Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to Control PMS With Alternative Medicines and Hormone Therapy

In this article today I would like to discuss several different options for treating and controlling premenstrual syndrome or PMS as we often call it using alternative medicine methods as well as certain hormone therapies that you may or may not have heard about in the past.

It's no surprise that premenstrual syndrome is universally hated and has been since the world began. Women hate it, men hate it, everyone hates it but we have not been able to find a cure for it for several reasons. The main reason is that scientist just aren't able to understand why the hormone changes in women that occur during the menstrual cycle trigger PMS symptoms and are therefore unable to stop it.

Though we cannot cure it there are ways to help control it and ease the pain and aggravation of it and that's what I'm going to talk about right now.

The first thing to look at are alternative medicine treatments because certain studies have shown that these can be effective at helping to control the symptoms of PMS to a large degree, which is great. The first method is the use of evening Primrose oil which is sold over the counters in almost any health food store or pharmacy. Basically this oil contains essential fatty acids that relieve breast tenderness that many women have during PMS.

The next alternative medicine treatment is St. John's wort which is an herb that can be helpful at relieving some depression symptoms that seem to be PMS related. One word of caution here, you should not take St. John's wort if you are already taking any type of prescription antidepressant. Consult your doctor before hand.

Next there are certain PMS teas that are available to drink and seem to help some women. While not scientifically proven in any way shape or form, many women will actually swear by them. They are supposed to boost certain levels of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter linked to depression. Dabble lightly in this area and in fact you may want to consult your doctor before trying any of these drinks.

Finally I want to say a word or two about certain hormone therapies that are available. Generally speaking, hormone therapies are the last thing you're going to try if diet supplements and exercise don't work. You're absolutely going to have to consult your doctor about this. Basically this involves taking natural progesterone during the second half of your menstrual cycle.

This is only available through prescriptions and it comes in many different forms. If you begin taking it and notice certain side effects such as dizziness then definitely talk to your doctor about reducing the dosage or trying something different.

So there you have several different methods to help control PMS using alternative medicines and hormone therapy. If neither of these two things work then try reducing sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet and increasing your exercise levels as these have also been known to help reduce PMS.

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