Friday, May 31, 2013

Five Fake Treatments for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Sadly, most people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma die within five years of their mesothelioma diagnosis. In their quest for a cure, many patients turn to alternative "treatments." According to recent medical data, most of these "treatments" simply do not work, and many can cause serious harm. Read on to learn which fake mesothelioma treatments to avoid.

1. Rattlesnake Powder Therapy

Rattlesnake treatments are based on a medically unproven claim that a powder derived from rattlesnake has the power to kill cancer. The rattlesnake powder is made by cutting off the head of the snake and drying the remaining flesh in the sun. The dehydrated snake is then ground into powder and packaged into capsules. The patient is supposed to take one capsule every hour until he or she is healed. Alarmingly, many rattlesnake healers insist that this "cure" cannot be combined with any other medication. Thus, cancer patients are told to stop taking their cancer drugs and painkillers in order to benefit from the magical power of rattlesnake.

2. Oxidative Stress Treatments

Oxygen-based treatments are grounded in the idea that cancer cells cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment. Oxygen therapy proponents attempt to produce lethal levels of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells by administering high-dose intravenous combinations of vitamin C, vitamin K and a drug called Perftec. Although the proponents of this therapy claim that it only kills the cancer cells and is harmless to the surrounding tissues, these claims have not been scientifically proven.

3. Melatonin Therapy

Melatonin cancer treatments use high doses of melatonin, a hormone that is naturally produced by the body, to defeat cancer. The melatonin healers claim that, in high doses, melatonin boosts the immune system, which then destroys the cancer cells. While some healers recommend increasing the levels of melatonin through a twice-a-day meditation sessions, most others administer melatonin in capsules. This approach might be dangerous because the long-term effects of high doses of melatonin are unknown.

4. The Rife Machine

The Rife machine was developed in the 1930s by a microbiologist named Dr. Royal Rife. This machine attempts to kills cancer cells by administering specific sound frequencies to the body. The machine allegedly sends the sound waves deep into the tissues and is so effective that all that is required is a three-minute treatment every other day. While the promoters of this super-treatment (which costs thousands of dollars) claim phenomenal success, their claims are lacking evidentiary support.

5. DHEA Therapy

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a potent steroid hormone. The body produces low quantities of DHEA naturally, but the production of DHEA decreases as the body ages. The DHEA promoters claim that the reduction in the "fountain of youth" hormone causes cancer, which is why high-dose DHEA supplementation is necessary to beat cancer. However, high doses of DHEA can potentially cause liver and prostate damage. While the research into the benefits of DHEA continues, so far no proof has been produced showing that DHEA helps fight cancer.

A mesothelioma prognosis is a difficult reality to contemplate. Those who are diagnosed with the disease typically die within one to two years. Due to the shortened lifespan of those stricken by the illness, it is especially important to avoid fake treatments and receive care from a qualified medical professional. A mesothelioma attorney may be able to help you receive financial compensation in order to cover some of the costs of your treatments.

Human Growth Hormone Abuse

How should we define human growth hormone abuse? A dictionary definition of abuse might be "to use wrongly," or "make incorrect use of." For the ordinary person, drug abuse means using drugs for some form of personal gratification - the drugs are often illegal or at least illegally obtained, and the use to which they are put is something other than the standard use defined by the medical community. For human growth hormone (HGH), there are other implications beyond standard medical practice.

What is human growth hormone abuse in the elderly or aging population? The hormone is given to seniors because it's thought that raising hormone levels will result in reversing the aging process by decades. Proponents claim that it produces increases in muscle and strength, decreases in body fat, increases in energy, and younger looking skin. The problem is that the body of scientific evidence doesn't support these claims to any significant extent, while it does support claims of common unpleasant side effects. The use of HGH for anti aging is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and not recommended by medical authorities. Its use for this purpose is actually illegal in the United States and other countries. HGH for anti aging is, therefore, HGH abuse by both the patients who receive it and the medical professionals that provide it.

