with the presence of harmful chemicals. As people get older, they lose their charm and youthful appearance. According to the medical survey, this occurs due to the decrease in the hormones in the human body. The natural production gets affected or stopped with aging. The imbalance starts to take place as soon as the individual crosses 20. These changes are experienced by both men and women. There are many reliable clinics in Ohio that offer hormone replacement treatment. It has benefited many individuals in this region.

Hormones are considered to be crucial for the smooth development of the body. They are termed as chemical messengers that flow in the blood systems to promote proper functioning of the mental and physical aspect of human being. There is no denying that with aging, the deficiency starts to occur and thus appropriate measures have to be taken. The reliable clinics have state of the art facilities to offer appropriate solutions to the patients. You can contact experienced and qualified physicians to get detailed information about the entire procedure. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is perfectly suited for both men and women. It has proven its worth as an effective medical solution to promote wellness, healthy aging and vitality among the human being.

Many women tend to experience the hormonal imbalance and it causes a greater degree of inconvenience. The pain can be really discomforting for a lady and it can make her anxious or irritating. This suffering is caused by conditions, such as PMS, stress, menopause, perimenopause and more. Experienced physicians will assure the patient receives apt treatment to get rid of the uneasiness in a short span of time. Many women in their perimenopause stage can suffer from the hormonal imbalance. This is may be due to improper diet or not getting the vital vitamins.

The most common symptoms are pain in breast, depression, insomnia, weight gain and more. The patient has to undergo several tests such blood, saliva and urine test in the clinic. After going through the reports, the physician will go ahead with bio-identical hormone therapy. With this treatment, the body will receive the necessary powerful estrogen and progesterone hormones. The insufficient production will lead to such symptoms. The physician uses the appropriate medications to artificially boost the hormone level in the body. This therapy has medically proven to be safe and effective.

This therapy has helped many men to come out strong from the problem of andropause. Over 35, there is a decline in the natural testosterone level and it can lead to lost libido, fatigue, weight gain, stress, low energy and more. This procedure can help to get rid of andropause and attain the right hormonal balance and metabolic activity. Consult an experienced physician for more information.

Understanding How HGH Helps Reverse Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of plaque in our arteries that begins early in adulthood and gradually gets worse over time. Atherosclerosis is even more of a concern if you have other risk factors such as diabetes, high-blood pressure, a family history of heart disease, obesity, or if you smoke. This progressive disease slowly and silently blocks, narrows, and hardens arteries, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and all forms of cardiovascular disease.

Clinical studies have shown that human growth hormone (HGH) treatment may be able to help reverse diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and other forms of aging. Since atherosclerosis is thought of as a metabolic disease, reversing metabolic problems and other forms of aging may help to reverse the effects of atherosclerosis.

Research suggests that HGH deficiency is associated with increased risks of cardiovascular disease and that elevating bodily levels of HGH in the bloodstream may help boost cardiac function and improve the quality of the arteries.

Our liver acts as the primary organ for disposing of cholesterol in the body, and researchers have looked at human growth hormone's potential for increasing the number of LDL (the bad cholesterol) receptors in liver cells which help remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. Since HGH aids in cleaning the arteries by improving liver function and removing harmful cholesterol, it also helps prevent atherosclerosis, reducing chances of a heart attack or stroke.

Human growth hormone is naturally produced in our bodies through the pituitary grand, and is then released into the bloodstream. When we are young, our pituitary gland functions at a higher level and produces plenty of this hormone. However, beginning sometime in our early 20s, the production of human growth hormone begins to steadily decline and by the age of 60, our body ends up producing very little HGH with subsequent pronounced and escalating signs of aging. Increased levels of HGH have been clinically proven in slowing the aging process and improve quality of life for people who are suffering from HGH deficiency.

Human growth hormone therapy is readily available with a prescription under the supervision of a physician. However, treatment can be quite painful and very expensive. For patients who undergo therapy, the process requires nearly 50 injections every month at a cost upwards of $2,000. For most people, this method is neither cost-effective nor convenient.

Many people have sought out natural alternatives to prescription human growth hormone that offer a safe, effective, and affordable option. A select few of these homeopathic formulas contain a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that help strengthen and empower the pituitary gland. The link could be made that strengthening and empowering the pituitary gland to function at more youthful levels would naturally produce greater levels of HGH in the body.

Additionally, some of these formulas contain ingredients that have been clinically proven to provide an amazing spectrum of benefits that mirror those often seen with traditional HGH treatment programs. This safe and effective natural alternative offers an affordable and convenient solution for those seeking these benefits.

Some Secrets on How to Get a Bigger Butt

As time passes by, the infatuation of having a bigger rounder booty has steadily climbed. Be it a symbol of femininity, the way it allows the beholder to look sexier and healthier or for ones own personal reasons, there are many reasons why people everywhere are growing to love the big, smooth and round bubble booty. However, not everyone has a big booty and there are lots of people, men and women, everywhere who want to learn how to get a bigger rounder butt. If you search online you'll find a ton of things on how to get a bigger butt, but none with useful or unique information. Let me help you learn a few of the basics you need to know about how to get a bigger butt.

