Thursday, May 30, 2013

Growth and Sex Hormones

To put it simply, the hormones in your body are your body's messengers to each other. The organs and glands in the endocrine system are the ones that are responsible for creating them. There are many processes that are affected by the flow of hormones, and the creation of these hormones is important in the proper growth and development of a human from birth. There are two main kinds of hormones, which are peptides and steroids. They affect many process of the body, including two general processes which are growth and sexual health.

Growth hormones

Growth hormones are hormones of the peptide variety and are vital in the growth of children into adults. This is because it stimulates the growth and cell production of a human; hence, the normal production of the growth hormone is essential to the normal growth of a person from childhood to adolescence to adulthood.

There are two kinds of the growth hormone; mainly, the Somatotropin and the Somatropin. The Somatotropin are the kinds of growth hormones that are created naturally in animals, whereas the Somatropin is the kind that is created via a recombinant DNA technology that is used for children with growth disorders and deficiencies. Its general functions are to increase calcium retention, increase muscle mass, promote lipolysis, and stimulate the growth of all internal organs, even the brain. There is also such a thing as an excess of the growth hormone, which will result in abnormal growth in the body as well.

Sex hormones

The sex hormones are of the steroid variety. While there has been a lot of research done to this area of hormonal development in the past years, there are still a lot of things that scientists and the general public do not understand about it. Men and women produce different kinds of hormones from each other. The male sex hormone is called testosterone, whereas the female sex hormone is called estrogen. The difference of sex hormones is essential because it affects how the man or the woman is developed according to their sex. Meaning, the more testosterone a man has, the more he will develop "manly" traits in the physical, emotional and mental aspect, and vice versa. The same goes for women and the estrogen that they produce. While each sex has a little bit of the sex hormone of the opposite gender, men or women who posses more of the traits of the opposite sex may suffer from hormonal imbalance.

There is such a thing as hormone supplements for both men and women. Women take an estrogen supplement for vanity reasons, such as wanting for a softer and suppler body and less body hair. Men have been known to take testosterone supplements for bodybuilding or if they need more energy to be able to sustain a certain workout regimen.

There are still a lot of things that are not understood about hormones, such as how exactly it affects women and their emotions. While hormones have been blamed for decades as to the general moodiness of women, it is still not fully understood how it exactly does this.

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