Another group prone to human growth hormone abuse is athletes. Again, the reasons for using the hormone are increased strength, increased lean muscle mass, decreased stored fat, and higher energy levels. Again, the evidence suggests that the same benefits can be realized with other training techniques, and that the larger muscles achieved through HGH use are not necessarily stronger muscles. HGH use in sports training is another form of HGH abuse, not only because this use is not approved, but because sports organizations include the hormone in their list of banned substances.

Other potential forms of human growth hormone abuse are appearing in Western culture. For instance, some parents think their children would look better or do better in sports if they were taller and bigger, and believe that human growth hormone therapy will yield this result. Young people themselves, feeling the modern pressure to be physically attractive and good at sports, may look for the same kind of quick fix, and are more likely to engage in HGH abuse in an underground scenario where proper medical supervision is lacking and the purity of the hormone received is highly questionable. Clearly, these applications of human growth hormone therapy are both misguided and unsafe.

The bottom line is that the only uses for which human growth hormone is approved in the United States, and many other countries, is medically verified HGH deficiency (where the pituitary gland literally produces abnormally low levels of this essential hormone), and a few other rare medical conditions. In individuals that are deficient, hormone replacement therapy can restore normal growth patterns in children and prolong life in adults. Any nonapproved use is not backed up by scientific evidence and is illegal - it is human growth hormone abuse.

Human Growth Hormone - Treatment For Intrauterine Growth Retardation

Any woman's pregnant state is a dangerously fragile time for both mother and child. The health of the mother, her emotional and mental state, and many outside forces of nature contribute to the possibility of an unborn child suffering from one or more inherent or acquired affliction. Among the many neonatal diseases, there is the rare but fatal Intrauterine Growth Retardation or IUGR: a medical condition that afflicts at least one child for every 10,000 pregnancies in the US alone.

IUGR can be defined as a state wherein the fetus inside the womb fails to achieve its genetically determined potential size. Doctors have earlier plotted out a "genetic age growth" for fetuses, and any deviance from this so-called chart can be deemed as an abnormality in uterine child development. IUGR is a serious and life threatening neonatal condition that should not be confused with another (almost similar, but less life threatening) medical condition where babies are born "small for gestational age" or SGA.

Unborn babies that are undiagnosed with IUGR have significant fetal morbidity and mortality rates. Even with correct diagnosis, some pregnancies still end up in abrupt and unplanned terminations or miscarriages. Studies show that IUGR is often caused by inadequate maternal-fetal circulation which leads to a steady decline in fetal growth. Proper diagnosis of this condition is important; as well as externally reversing this condition in the safest and fastest possible way. A quick response to this condition will help the unborn child escape from the possible complications of further cognitive or medical problems.

Human growth hormonal treatment plays a crucial role in the external administration of "aid" to fetuses with IUGR. Carefully monitoring of the intrauterine growth is now possible through ultrasonography. However, not all fetuses with IUGR are possible candidates for human growth hormonal treatment. Therefore, it would be prudent and wise to seek the counsel of an obstetrician-gynecologist about this matter before starting on any medication or treatment.

As we all know, the human growth hormone treatment helps the human body develop and maintain the growth of the bones and muscles. It is often administered to children and adults who are born with deficient supplies of natural growth hormones. These days, medical experts in neonatal care are turning to human growth hormonal treatment for their unborn patients as well.

A small dose of this hormone (dosages depends on the genetic age of the child, its "weight" and how far along it is in its development) helps stabilize the fluctuating weight of the fetuses, giving them more fighting chances for survival outside the womb. It also slows down the rapid decline of the baby's health by strengthening the basic muscles necessary for respiration and circulation like the muscles necessary for breathing and blood pumping. Neonatal doctors are trying to find alternative means and treatment to help combat the ravaging effects of IUGR; and so far, the injection of the human growth hormone treatment through the uterine wall seems to be the least invasive but effective method as of today.

Best Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Treatments

Of the prostate cancer treatments available, your doctor will recommend the treatment option that is best for you. The decision will depend on your overall health and how far advanced your cancer is. If the treatment recommended for you is not something you're comfortable with, for instance you may not be comfortable with external beam radiation therapy; you can give your doctor your opinion. It's important that you are at ease with the decision. Discuss it with your family as well, particularly the possible side effects and cure rate.