First, there are two (2) things that make up the size of your buttocks; fatty tissue and muscle. Your booty muscles can only grow so big. Plus, you can only gain so much fatty tissue on your butt.

One thing many don't realize, especially when asking someone with a big butt how to get one as well, is that a lot of people are born with it (especially African Americans). This genetic trait is called steatopygia. Steatopygia is only inherited. You can not form the gene in your body yourself and you should be weary of those who attempt to give you advice who naturally have a big butt. Usually you'll have a big booty when you are born, but if your skinny, you may not realize that when you gain weight you might distribute fat primarily in your buttocks or breast regardless of puberty because it's simply the way you are programmed to distribute fat.

For those who do not have a big booty and want to learn how to get one, here are 3 things you can do to help make it bigger from an expert!

First, remember that one of the fastest ways to get a bigger butt is with muscle building exercise. Exercise, when done as weight training (using heavy weights in attempt to build bigger stronger muscles) can build the muscle under your buttocks causing your butt to grow larger and rounder over time.

One exercise which can help contribute to a bigger butt is the donkey kick. To perform a donkey kick:

  • You get on all fours (knees together).

  • Keeping the leg in the same position lift it back until your thigh becomes parallel to the floor while squeezing your buttocks.

  • For a more effective an harder workout try adding ankle weights.

  • Repeat 12-20 times.

  • Repeat on the other leg.

  • This equals one Rep.

  • Repeat for 2 more reps.

Strength training can help build the muscles in your buttocks. There are specific exercise that help you get a bigger butt, like the donkey kick which specifically isolates and targets mainly your buttock muscles!

Another important thing to consider is your hormone levels. Women naturally store fat in their hips, thighs, and butt. Failure to do so can point to a hormonal imbalance. You should contact your doctor if you think you may have a hormonal imbalance. There are many signs which can point to you having a hormonal imbalance; one is a "boyish" figure, and others include increase in body hair and fatigue.

A safer method to get your hormones back on track while adding small layers of fat to your butt over time is to use an herb called Maca Fem ( also referred to as Maca Root). Instead of adding imitation hormones that many people may persuade you to do, it helps your body create its own natural healthy amount of hormones which means it will be safer for you and your body. Adding imitation hormones into your body can lead to many health deficiencies and land you in hormonal therapy, have you taking medications, and give you liver, heart and other problems.

There are several other remedies, techniques, and approaches you can take to enhancing the size and shape of your buttocks naturally. These are to major beneficiaries which contribute to its growth and shape. You can expect to see results with these methods in 2-3 weeks. Different methods can help make results come on much faster. Find out what works for you, to learn how to get a bigger booty try a book called "Bootyology 101" a complete guide to natural buttock enhancement at

3 Amazingly Simple Ways to Avoid the Devastating Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause


If you're like most women experiencing Peri-Menopause, Menopause and/or Post-Menopause in our society, you probably don't know where to turn for help. With all the potential health risks associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and the controversy surrounding BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) it's no wonder we're at a loss and suffering needlessly. I understand first-hand the challenges faced by women entering peri-menopause all the way to post-menopause. I know the frustrations of watching your body change right before your very eyes. Gaining weight while still exercising and dieting, experiencing unrelenting hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, & apathy are just a few of the symptoms that can be experienced at this time of life.

After searching for answers for myself, I, like many, have discovered that you can stop and reverse the degenerative changes that most women think are natural or normal as we grow older.

Hormones are extremely powerful substances in very tiny amounts and because of this they are precisely and carefully monitored and controlled in your body. They are chemical messengers that are regulated by your nervous system and your nervous system is working overtime to assure that everything is going as planned to keep you at your optimal health. Hormones are so tiny they are measured in nano and pico-grams. If you are constantly stressing your body and nervous system by poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and modern-day stressors your hormones are going to react. That reaction will be an imbalance in the steroid hormone family tree and play havoc on your body. The most important thing for you to realize is that symptoms are your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Take heed! If you ignore these symptoms and put a band-aid on them (medication) you will temporarily feel better but you will pay the consequences with poor health including, but not limited to, weight gain, menopausal depression, anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, loss of sex drive, decreased energy, increased pain. I am listing only symptoms here, remember, symptoms are your body's way of communicating a larger problem. The more devastating effects are; high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, uterine and breast cancer, accelerated aging, auto-immune disease, and more.

Your hormone levels can be determined from a simple saliva test with a reputable laboratory. Once you know your levels you can begin to make the appropriate changes with whole food supplementation, stress reduction, dietary and lifestyle changes.

To clear up a bit of confusion about blood and saliva testing I will briefly explain the differences. For a more thorough explanation visit Diagnostechs website (see below). When hormones are tested in the blood they are testing the inactive form of the hormone, although good information it does not tell you what hormones are active and functioning in your body. These hormones are attached to proteins and not active until they are called upon. Testing the free hormones in the blood is a better alternative but very costly and most insurance companies will not pay for them. Saliva Testing will give you the free and active form of the hormones, telling you what is and isn't happening in your body and giving you a roadmap to what needs to be done to rebalance your hormone family, and you don't have to go to a lab.

