Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hormone Replacement Therapy Does Have Side Effects - Testicle Shrinkage and Infertility

In life, everything is connected. Just as they talk in chaos theory about the butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world creating a tropical cyclone across the other side, the universe we live is based on the most base of all rules - cause and effect. Every effect in life has a cause, and every cause has an effect.

With this in mind, it is not hard to imagine what happens to our body if we interfere with its harmony and balance with drugs and this is especially true if we introduce synthetic hormones into our body. Hormone Replacement Therapy as prescribed by doctors where there is very low levels of testosterone present does cause effects on the body. Some of the effects are desired, including increased activity levels which in turn causes lower body fat and more muscle mass, increased sex drive and longer term it will greatly assist in reducing heart related diseases, obesity and diabetes.

However such drug usage will also have negative side effects mostly to the testicles which are no longer being used to naturally produce hormones. Because the brain detects the artificial hormones it determines that there is no need to make any more, and so the testes are directed to cease production until further notice. With continued use of the drugs, this "until further notice" never happens as the brain is always detecting the presence of high levels of testosterone.

Within months, the testicles basically close up shop and shrink from lack of use. With prolonged use, the shrunken testicles will cease production of sperm and the man is then infertile. If the drugs are obtained illegally, then it is probably with intentions of seriously pumping up massive muscle mass. But how manly is infertility and tiny testicles?

It is much more desirable to stimulate the body to produce its own testosterone rather than ingest synthetic drugs.

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