Friday, May 24, 2013

A Breakdown Of Different Hypothyroid Treatment Options

Synthetic thyroid hormone is the hypothyroid treatment option which most endocrinologists and other types of medical doctors choose to treat hypothyroidism with. However, there are basically three hypothyroid treatment options that people with this condition have. The goal of this article is to list these three different options, and to provide reasons why you might want to choose each treatment method, as well as reasons why you might not want to choose each of them.

Hypothyroid Treatment Method #1: Synthetic Thyroid Hormone (Levothyroxine). Once again, this type of thyroid medication is by far the most common treatment option recommended to the patients of most medical doctors. Synthroid is an example of a brand type of this prescription drug, and is one of the more commonly prescribed types of synthetic thyroid hormone. There are numerous other brands as well.

Why You SHOULD Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: One reason why you might want to choose to take synthetic thyroid hormone is because in many cases it will do a good job of managing the symptoms. In fact, many people take this daily for the rest of their life with minimal thyroid symptoms.

Why You SHOULD NOT Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: There are a couple of reasons why you might not want to take synthetic thyroid hormone. First of all, it doesn't always do a good job of managing one's symptoms. So if you are currently taking synthetic thyroid hormone and are still symptomatic, you might want to consider Hypothyroid Treatment Option #2 or #3. Another reason why you might not want to choose this option is because it does absolutely nothing for the actual cause of the disorder. In most cases of hypothyroidism, the malfunctioning thyroid gland isn't the actual cause of the condition. So while taking synthetic thyroid hormone might do a good job of managing the symptoms in some people, it doesn't get to the underlying cause of the problem.

Hypothyroid Treatment Method #2: Natural Thyroid Hormone. Some people choose to take natural thyroid hormone instead of the synthetic type. Some examples include Armour and Westhroid. Natural thyroid hormone is frequently recommended by many holistic doctors.

Why You SHOULD Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: One reason why you might want to choose natural thyroid hormone is if synthetic thyroid hormone doesn't work well in managing your symptoms. Some people who don't do well when taking will do much better when taking natural thyroid hormone. Another reason why you might want to take natural thyroid hormone is because it is "natural", and many people do prefer to take natural "products" over synthetic ones. Of course it is still not the same as the thyroid hormone you would produce on your own if your thyroid gland was working fine, but it still isn't considered to be a "synthetic" hormone.

Why You SHOULD NOT Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: The main reason you might decide not to take natural thyroid hormone is because just like synthetic thyroid hormone, natural thyroid hormone doesn't do anything for the actual cause of the thyroid condition. Even though some people do respond better when taking this, it still won't restore the health of someone with hypothyroidism. This is why you might want to consider Hypothyroid Treatment Method #3, which I'm about to discuss.

Hypothyroid Treatment Method #3: Natural Treatment Methods. If you are looking to restore your health back to normal, then you'll want to consider natural hypothyroid treatment methods. In fact, more and more people with hypothyroidism, as well as other types of thyroid conditions, are choosing natural treatment methods to restore their health back to normal.

Why You SHOULD Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: Unlike the previous two treatment options, the goal of a natural thyroid treatment protocol is to restore the person's health back to normal, assuming this is possible. Although some people are skeptical as to how effective these treatment methods are, when used under the guidance of a competent healthcare professional, natural hypothyroid treatment methods can be very effective. Even in cases when it can't completely restore the person's health back to normal, many people still receive some great benefits.

The good news is that many people with hypothyroidism, including people with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, can have their health restored back to normal when following a natural thyroid treatment protocol. For those people who are willing to consult with an expert and then do what is necessary to restore their health back to normal, there is an excellent chance they will receive great results.

Why You SHOULD NOT Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: The one good reason why you might not want to choose natural hypothyroid treatment methods is because it involves taking responsibility for your health. While taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone is a passive process and just involves taking pills each day, it does take a good deal of commitment on the part of person to follow a natural treatment protocol. Some people think this just involves taking nutritional supplements or herbs, which is not the case. Although taking supplements and/or herbs can help, doing this alone will usually do nothing more than just manage the symptoms, and frequently won't even accomplish this.

Which Hypothyroid Treatment Method Should You Choose?

Most people with hypothyroidism who are reading this will already be taking synthetic thyroid hormone. If this is working fine for you, then you might choose to continue taking this. On the other hand, if this is not managing your symptoms well, or if you want more than just to manage your symptoms and are interested in restoring your health back to normal, then you will want to choose a different treatment option. Being a holistic doctor I'm of course biased towards natural treatment methods, although I realize that some people are perfectly happy with lifetime symptom management.

So the goal here wasn't necessarily to convince anyone to change their current treatment method, but instead to just make them aware of the different options they have. After all, most endocrinologists and medical doctors simply present synthetic thyroid hormone as the only option patients have, but as you now know, there are other options to choose from. And even though some will claim that there is no cure for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, many people have proved this to be wrong with the results they have received after following a natural hypothyroid treatment protocol.

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