Oncologists specialize in certain fields. The one you are referred to will be a specialist in the treatment prescribed for you.

Watching and Waiting

The first strategy in most treatment plans is watching and waiting. The signs and symptoms that may indicate prostate cancer are also indications of other problems such as an infection in or close to your prostate. Watching and waiting is to determine which condition your symptoms are from.

During this period, blood samples will be tested for PSA levels and tissue samples may be sent for a biopsy.Elevated levels of the prostate specific antigen may point to a less serious medical problem. This is why a tissue sample may be taken; to verify or to rule out the presence of cancer. Remember that early treatment usually has a better possibility of cure.


Men who are the best candidates for prostate cancer surgery are the ones most likely to achieve a successful recovery from the procedure. These are men with good overall health and who do not have secondary conditions that may interfere with recovery like heart problems. Surgery can lead to some serious side effects including incontinence and impotence.


There are 3 different types of radiation therapies. External beam therapy is typically a stream of X-rays aimed at your pelvis from a device outside the body. The X-rays burn away cancer cells through repeated treatments over several weeks.

An alternative external beam therapy is Proton Beam Therapy. Instead of using X-rays, protons, which are charged particles or ions, are streamed at your pelvis, again from a device outside your body.

Brachytherapy is the introduction of several radioactive seeds directly into your prostate. They are implanted with a series of injections while you are under a general anesthetic.

All of the radiation treatments above work on the principle of burning cancer cells away with high energy particles. Radiation treatment can take place over time, and is subject to the same side effects as surgery.

Hormone Therapies

Hormone therapy is a method of chemical treatment that seeks to alter your hormone levels to halt or slow the growth of cancer cells. This procedure is temporary because most patients develop a resistance to the effectiveness of the injections after about 2 years.

Hormone therapy is not a cure and is usually recommended when the patient has a higher stage (T-3 or T-4) of prostate cancer. The idea is to prolong the patient's life and slow the cancer's growth.


Cryotherapy is a procedure where, during surgery, your prostate is frozen and then thawed to destroy cancer cells.


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound uses focused ultrasound to heat and evaporate diseased tissue out of your prostate. The device is aimed using an MRI scan and targeted tissue is heated to 80簞C. The result is tissue that can no longer reproduce and so cannot grow any further. Healthy tissue is spared because the effective area of the ultrasound pulse is very small and only a few cubic mm at a time can be targeted. It is done on an out-patient basis and does not affect the quality of life that some of the other treatments do. HIFU also results in fewer significant side effects than surgery or radiation. HIFU for prostate cancer is highly effective and can often be used for recurrent cancer. This is not an option, however, once the cancer has spread beyond the prostate.

Find out with your doctor which is the best prostate cancer treatment for you.

Can HGH Help Heart Attack and Stroke Victims?

According to the American Heart Association, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 785,000 Americans have their first heart attack each year. There are nearly 500,00 others who have an attack subsequent to their first. A heart attack occurs because the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart gets restricted or cut off. The cells of the heart muscle, without oxygen, begin to die.

Human growth hormone (HGH) has been shown to slow down or even prevent in some cases apoptosis, or programmed cell death, with recent clinical animal studies showing that human growth hormone can help protect heart and brain cells from dying after a stroke or heart attack.

In one study on rats which experienced heart attacks in the past, researchers gave one group injectable HGH, a second group IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor), and the third group a placebo. The groups that received human growth hormone or IGF-1 experienced less tissue and cell death than the group that was given the placebo. Another study found that IGF-1 treatment helped to revive brain cells after a brain injury.

The results of these studies could have dramatic positive implications for heart attack and stroke victims. Heart attacks and strokes are particularly devastating because heart and brain cells die and tissue death is seemingly irreversible. Heart tissue death means that heart function is compromised, and with brain cell death, the patient may never regain speech, full-body movement, or memory functions. If human growth hormone treatment can help prevent cell death, the tragic consequences of a heart attack or stroke can possibly be avoided.