The next 2 most important steps that you can take right now is to acknowledge and address the stressors in your life and diet. Both will put undue stress on your adrenal glands and over time change the function and balance of your hormones causing you to experience the dreaded symptoms of menopause and ultimately your declining health.


What does your diet consist of? What's for breakfast? Bagels, toast, donuts, pastry, egg McMuffin, OMG pop-ups, cereal, processed bread, non-organic eggs, coffee, tea? We are constantly being assaulted with this garbage in the grocery stores, commercials and fast food restaurants. They are fast, easy, taste good and relatively cheap, but at what expense? Do you even eat breakfast at all? What gets you through the day? What's for lunch, dinner, night-time snack? Do you drink soda, alcohol, fruit juices, eat sugars, sweets?

Why is it we are able to eat this way all of our lives until one day you just don't feel good anymore? Are young bodies better able to digest? Are they immune to these poisons? Is it just because you're getting older? The truth is the human body is not designed to ingest processed, non-nutrient food products. The body will rid itself of these toxins for as long as it can but there will come a time when it will fatigue and can no longer handle the stress and much of the time it is when our body building steroid hormones are on the decline. These anti-nutrient, so-called foods will repeatedly tax all the body's organs and systems, including the endocrine system throwing off the hormonal regulation needed for overall health and vitality, creating disease and ultimately, burn out.

So what's the answer? What are you going to eat? The answer is, keep it simple; whole foods, organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains (if you are not gluten sensitive), organic eggs, organic free range poultry, grass-fed beef, wild salmon and more. You can be very creative and there are many cookbooks for healthy living that are available to us today. Be careful, stay away from fad diets and stick to the basics. A good plan to follow is the Lower Carb Mediterranean Diet consisting mainly of protein and fat, with a small amount of complex carbohydrates.


  • Eat every 2 to 3 hours to maintain blood sugar levels

  • Do not eat carbohydrates alone, always add protein and healthy fat to your meals and snacks

  • Avoid stimulants - caffeine, sugar, alcohol etc.

  • Avoid dead, de-vitalized and junk foods

  • Avoid trans-fats and rancid fats

  • Eat real, whole, fresh fruits (organic is best)

  • Salt your food liberally with Celtic Sea Salt

  • Drink plenty of water, half of your body weight in fluid ounces is recommended

  • Eat foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids such as cold water (not farm-raised) fish, including salmon, tuna (not recommended due to its high level of mercury), trout, herring and mackerel. Eat walnuts, flaxseeds and green leafy vegetables. If you prefer, take an Omega 3 supplement such as Tuna Omega-3 Oil from Standard Process.

  • Use monounsaturated oils, especially extra virgin olive oil as your primary oil or fat source. Do not use canola oil (rapeseed oil) as it is highly processed to take away the offensive taste and smell. Other oils that are good for you, contrary to popular belief, are saturated fats such as coconut oil, lard and butter.

  • Eat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruits every day (fresh, frozen, not canned). More vegetables to fruit if you are trying to lose weight.

  • Eat natural sources of protein, (not man-made deli meats), and preferably organic meats (grass-fed, no hormones or antibiotics).

  • Eat only organic whole grains (noncommercial). No refined carbohydrates (white flour, white pasta, white rice, white sugar).

  • The best breads are found in the frozen section of the health food store. Look for organic sprouted grain breads.

  • Minimize oils that are high in Omega 6 fatty acids, including corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, and cottonseed oils.

  • Reduce or eliminate your intake of trans-fatty acids (all hydrogenated oils), which are prevalent in margarine, vegetable shortening, and almost all commercially prepared packaged foods.

  • Make complex carbohydrates, such as breads, pasta, and grains, your smallest food group.

The Mediterranean-Type Diet, also known as the Crete Diet and Omega Diet, was compared to the Standard American Heart Association Diet in the Lyon Diet Heart Study in 1994. "Compared to those on the AHA diet, patients on the Mediterranean Type Diet had an unprecedented 76% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or suffering heart failure, heart attack, or stroke! Remarkably, the new diet had proven more effective at saving lives than any other heart diet, drugs, lifestyle, program, or any combination of these elements." (see The Omega Diet: The Lifesaving Nutritional Program Bases on the Diet of the Island of Crete, by Simopoulos, Artemis, P., M.D., and Jo Robinson, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 199. p9)


Are you allowing the stressors of everyday life to ruin yours? Limit the stress in your life. Living in today's society brings many stressors into our daily lives. Add on an unexpected loss or trauma and our bodies must and will react. We are brilliantly designed to handle short-term stress then return to a state of ease. Prolonged and unrelenting stress, real or imagined, will create chaos within. Hormonal imbalance, blood sugar dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, diseases, depression all can be created from a prolonged stress response. Identify your stressors! What does stress mean to you and why? Ask yourself if you believe you have any control over it and if you do, what can be done to eliminate or reduce it? For the stressors that you have no control over ask yourself; what is the worst case scenario? Can you change the way you perceive this event or situation?

