Thursday, June 20, 2013

Doctors Learn About Environmental Endocrinology and Hormone Therapy

The relatively new term environmental endocrinology addresses the effect of daily stressors such as light, food and crowding on multiple endocrine systems and how they control the rate of aging and quality of someone's life.

Medical practitioners have started to learn and participate in an intensive introduction to the newest emerging specialty of environmental endocrinology, and that includes hormone therapy.

One team of experts teaches it at the GCC Planetarium in Glendale California. Doctors spend two days becoming familiar with environmental endocrinology and biomimetic hormone restoration therapy of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, HGH, melatonin, cortisol and thyroid.

The main aspects of diabetology and reproductive endocrinology are converging to become what we call menopause medicine. Once medical practitioners attend the course, they come away with a working knowledge of hormones and environmental endocrinology.

Medical practitioners who take this course are in part of an elite group of forward-thinking researchers who trying to put science back into medicine.

One of the issues they talk about is sleep. Sleeping controls eating, how you eat, what you eat. Sleeping and eating control aging which we call menopause. The number of trips around the sun that a person takes depends on the food supply and whether or not it was three, four months of high insulin and long life which is summer or it was 12 months and in which case you will age four times as fast because you only get one summer every trip around the sun.

Once you understand all that and you realize that just simple entropy winds you down as your hormones run out, so you don't have the raw materials. But, you don't have the effectors to deal with the raw materials, the food and the like.

You have to put the big pieces together first and if you do that, most people get significantly better and quality of life goes through the roof.

The one symptom in menopause that women discuss the most would be hot flashes. sleep issues are next, and mind fog, aches, pains and feeling discombobulated. Many women feel as if they are having a tough time relating, and they are over reactionary or a little irritable.

After most women begin taking bio-identical hormones they feel reconnected and like they have balance again. Physically and emotionally they say their sex lives improve tremendously, and that life seem to be smoother and happier. Many say that when they You take hormones, they feel good, or well. In most cases they feel fabulous.

Doctors are learning more about endocrinology every day, and women have to do their own research and then go by how they feel.

As one doctor said who attended the most recent endocrinology seminar said, "I have been prescribing identical hormones for nearly nine years... and I was able to feed a part of my intellectual quest to understand the hormones: why the human body behaves so much differently when it is in harmony."

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