The amount of HGH produced naturally in our bloodstream is not sufficient to help protect the heart and brain. When we are young, our pituitary gland produces optimal levels of human growth hormone and releases it into our bloodstream. However, beginning sometime in our twenties, our natural production of this hormone steadily declines, potentially leading a lifetime of hormone deficiency.

Human growth hormone treatment is available to help replenish hormone levels for patients with a prescription. However, this method can be painful and very expensive. Prescription human growth hormone therapy requires the patient to undergo nearly 50 injections per month at a cost upwards of $2,000. For many people, this option is inconvenient and cost prohibitive.

Many individuals have sought out natural formulas, offering a safe, effective, and affordable alternative to injectable human growth hormone. A select few of these homeopathic formulas contain a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that help strengthen and empower the body's pituitary gland, the primary gland responsible for HGH production in the body. The link could be made that by strengthening the pituitary gland to function at stronger and more youthful levels, the gland would naturally produce greater levels of human growth hormone in the body.

Additionally, some of these formulas contain ingredients that have been clinically proven to provide an amazing spectrum of benefits that may mirror those often seen with traditional HGH treatment programs. This safe and effective natural alternative offers an affordable and convenient solution for those seeking these benefits.

Good News for Hormone Replacement Therapy

News flash! You can safely get rid of your hot flashes! Estrogen is not so bad after all. A study in JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association April 2011 found that estrogen alone had a reduced risk of breast cancer and their risk of stroke declined after stopping the medication.

There is so much confusion regarding hormone replacement therapy. When evaluating the studies, you should consider a few things. The type of hormone (synthetic versus bioidentical), the route of administration (oral, transdermal or through the skin or other), the age when started and other therapies. These are just a few considerations.

This study cited in the media was done on women with hysterectomies using oral synthetic estrogen alone without any synthetic progestin. They began using the hormone in there 50's. There were 3 important findings:

• The first one is when you stop taking oral synthetic hormone therapy the increased risk of stroke and blood clots in the legs and lungs go down and so does the benefits on decreased hip fracture. Note: only oral estrogen produces blood clots and increases risk of stroke. Bioidentical estrogen given through the skin does not increase stroke or cardiovascular disease risk.

• The second major finding was a decreased risk of breast cancer. When we followed for another four years, that decreased risk of breast cancer persisted, so that, over the entire follow-up period, we saw a 23 percent decreased risk of breast cancer. Note: it was the oral, synthetic progestin that was implicated in increasing the risk of breast cancer.

• The third finding is that the risks and benefits of hormone therapy differ importantly by age for several types of chronic disease, heart attacks, colorectal cancer, death and then overall chronic diseases are lower among women taking hormone therapy in their 50s compared to placebo, but among women in their 70s, they actually had higher rates of all these conditions if they were taking estrogen alone vs. placebo. Note: In the Women's Health Initiative study the average age of women studied was 63 and most were 10 years post menopause.

So if you are considering hormone replacement therapy, be sure to keep in mind the differences in type, route of administration and age when you begin taking them. Discuss all of your options with a physician knowledgeable in bioidentical hormones to determine the most appropriate treatment given your age, risk factors and state of health.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Knowing The Side Effects Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

When you have been living at home with your mom who started showing signs and symptoms of menopause, you have probable spent some time apart from her anytime she was at home. Some of these signs and symptoms that your mom may have been manifesting includes frequent complaints of headaches and emotional spells - these may be too overwhelming for her and also, for you.

Oprah and her expert resource people oftentimes talked about the changes that menopausal women experience. Aside from the cessation of menstrual period, it was also determined that lots of them are going through changes that include poor skin quality, low stamina, difficulty in controlling emotions, an inability to lose weight and hair loss. During the discussion, few of solutions were given by the experts that include seeking counselling, adhering to a natural diet, and reading up in menopause in order to gain a better understanding of the changes, and undergoing the controversial HRT, also known as the hormone replacement therapy.