There are a multitude of stress reducing techniques that you have available to help you better understand and deal with stressful situations including and not limited to; yoga, tai chi, meditation, walking, exercise, gardening and square breathing, MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) Decide which works best for you and incorporate this into your daily routine. Surround yourself with positive, happy people. Remember, we may not be able to control the stress in our lives but we can control how we perceive it.

Don't let circumstances run your life or your health - You are the boss - Take control of you!

No matter how long you have been suffering with poor health, low energy and/or other symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause, it's not too late to restore your body's natural balance. The good news is: You can begin to incorporate the 3 Simple Steps to Optimal Health and avoid the devastating effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Visit for more information about saliva testing.

Breast Cancer Treatment: Conventional Treatment Methods

Your team of doctors will make treatment recommendations based on the stage of your cancer. Your standard treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone therapy. If you have been diagnosed with DCIS or LCIS, your stage is the lowest and the road you will travel will be easier. For DCIS, your options may include breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy with or without radiation and hormone therapy.

LCIS treatments options are a bit different. They include observation to determine changes, hormone therapy to prevent cancer from developing, or bilateral prophylactic (preventive) mastectomies.

Things get more complicated when your cancer spreads beyond the ducts or lobes/lobules. Once your cancer has been staged, you can visit to determine your treatment options. They will typically include: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and/or hormone therapy. For IBC, treatment options are similar to the other types of breast cancer, but they will always include chemotherapy because of its aggressiveness.

o Surgery: Breast surgery can be either a lumpectomy, where the tumor is removed, or a partial or modified radical mastectomy. With a lumpectomy, it is typically followed by radiation. This way, you get to keep your breast and studies have shown no difference in survival rates between lumpectomy/radiation and mastectomy.

Note: Not too long ago, they used to perform radical mastectomies where the breast, all the lymph nodes, and the underlying muscle were cut away. Thankfully, medicine has discovered that's not necessary. Now, a partial or modified radical mastectomy is performed, where either part of the breast tissue, or the entire breast, and possibly a portion of the lymph nodes, are removed. On the whole, a mastectomy isn't too bad a surgery, although everyone is different. I found both of mine to be quite easy, but you will wake up with drain tubes, which you'll typically have for at least a week.

o Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is defined by Wikipedia as "the use of chemical substances to treat disease. In its modern-day use, it refers primarily to cytotoxic drugs used to treat cancer." This can be a frightening prospect for anyone. We've all heard horror stories about how very debilitating chemotherapy can be. However, much progress has been made in the management of chemo's side effects, to the point that, once you have the right management tools, you can continue to enjoy the activities you typically do. Chemo is a means of treating your cancer systemically and is typically recommended for those whose tumor is larger than a certain size and/or the cancer has spread to your lymph nodes. The thinking is that if your cancer has had the opportunity to access the rest of your body, your treatment should be systemic as well.

o Radiation: Radiation therapy is typically a localized treatment option, where rapidly dividing cells are damaged. Cancer cells are very rapid dividers, so radiation is an effective option. Typically, radiation therapy is given for about six weeks, five days a week. It's very much like lying still for an x-ray, only instead of lasting a second or two, it lasts a couple of minutes. It can cause fatigue, toward the end and slightly after, and can cause a sunburn effect on your skin.

o Hormone Therapy: Many breast cancers are hormone-dependent. In these cancers, there are receptors on the tumor that can be filled with estrogen. The thinking is that when estrogen fills these receptors, it causes the tumor to grow. This is called estrogen-receptor positive (ER). These cancers respond well to hormone therapy and the hormone therapy drug that will be recommended for you will depend on your menopausal status. These drugs are in pill form and you take them once a day. The most popular of these drugs, for pre-menopausal women, is Tamoxifen and, for post-menopausal women Femara or Arimidex. There is new evidence that suggests that taking Femara, after taking Tamoxifen for five years, increases survival rates.

o Immunotherapy: There is a fourth modality of treatment on the horizon and it's called Immunotherapy. This involves getting your immune system to fight your cancer and there is, and will be, a lot of research being done in this area.

How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Benefits Patients

Both men and women find that, as they get older, they see a decline in certain areas of their lives - lower libido, decreased eyesight, decreased metabolism, bone density, and an increase of other things - such as weight gain.

Getting older certainly takes a toll on the human body, and, for a long time, there seemed to be nothing anyone could do about it. As menopause and andropause (male menopause) approach, many people believe it is just something they have to accept, and deal with the decline.

Fortunately, menopause and andropause don't have to mean the end of enjoying life. This is especially true for people who have discovered Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). BHRT uses bioidentical hormones to replace what your body is losing as you age. In fact, many people can benefit from bioidentical hormones and BHRT.

