Saturday, June 1, 2013

Antidepressant Drug- A Hopeful Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Numerous researchers conduct studies to find vast ways of treating prostate cancer. One of these studies resulted in a new drug found to be an effective medication against hot flashes among men going through hormone therapy for prostate cancer.

An anti-depressant drug called Celexa, bearing a generic name of Citopram, is used mainly to treat depression and serve as a mood upper. It is included in a class of antidepressant called SSRI or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor.

Celexa consists of a compound called Paxil or Paroxetine that is solely responsible in decreasing the hot flushes brought about by the hormone therapy of prostate cancer, according to researchers. The study lasted for five weeks closely monitoring eighteen men undergoing hormone therapy. Reduction of hot flashes is clearly visible in the study and all men who have undergone the complete Celexa medication and therapy had the same results.

Celexa for Prostate: A Complete Solution

This could mean that new label antidepressant drugs like Celexa might be the next solution in treating prostate cancer problems. But before considering it as an option, further studies need to be conducted in order to certain that the antidepressant drug doesn't result in a more severe illness. One must consult doctor's prescription as not to complicate things especially the risks involved with such medication.

All ready there are some predefined and most widely used cures for hot flashes by the name of Megace. To be very exact it resembles one of the female hormones. Patients undergoing hormone treatment takes in Megace and most of the time taken with Lupron or Zoladex which has proven to eradicate the problem upto 90 percent. Although this treatment may prove to be effective, but specific surveys tell a different story that the some cancer patients who have undergone Megace medication had progressive cancer cell development instead healing.

Consultation is required in Celexa for Prostate:

Never self-administer drugs without proper consultation and prescription from your doctor. One can definitely opt for advising Celexa for better relief []. This will definitely prove to be much more effective and essential in your healing process. This medical breakthrough is still in its testing phase even if there are successful results in the study. Further tests need to be done to ensure that it doesn't cause complications arising from prostate cancer. The risks involved are yet to be uncovered. It may possess numerous side effects in the long run that may diminish one's health instead of improving it. In the years to come, an end result will be published and if this antidepressant drug's future for the patient is promising, a new era for prostate cancer patients begins.

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