But then, many medical and natural health experts have doubt about the HRT since lots of studies prove that there are serious side effects about receiving estrogen therapy. One of these includes the increased possibility of suffering from gallbladder problems. Many women on HRT develop gall stones along with other gall bladder issues since this hormone makes the liver overwork. Furthermore, there is a high build-up of cholesterol levels since one of the breakdown products of estrogen is cholesterol, which can increase the risk of gallstone or gallbladder complications.

For people with breast cancer, the length of time that HRT is administered has been believed to be the culprit. Studies revealed that after 5 years of use, there is a linked with the increased risk of developing breast cancer.

Other side effects include blood clots, breast cancer, high risk of developing heart diseases and obtaining a stroke. For heart diseases, few studies revealed that there is no increased risk with estrogen but since lots of women take combined HRT, an increased risk of developing heart problems was discovered from the combines progestin and estrogen.

A lot of studies that have been conducted to figure out why there are side effects to HRT and how to work around them, however these days, it would not hurt to consider the complicated side effects of this treatment. HRT is actually a solution but it is not the only solution to hormones that were affected by menopause.

Big Muscles Can Mean Small Testicles - Hormone Replacement Therapy Does Have Side Effects

We've all seen the guys on TV prison shows with their huge muscles, and the body builders and the drug dealers etc. - all men who have done more than just tone up; rather they have gone all out to an extreme level of muscle mass building. Almost certainly they have used steroids to achieve this, which is an illegal drug rarely prescribed by doctors and certainly never prescribed simply to build muscles for the sake of muscles.

However these drugs containing synthetic hormones, steroids or testosterone most likely have unwanted side effects because what happens is that the brain senses the flood of androgens in the system and via the pituitary gland the testicles are told to stop making testosterone. Over a sustained period of time, with the testes no longer producing hormones, they shrink - literally because of lack of use. So it follows that large muscle from synthetic hormone treatments probably has also resulted in small testicles, a condition that can be permanent even when no more drugs are taken. Infertility is also a related side effect.

The alternative to bulking up muscle mass that does not have the unwanted side effects is to boost the body's own production of testosterone, and this can easily be done with safe, non-toxic diet supplements similar to the multi-vitamins most people already take every day. The rules for taking them are quite simple - mostly that you should have several in your home and rotate using a different one each day. The last thing you want is for your body to build up a resistance to any of the supplements, and cycling them solves that issue.

When you have a normal routine of boosting your testosterone levels you will experience a sudden and sustained ramping up of your energy levels and it is this increase in energy that will burn up all your excess body fat and replace it with more muscle mass. Rather than consuming external and synthetic hormonal drugs which disrupt your body, the best method is to stimulate your body to higher levels of its own natural hormone production.

Growth and Sex Hormones

To put it simply, the hormones in your body are your body's messengers to each other. The organs and glands in the endocrine system are the ones that are responsible for creating them. There are many processes that are affected by the flow of hormones, and the creation of these hormones is important in the proper growth and development of a human from birth. There are two main kinds of hormones, which are peptides and steroids. They affect many process of the body, including two general processes which are growth and sexual health.

Growth hormones

Growth hormones are hormones of the peptide variety and are vital in the growth of children into adults. This is because it stimulates the growth and cell production of a human; hence, the normal production of the growth hormone is essential to the normal growth of a person from childhood to adolescence to adulthood.

There are two kinds of the growth hormone; mainly, the Somatotropin and the Somatropin. The Somatotropin are the kinds of growth hormones that are created naturally in animals, whereas the Somatropin is the kind that is created via a recombinant DNA technology that is used for children with growth disorders and deficiencies. Its general functions are to increase calcium retention, increase muscle mass, promote lipolysis, and stimulate the growth of all internal organs, even the brain. There is also such a thing as an excess of the growth hormone, which will result in abnormal growth in the body as well.