You can benefit from BHRT if you have any of the following issues:

  • Stubborn belly fat - the "spare tire" many people get as middle age approaches (and only gets worse as they get older)

  • Difficulty losing weight - when exercise and diet are making the scale creep, or worse, stand still, it may be time to consider BHRT

  • Joint pain - stiffness and aching joints are commonplace complaints among aging people

  • Difficulty sleeping - the reduction of hormones produced by the body can cause insomnia, either trouble falling asleep, or premature waking

  • Difficulty focusing and short-term memory problems (not associated with Alzheimer's or similar disease)

  • Low stamina or energy

  • Low libido

  • Thinning hair (in both men and women)

  • Increased cellulite - those pockets of fat that just sit and make "dimples" all along the thighs, buttocks, lower back, and stomach

  • Other issues associated with aging

One of the biggest uses for BHRT is for weight loss therapy. By using bioidentical hormones, your body assimilates them more easily, as they would if you had produced them yourself, and your body will begin to react accordingly, helping to fight the aging process.

If you're feeling tired, with achy joints, difficulty losing weight, increasing belly fat, or increasing cellulite on your buttocks or thighs, you may benefit from BHRT. Of course, this doesn't mean running out and buying supplements that say they have bioidentical hormones in them.

BHRT should be done under the supervision of a healthcare professional. During your treatment, you will need to be measured and monitored to make sure you're getting the right amount of bioidentical hormones, and that your body is responding appropriately.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hormone Therapy As Acne Treatment

Hormone therapy is used to reverse production of excessive male hormones in women. This is important for controlling and treating acne because excessive male hormones (androgen particularly) often leads to enlargement of oil-producing glands. In turn, such enlargements produce more sebum, which leads to acne breakouts.

There are many forms of hormone therapy. The most common are birth control pills or oral contraceptives. In general, such pills could help in mopping up free androgen that may circulate in the bloodstream. For acne control, oral contraceptives block or inhibit male hormones that give way to a situation that is perfect for acne formation.

For many years now, a rising number of doctors have been using birth control pills as hormone therapy and as an off-label acne treatment. No less, the US Food and Drug Administration have approved the use of several birth control pills as possible acne medications. Such pills are often prescribed following failure of other common options to treat and control the skin problem.

What Makes Birth Control Pills Effective?

Birth control pills are comprised of estrogen and progestin which alter the natural reproductive cycle and hormonal patterns in women. Most of such pills have etradiol, which is an estrogen booster. The main goal of the substance is to lower testosterone levels in the body and improve hormone-caused acne breakouts. After production of the male hormone is suppressed, oil production in the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced.

There's no doubt that oral contraceptives are helpful in eliminating acne problems, especially in women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome. Some oral contraceptives have progesterone that limit or regulate androgen hormones in the body to lower acne breakout activity. In this regard, excessive hair growth is also controlled.

However, it still is a must to get a prescription before taking birth control pills and other methods of hormone therapy to treat acne. The doctor could prescribe a particular brand that would surely work as cure for acne problems. Beware because not all oral contraceptives bring about acne treatment. Some could actually make the problem worse.

Usage and Directions

Birth control pills are usually taken daily at about the same time of day on a 28 day cycle. Some contraceptive packs have 28 pills. Only 21 of those are actually 'active.' The other seven are just 'placebo' or reminder pills. Other contraceptive packs have just 21 pills and no pills are taken for the remaining 7 days. You should be very familiar and knowledgeable about the sequence of taking the pills if you do not want to incur unlikely consequences.

You should also be reminded that birth control pills and other hormone therapy taken as a cure for acne will not bring about noticeable effects overnight. The ideal effect in acne control is usually noticeable approximately three months following initial intake. In some cases, it may take longer. It is also common for acne breakouts to get worse before any improvement is noticed. Thus, you should be properly advised before deciding to use it as acne treatment.

Possible Side Effects

Although the use of oral contraceptives may be effective for acne treatment, they could also bring about several side effects. Some side effects include headaches, episodes of depression, rise in blood pressure, breast tenderness, mood swings, menstrual spotting, and nausea. Plus, intake of birth control pills could also lead to weight gain.

Birth control pills could be perfect as acne treatment for the long term, especially for women who also need to prevent unwanted pregnancy at the same time. Such pills are ideal if a woman normally experiences acne breakouts during menstruation and ovulation.

Being Familiar With Hormonal Imbalance

Many individuals experience hormonal imbalance without realising it. It is important to visit a doctor and go through a blood or saliva hormone test to see whether you've got this problem. It helps your doctor build a more potent and targeted treatment.

It's easy to blame unpredictable conduct on attitude problems. You can point to genes, stress, and also other factors for those who have health and body-related issues. Something you may well not realise is the trouble may lie deeper than the surface. Your hormone levels could be far from normal.

