Thursday, August 1, 2013

Facts About Current Treatments of Depression

Medication has been around for centuries so it is not necessarily among the most current treatments of Depression. The current trend in medication is new classes of antidepressants. They have less toxicity and side effects than previous types. There are newer classes of medication and new ones are being discovered all the time.

The current trend in treating Depression is to prescribe a booster drug along with the primary antidepressant. The booster drugs are designed to enhance the effectiveness of the antidepressant. For example Cytonel, a thyroid stimulant is prescribed with an antidepressant. This approach works well about 50% of the time.

Hormone therapy is another of the current treatments of Depression. It is believed that many women become depressed because they have imbalance of progesterone or estrogen. Progesterone is about 7 times stronger than some Barbiturates and has a calming, sleepy effect.

Estrogen provides more energy and is said to be better than Prozac. The prescription of either Progesterone or Estrogen will depend on where the imbalance of the two hormones lies.

If you are agitated, you may be given more progesterone. If you are lethargic, you will likely get more Estrogen.

Vagal (Vagus) Nerve Stimulation - VNS is a procedure that is used to treat Epilepsy. In this procedure a tiny pacemaker type device is placed in the chest and directed to a nerve that runs from the neck to the brain and thought to manage depression. A pulse is delivered along the Vagal nerve at regular intervals to stimulate the brain and provide relief.

Magnetic Healing techniques also are used to stimulate the brains nerve cells. TMS or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is performed by a doctor. A magnetic coil that is charged with electricity is passed over the scalp. The magnetic electric pulse passes through the skull and stimulates the brain as was previously mentioned. This is a rather new and still experimental procedure. It has enormous potential for become very precise in the future. It is possible according to some researchers that the TMS will replace the ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy or shock treatments.

There is a trend now to turn to herbal treatments - typically in the form of supplements. Specific herbs such as Chamomile, Hops, and Milk Thistle among others are blended in a specific formula to address depression. In order to be sure the herbal supplements you are purchasing is of the highest quality possible, it should be made to pharmaceutical grade.
The metabolic pathways of the ingredients are examined at the molecular level and the interaction of the ingredients is also tested.

Be sure if you are considering using herbal supplements that you consult with your doctor especially if you are being treated for other health conditions with prescription medications. The herbal supplement could reduce how effective the prescription medication would be.

There is a variety of current treatments of depression. You and your doctor can decide together what protocol of treatment would best suit your particular needs. Depression is nothing you or anyone should be ashamed of; neither should you be ashamed of getting the help you need in the form of therapy, medication, or our route of choice - Natural supplementation with regular exercise and partaking in positive activates.

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