Sex hormones

The sex hormones are of the steroid variety. While there has been a lot of research done to this area of hormonal development in the past years, there are still a lot of things that scientists and the general public do not understand about it. Men and women produce different kinds of hormones from each other. The male sex hormone is called testosterone, whereas the female sex hormone is called estrogen. The difference of sex hormones is essential because it affects how the man or the woman is developed according to their sex. Meaning, the more testosterone a man has, the more he will develop "manly" traits in the physical, emotional and mental aspect, and vice versa. The same goes for women and the estrogen that they produce. While each sex has a little bit of the sex hormone of the opposite gender, men or women who posses more of the traits of the opposite sex may suffer from hormonal imbalance.

There is such a thing as hormone supplements for both men and women. Women take an estrogen supplement for vanity reasons, such as wanting for a softer and suppler body and less body hair. Men have been known to take testosterone supplements for bodybuilding or if they need more energy to be able to sustain a certain workout regimen.

There are still a lot of things that are not understood about hormones, such as how exactly it affects women and their emotions. While hormones have been blamed for decades as to the general moodiness of women, it is still not fully understood how it exactly does this.

2 Methods To Prepare For A RadioActive Iodine Treatment

The treatment that is performed after a total thyroidectomy, when thyroid cancer was spread to other tissue or lymph nodes, is a dose of radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine is absorbed by remaining thyroid tissue, destroying the tissue.

When you have had a total thyroidectomy, thyroid replacement hormone medication, levothyroxine, (L-T4) will be prescribed. This small pill has to be taken for the rest of life. The body also needs T3 and it coverts it from the T4.

To prepare the body for the radioactive iodine treatment it has to go into a state of hypothyroidism. Becoming "hypo" may cause side effects such as tiredness, difficulty sleeping, depression, constipation, weight gain and anxiety attacks.

What is involved in becoming "hypo"? The process takes 4-6 weeks. The thyroid replacement hormone, levothyroxine, is stopped. Cytomel (L-T3), a fast acting and fast dissipating form of the thyroid hormone, may be prescribed to minimize the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Why become "hypo"? When stopping the hormone replacement medication the body will become stimulated to produce the hormones by itself. This will cause the thyroid stimulating hormone to become elevated. For a successful radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level needs to be at least 30 mlU/L. The thyroid stimulating hormone causes any remaining thyroid tissue to produce thyroglobulin (Tg), absorb the radioactive iodine and destroy remaining thyroid tissue.

Along with going off thyroid stimulating hormone medication, a low iodine diet is to be followed for two weeks prior to the radioactive iodine treatment. Reducing the iodine intake through dietary sources will maximize the absorption of the RAI. Information about a low iodine diet can be obtained from your doctor or from a thyroid cancer society.

What I have just described to you in the previous paragraphs has been the usual and most common way of preparing for a RAI treatment. But now in the last few years there is another way of elevating the TSH level of a patient. This is done by giving the patient two doses of Thyrogen簧. This medication is a form of thyroid stimulating hormone. A few of the possible side effects may be headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness. The pharmacist will provide a complete list of side effects that may occur The drug is injected in a muscle, usually the buttocks, by a health practitioner at a hospital, clinic or office, With this procedure there is no need for the body to go into a state of hypothyroidism. Although the patient will still have to follow a low iodine diet for two weeks prior to the RAI treatment but will not have to contend with the side effects of being "hypo" for 4-6 weeks. Because there is no need to stop the daily thyroid hormone supplements, there will be no major down time before or after the radioactive iodine treatment.

Although this procedure sounds like the only way to go to prepare for a RAI treatment, there are a couple drawbacks. One is availability. There are shortages because of inventory constraints. Another reason for the shortages is because of the increased demand because of the ease of preparing for treatment. Most time doctors will ask low risk patients to wait out the shortage. The second drawback can be the cost of the drug. The average cost of the Thyrogen簧 treatment is approximately sixteen hundred dollars. There are some health insurances that will cover the cost and some that do not. It is always a good idea if this is the procedure the doctor wants to do, to check with your insurance carrier first.