Understanding Imbalance

Hormones come from endocrine glands scattered throughout your whole body. Men and women have the same set of glands, excluding sexual endocrine glands. Women's ovaries produce oestrogen, while men's testes produce testosterone. There is a wide array of these chemicals that control different functions and procedures. It only needs a little bit of hormones in making significant changes to your body.

Hormonal imbalance happens when your endocrine glands begin to make an excessive amount of or inadequate hormones. This brings about approximately six thousand endocrine disorders. There are occasions in your lifetime when you will experience imbalance naturally, like puberty, post-childbirth, and during menopause or andropause.

What causes hormone imbalance?

Various factors cause hormonal imbalance. Majority of the existing cases are because of increased oestrogen levels. Genetics, obesity, and tumours are among the natural reasons your endocrine glands come to malfunction. Obesity is the leading medical reason behind imbalance. The milestones in your lifetime mentioned earlier also cause endocrine disorders.

External factors may also cause this problem. Scarcity of physical activity, living an inactive lifestyle, using oral contraceptives, stress, non-organic animal products and even overuse of cosmetics may boost your odds of developing this problem.

What symptoms must you look for?

Detecting hormonal imbalance is tough, especially since many of its symptoms coincide with many other physical and psychological disorders. Fatigue, moodiness, low memory retention, and diminished sexual libido are just some of the psychological effects. Unhealthy weight and skin problems like acne will also be common indications of hormonal imbalance that doctors could misdiagnose.

More serious cases can have worse symptoms. You may develop chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, and panic attacks to name a few. Menopause-induced imbalance might lead to bladder infections, increased dryness in different lubricated parts of the body, hot flushes and abnormal heartbeat.

The ultimate way to know you've got this disorder will be conducting a hormone test. A blood hormone test measures your hormone levels within the blood. A saliva hormone test, on the other hand, measures these levels from the inside of your cells. This makes a saliva hormone test more exact, although both tests show abnormalities effectively.

How will you treat hormone imbalance?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the most commonly-known solution for this problem. It requires taking either stimulants for the endocrine glands or low doses of the lacking hormones. Its goal is to return your whole body to a balanced state. HRT is very effective, but you ought to follow your physician's instructions strictly. A number of these chemicals could be dangerous in large doses. Keep in mind that you merely need a bit to help with making necessary changes to your system.

You could also select non-chemical treatments, like natural supplements. Exercise and diet can be effective for obese folks and those going through menopause or andropause. Consult a doctor before you begin any therapy or exercise program to ensure success.

How to Control PMS With Alternative Medicines and Hormone Therapy

In this article today I would like to discuss several different options for treating and controlling premenstrual syndrome or PMS as we often call it using alternative medicine methods as well as certain hormone therapies that you may or may not have heard about in the past.

It's no surprise that premenstrual syndrome is universally hated and has been since the world began. Women hate it, men hate it, everyone hates it but we have not been able to find a cure for it for several reasons. The main reason is that scientist just aren't able to understand why the hormone changes in women that occur during the menstrual cycle trigger PMS symptoms and are therefore unable to stop it.

Though we cannot cure it there are ways to help control it and ease the pain and aggravation of it and that's what I'm going to talk about right now.

The first thing to look at are alternative medicine treatments because certain studies have shown that these can be effective at helping to control the symptoms of PMS to a large degree, which is great. The first method is the use of evening Primrose oil which is sold over the counters in almost any health food store or pharmacy. Basically this oil contains essential fatty acids that relieve breast tenderness that many women have during PMS.

The next alternative medicine treatment is St. John's wort which is an herb that can be helpful at relieving some depression symptoms that seem to be PMS related. One word of caution here, you should not take St. John's wort if you are already taking any type of prescription antidepressant. Consult your doctor before hand.

Next there are certain PMS teas that are available to drink and seem to help some women. While not scientifically proven in any way shape or form, many women will actually swear by them. They are supposed to boost certain levels of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter linked to depression. Dabble lightly in this area and in fact you may want to consult your doctor before trying any of these drinks.

Finally I want to say a word or two about certain hormone therapies that are available. Generally speaking, hormone therapies are the last thing you're going to try if diet supplements and exercise don't work. You're absolutely going to have to consult your doctor about this. Basically this involves taking natural progesterone during the second half of your menstrual cycle.

This is only available through prescriptions and it comes in many different forms. If you begin taking it and notice certain side effects such as dizziness then definitely talk to your doctor about reducing the dosage or trying something different.

So there you have several different methods to help control PMS using alternative medicines and hormone therapy. If neither of these two things work then try reducing sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet and increasing your exercise levels as these have also been known to help reduce PMS.

How to Get Lawsuit Loans on Hormone Replacement Therapy Cases

Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs were often prescribed for patients as they aged and began going through menopause. The drug is a progestin that combines estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate, which can cause serious and debilitating side effects. Studies show that the combination often increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

When ovaries stop making estrogen, menopause begins for women between 45-55 years old, and signals the end of the menstral cycle, often referred to the "change of life".

