Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Paravol - Increases Your Sex Drive Through Hormone Therapy

If you didn't know, one of the unfortunate side effects of anabolic steroids is an increase in estrogen levels. Ironic, really that these men who look like the macho ideal are really pumped full of estrogen, the most feminine of hormones.

Ex-anabolic steroid users seeking testosterone replacement have for years turned to the pharmaceutical formula later marketed as a male enhancement pill named Paravol. Paravol works by enhancing the creation of testosterone in the body and also has the added benefit of increasing libido as would a typical aphrodisiac.

While these ex-steroid users were on Paravol, they noted a marked increase in sexual stamina, desire and performance. Another side effect is an increase in the creation of seminal fluid. This goes to show that testosterone is more than just the hormone that helps contribute to rage filled bar fights. It also is a pivotal piece in the male reproductive system.

Paravol is also highly effective in battling andropause, the male form of menopause. While it is hard to gauge when andropause begins and ends, one thing that is definitely affected in males suffering from the phenomenon is a drop in testosterone levels. Andropause usually kicks in for men between 45-55 years of age.

While this drop in testosterone may cause some men to have their tempers mellow out around that age that is also the time when many men start to experience less of a sex drive and impotence. Oddly enough, that is the same time frame age-wise where women reach their sexual peak so finding a sexual enhancer is nearly essential for men finding themselves in andropause. Paravol is unique in the market because it addresses sexual function at the hormonal level. And that is what makes it work.

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