Friday, May 10, 2013

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy - A Gift From Mother Nature

The bioidentical replacement therapy or BHRT is actually a part of the Hormone Replacement Therapy. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) means that the molecular structure of the hormones which are being replaced is similar to the ones being produced by the body. There are two types of bioidentical hormones: naturally occurring and the synthetic. Unfortunately, many doctors are unaware of the bio-identical hormones. Since natural hormones can not be patented, manufacturers lack financial motivation to fund research and development expenses to commercially market these substances, and physicians receive little information on bio-identical hormones like, estriol, and androgens.

Now let us see how important a role the bio identical hormones play in the overall modus operandi of Hormone Replacement Therapy. The bioidentical hormones are extracted from the naturally occurring sources such as the urine of a pregnant women, yams and soy. It is a well known fact that not all the types of hormones can be prescribed to a patient since the patients have different hormonal needs. So in order to make the Hormone Replacement Therapy more effective and less abrasive the bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is suggested. This is why they are gaining popularity in the Northern America and the Western Countries. The synthetic hormones are quite contrary to the natural ones. They are one size fits all type and that is why the synthetic hormones are sometimes hard to metabolize.

In case of naturally occurring hormones the physician is at the liberty of compounding various dosage forms in order to meet the needs of each individual. And relying on the methods such as Transdermal or Tran mucosal dosage forms such as gels, troches, or suppositories. Non-oral absorption avoids first pass liver metabolism, providing a more reliable extent of absorption which is independent of liver function. Another form of administration of hormones is in the form of the Capsules containing micronized particles for enhanced oral absorption. Other methods include the unique formulations to meet each woman's specific needs.

The bio identical hormone replacement therapy or simply the BHRT is definitely a blessing for hundreds of thousands of women who are suffering from the menopause and for the men who are suffering from the Andropause. It has re-defined the term aging once and for all. Besides giving fresh hope to the rapidly aging population of the Western World, it has opened up new vistas of medical research and development in the field of naturally occurring hormones as well.

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