More than 3 million women in the US took HR drugs daily to replace the hormones lost during menopause. Each woman is affected differently by menopause. Some breeze right through it with little or no problems, and others experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal atrophy, vaginal itch, irregular menstruation, and other problems.

For these situations, Hormone Replacement Therapy was prescribed to reduce these symptoms, and the possibility of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Hormone Replacement Therapy was approved by the (Federal Drug Administration) for use in 1995. It has been found however, that there are dangerous side effects with long term use, such as breast cancer, and ovarian cancer, and many lawsuits have been filed across the US because of side effects.

The manufacturer is responsible for the predominance of the side-effects of it and the injuries being pursued in HR litigation. Menopausal and postmenopausal women were erroneously and repeatedly over prescribed by their doctors indicating that HRT should be taken indefinitely. Inappropriate labeling failed to fully describe the side-effects and long-term dosage has created many serious and life threatening health risks for women. It is the responsibility of drug manufacturers to protect women from harmful injury and to warn users of the side effects of HR drugs.

Because of this failure by manufacturers, many lawsuits have been filed against the manufactures, and are currently in litigation. HRT litigation began after an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, (AMA), stated that side effects of HRT increased the risk of possible dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years or older.

Lawsuit loans (advances) may be available for litigants awaiting the outcome of these cases. Investors will often advance cash on the potential recovery in a HR litigation case. If you know of a person that was injured by taking HR, their case may qualify to get a "non recourse" advance on their lawsuit while their case goes through the court system. "Non recourse" means that the loan (advance) is paid back to the investor, along with interest and fees, only, when there is a successful recovery in the case. If the case doesn't settle successfully or the recovery isn't sufficient enough to cover the advance, the advance is never repaid. Lawsuit Funding investors advance cash on many types of pending lawsuits, such as Personal Injury, Medical Device and Drug Related Cases, Malpractice, Jones Act (seamans claims), Railroad (FELA) Workers Comp (in some states), Workers Comp Third Party, Auto Accidents, Slip/Trip/Falls. Premises Liability, & Product Liability. Other cases that we often do are Commercial Litigation, Breach of Contract, Wrongful Death, Wrongful Imprisonment, Wrongful Termination, Insurance Bad Faith, Expert Witness Funding, Attorney/Law firm Funding, & Settled Case Funding, and others. Types of cases that qualify vary with each company, so be sure to check if a particular company does your type of funding. Rates and fees also vary from company to company.

Menopause Symptoms, Causes and Various Treatment Methods

Menopause usually occurs in women during their midlife around the early 50s. It is the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life and a transition from a reproductive life to a non reproductive one. This transition happens slowly over a period of time and is a natural process of aging in women. It is not a medical illness, but a natural process which marks the end of the menstruation cycle in a woman.

Menopause occurs over a period of time and is not a sudden occurrence. It takes place in 2 stages called Perimenopause and Postmenopause. In perimenopause, the symptoms start even while the woman menstruates. The imbalances caused in the hormonal levels results in the occurrence of the symptoms. It is unlikely to get pregnant during this time, but is possible. This stage may last for a couple of years or longer. Postmenopause occurs after the woman has reached 12 months since her last period. The ovaries stop releasing the eggs and the woman cannot get pregnant anymore. This is menopause and the years after this stage are known as postmenopause.

Symptoms - There are many symptoms of this stage in women. Some of the symptoms are: irregular periods, hot flashes, mood variations and swings, vaginal dryness, decreased fertility, thinning of hair, loss of breast fullness and increased abdominal fat. These symptoms start appearing over a period of time till you actually hit menopause.

Causes - The causes are as below:

1. Hormonal levels: The main and primary cause of menopause is the natural process of decline of the reproductive hormones. The levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones which are responsible to prepare the body for pregnancy decrease. These levels start declining in the 30s and the periods may become irregular in the 40s.

2. Hysterectomy: An operation that removes the uterus and the ovaries which is known as total hysterectomy causes menopause. In this condition, menopause occurs immediately with the symptoms.

3. Radiation: Radiation therapies can also cause menopause.

4. Ovarian insufficiency: In some women, the ovaries may fail to produce the hormones required for reproduction.

Treatment - Menopause does not need to be treated as it is not an illness or disease but a natural process. But the symptoms associated with menopause can be lessened with some treatments. Some of the treatments are as follows:

1. Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy such as estrogen therapy is one of the effective treatments for reducing the symptoms of menopause.

2. Neurontin: This has proved effective in reducing hot flashes.

3. Anti depressants: Some anti depressants are effective in reducing the symptoms like menopausal hot flashes.

4. Bisphosphonates: These medications may help in this condition.

5. Vaginal estrogen: Many vaginal creams, ointments and pills are available to cure the vaginal dryness caused.

6. Lubricants: Many lubricants are available to help reduce vaginal dryness.

7. Exercise: Exercising regularly may help in this condition.

8. Relaxation: Try to get adequate rest and sleep. Deep breathing and yoga may help you relax and de-stress.

9. Pelvic Exercises: Kegels exercise is a good way to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

10. Diet: It is important to eat a healthy and nutritious diet and avoid spicy and hot food which may trigger hot flashes. Also increase the intake of vitamin E in your diet.

11. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking.

Try these above treatments and simple changes in your lifestyle to ease the symptoms of menopause.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

T3 Therapy in Hypothyroidism - Risks and Advantages

The newest discovery in the treatment of hypothyroidism, the under active thyroid gland, seems to be seen as a miracle therapy. The use of the combination between the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 is believed to be the most promising way of therapy ever found for cases of hypothyroidism condition. But treated patients don't always know the risks they confront during therapy as they are in most cases poorly informed by their curing physician.

In the introduction of the new treatment's study a few basic information about the thyroid are required. The thyroid gland secretes and releases into the bloodstream two different hormones; T3 called triiodothyronine contains a chain of three Iodine atoms and is the 90% amount of the secretion, it is the active thyroid hormone. The second secreted substance is T4 called thyroxin with four Iodine atoms; it can activate and turn into T3 by a chemical reaction of reduction of an Iodine atom. T3 is eight times more powerful than the other hormone but in crisis situations when the body urgently needs more triiodothyronine T4 will rapidly turn into T3.

During the hormone replacement treatment many patients have complained of a strange unwell sensation; the pills simply seemed to harm them in some way even though the thyroid hormones level in the blood was perfectly normal. In normal circumstances, the standard method of replacing the thyroid secretion was the administration of a pill containing thyroxin only. When a doses of T3 hormone was added to the regular medication patients showed immediate improvements in the general estate.

The new combination of both triiodothyronine and thyroxine seemed to release hypothyroidism symptoms like depression, fatigue and brain fog. A new clinical study was made upon the T3-T4 medication to see its long-term effects. A number of 33 hypothyroid patients with severe underactivity of the thyroid gland were firstly treated with a high concentrated dose of thyroxine and then with a combination of a lower amount of T4 and also T3. The conclusions were a certain success in the combined medication with great improvement in the quality of life.

This study has also proven why the alternative medicine treatments have shown so many benefic result while administering the hypothyroid patients the Armour thyroid, a natural thyroid extract contained in drugs like Westhroid and Naturethroid. Both the products as well as the synthetic drug Thyrolar contain a moderate combination of both basic thyroid hormones. The standard medication with concentrated T4 can now be easily completed by administering the additional pill Cytomel containing pure T3 extract.

The new medication has highly improved the life and the symptomathology of severe hypothyroidism patients. Some however still complain of persisting symptoms like depression, muscle aches or lethargy, signs that we cannot replace nature as hard as we try to.

Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency and Human Growth Hormone Therapy

It's a medical fact that as people reach the age of 35 and older hormone levels that once operated at a peak, no longer do so. There is a gradual decline in certain hormones and this has been linked to a lack of energy, slower recovery from illness, and a general lethargic feeling that is not resolved through additional sleep. There is growing research that HGH therapy can reverse these and other signs of aging.

There is a condition known as Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) that is believed to be responsible for the symptoms of aging. A growing form of treatment for this is the use of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Physicians are learning of the benefits of HGH therapy and the application of this treatment is now in the arsenal of age fighting. People over the age of 35 who meet certain criteria are in the group that could benefit from this, although it is not the right course for everyone.

Research is always being carried out in the field of aging. One discovery from this research has been that Somatotropin, a hormone containing 191 amino acids, produced by the pituitary gland, has proven to affect the aging process in middle-aged men. By stimulating cell production, the form and function of the body can revert to previous fully functioning levels.

A previously held medical opinion was that hormone levels decrease as we get older. It is now being revealed through research that this theory is no longer in the mainstream. It appears we age because hormone levels drop. It is often inherent in medical treatments that there are side effects. This is also the case with HGH therapy. While the benefits can be exceptional, the risks involved make this a treatment that should be under a physician's supervision and not undertaken solely for cosmetic considerations.

Age-related memory problems and Alzheimer's are plausible beneficiaries of HGH therapy. Stress, depression, illness, accidents, and other anxiety problems are all linked to memory difficulties. Psychological problems including depression or even just feeling "low" could all be due to a lower of hormone levels. Physical considerations in aging such as gaining weight or having trouble taking weight off can be related to lower levels of HGH.

The first step in investigating this therapy is beginning the journey with your physician. This hormone sends instructions to your endocrine glands which then disperses it throughout the body to work in the manner it should. It's often astonishing to learn how "not themselves" a person can feel when the level of HGH is low. A person can be healthy otherwise and yet therapy enables someone to again be their normal selves. Exercise again becomes enjoyable and beneficial.

As of this time there is no one sign or symptom that can be used to identify the medical condition known as Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency in adults over 35. It is a combination of several different symptoms, with some of the most prevalent that being decreased energy, decreased muscle strength, depression, sleep difficulties, lack of interest in sex, increased weight, problems with nerves and anxiety, as well as several other factors. It's comforting to know that there is a cause for these signs of low hormone levels and that research is leading to treatment.