Friday, May 17, 2013

Menopause and The Naturopathic Treatment

Naturopathic treatment is found to be very effective for menopause. Naturopathy helps people to regain their health, mostly by following a correct diet regime and lifestyle.

Menopause, also known as climacteric, refers to the cessation of menstruation during the reproductive life of a woman. This event usually occurs at approximately age 50 but may occur prematurely in some individuals before 45 years of age or artificially by the removal of ovaries (oophorectomy). The onset of menopause may be abrupt or slow; the length of the menstrual cycle increases, accompanied by decreased menstrual flow.

As many as 10 years before menopause, the ovaries begin to cease normal function. During this perimenopausal period ovarian failure results in a number of basic physiological changes: infertility, or failure to ovulate; a decrease in the number of developing follicles and oocytes; a decreased level of ovarian hormones, notably estrogen and inhibin; and a rapid rise in the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), a pituitary hormone, as well as a gradual rise in luteinizing hormone (LH).

Many of the symptoms that occur during menopause result directly from the estrogen deficiency produced by the failing ovaries. However, it is difficult to separate these symptoms from those caused by the normal aging process and from the social and domestic pressures of the middle-aged woman. The numerous symptoms -- interrelated physiological and psychological changes occurring in the individual -- range from severe in one -- quarter of the women to minimal in one-half and non-existent in the remainder.

The major symptoms (and their possible causes) occurring during pre- and post-menopause can be divided into four main categories: changes in blood vasculature, the musculoskeleton, emotional status, and sexual activity.

In the past hormone replacement therapy has been used to treat problems of climateric and postmenoposal women. Naturopathy, homeopathy, modern medicines and traditional ayurveda have different kinds of therapies and treatment methods for premature menopause. Since this is more of a lifestyle related disorder naturopathic treatment is found to be really effective correct the disorder.

Modern medicine recommends hormone replacement therapy as a cure for this disorder. However, it is found that women receiving hormone replacement therapy run an overall risk of uterine cancer 6 to 15 times greater than that of nonestrogen users. This does not mean that hormonal treatment should not be used, but that the users should be monitored regularly to detect possible cancer in its very early stages.

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