Wednesday, June 5, 2013

HGH, Our Brain, Primary Sex Organ

When people think of the body's sex organs, thoughts usually move below the waist; however the primary sex organ is actually above the waist. Sexual attitude and function in both men and women is directly influenced by how we think and feel, which is controlled by the health and function of our brain.

Over time, our brain naturally shrinks as we age, reaching its maximum size around the age of 20. By the age of 90, your brain will actually weigh 10 percent less. The brain loses its branchlike network of nerve cells that fan out in every direction and make connections with other nerve cells. These lost connections undoubtedly have a direct effect on brain function, which controls cognition, memory, emotion, mood, and our thoughts about sex. As our brain shrinks and we lose these valuable connections, libido is adversely impacted and our sexual functioning is compromised.

From our youth, human growth hormone (HGH) is produced from the pituitary gland, a small structure located at the base of the brain. Though HGH is manufactured near the brain, medical researchers have only recently discovered its effect on our primary sex organ. A decline in hormone levels may contribute to brain shrinkage and decrease in function and performance. Researchers believe that it is possible for patients who undergo HGH therapy to grow their brain and restore it to its youthful size. A more youthful brain would certainly have a positive effect on libido and performance. Patients who have undergone treatment programs to elevate bodily levels of HGH to more optimum levels have reported improvements in sex drive, and researchers believe that the stimulation of libido is due to both physical and psychological improvements as the mind and body are inextricably intertwined.

Chemical messengers in the brain, called neurotransmitters, send messages to receptors all over the body. When the brain is healthy, these neurotransmitters function properly, but as the brain shrinks, these neurotransmitters do not function at optimal levels and our mood and libido is adversely affected.

Human growth hormone contributes to rapid growth and healthy development during childhood, and later helps to maintain our tissue structure and internal organs as we age. However, the production and release of growth hormone begins to decrease starting in our 20's, and by the time we reach our 40's, the pituitary gland is naturally producing substantially less HGH. The common signs of aging may in part be due to lower levels of HGH in the bloodstream. By improving bodily levels of HGH to more optimal and healthy levels, it may be possible to reverse brains shrinkage and stimulate sex functioning and libido.

Human growth hormone treatment is available via prescription under the careful watch of a physician. Treatments are very expensive and painful, with monthly investments of up to $2,000 and up to 50 injections. This is not a convenient or affordable option for most candidates.

Individuals seeking to recharge their libido have discovered natural formulas that offer a safe, effective and cost-effective alternative to injectable hormones. A select few of these homeopathic formulas contain a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that help strengthen and empower the body's pituitary gland. The connection could be made that by strengthening the pituitary gland to function at stronger and more youthful levels, the gland would naturally produce greater levels of HGH in the body. Furthermore, a few of these formulas contain ingredients that have been clinically proven to offer an amazing spectrum of benefits that may mirror those often seen with traditional HGH treatment programs. These safe and effective natural alternatives offer an affordable and convenient solution for those seeking improvements in libido, brain function, and sexual performance.

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