Hormone Replacement Therapy - The Positives And Negatives You Need To Know

Hormone replacement therapy seems like the new in thing and many people aren't aware of just how serious this process is. This is mostly an option when it comes to menopause, since women want to maintain their health and lifestyles. If you have reached the stage of life change and are considering this route, then think carefully about the benefits and the side effects.

Benefits of hormone replacement therapy

As with many other forms of medication or drugs, hormones have short term effects that you may notice immediately, and long term effects that can be seen further down the line. The most noticeable benefit within the first few weeks is an enhanced feeling of well being and a sense of being full of life and energy. Added to that, you will experience a reduction in night sweats, vaginal dryness, headaches and panic attacks. This works well for women who really aren't coping with the symptoms of menopause. In the long term you will have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.

Disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy

As with the benefits, there is a range of short term and long term negative effects that can result. Some of the initial effects may include nausea, headaches, weight gain, water retention and excessive vaginal discharge. The weight gain in this case has not been directly attributed to the hormone replacement therapy, but it has been associated with the decrease in metabolism that can occur as a result of the therapy. One of the most important long term effects is the potential for cancer development, either of the endometrium or breast tissue. The effects will differ depending on the type of schedule you opt for, since different ones comprise different hormones. This is usually oestrogen and progesterone, either alone or in a combination.

Estrogen Side Effects - The Dark Side of Using Estrogen Now Revealed!

Are you aware of estrogen side effects? If you are not and you have just learned of it now, this is the best time to understand the effects of estrogen to our body.

What is Estrogen anyway?

Estrogen is a hormone that is prevalent in both men and women, but more dominant in the latter. While testosterone is the main hormone in men, estrogen is for women.

This is the hormone responsible in giving women their womanly attributes. These attributes include bigger breasts, wider hips, bigger buttocks and thighs and less facial hair. This is also a hormone that plays a key role in the reproductive process of a woman.
Because of the presence of progesterone, a regular menstrual cycle ensures. This prepares a woman's body for pregnancy.

Needless to say, this is a very important hormone a woman cannot live without. In addition to its reproductive benefits, it is also a good hormone that increases our level of good cholesterol or HDL and decreases our bad cholesterol level or LDL.

But this is a hormone that is very tricky. When a woman undergoes the menopausal stage, they can experience a severe reduction of estrogen. This is why menopausal women often times experience vaginal dryness, hot flashes, irritability and memory problems, among others. There were also studies that say a severe deficiency in Estrogen can lead to hair loss problems.

This is the reason why many women seek the help of Estrogen supplements or estrogen replacement therapies to augment what is lacking.

Estrogen Side Effects

There were reported side effects due to the use of synthetic estrogen. Take note that there is a huge difference between the estrogens that naturally occur in our body and the synthetic estrogen that only mimics the functions of naturally occurring estrogen.

These synthetic estrogens can actually cause side effects such as recurring yeast infection, painful menstrual cycles, leg cramps, estrogen vaginal bleeding and itching and breast pain.

There are also other ways to experience these side effects even when you are not using synthetic estrogen. Ingesting fruits and vegetable sprayed with chemical fertilizers or pesticides and using birth control pills will make you far more susceptible to the occurrence of these side effects.

There is a way to normalize your hormones even without the use of synthetic hormones. Why not try Omega 3/ DHA Esters Supplement? This supplement is packed with omega 3 essential fatty acids that are taken from marine animals.

Omega 3 is actually a fatty acid that can help normalize the level of hormones in our body. In fact, this can also help normalize the production of other essential hormones such as serotonin and endorphin. Also, a healthy supply of omega 3 fatty acids can help normalize your most vital body functions to keep you in top shape everyday.

There is no need to fear estrogen side effects if you have a reliable supplement like Omega 3 supplements. Now is the right time for you to choose what path of health and wellness you are going to take.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - Is it Safe?

In the recent past, Oprah Winfrey's show on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has sparked a fresh wave of interest in the therapy. Through shows such as these and popular books like Suzanne Somers' Ageless and The Sexy Years, women are fast becoming aware of treatment options that can give them a fresh and longer go at looking and feeling young. However, there are many questions to be answered, the most important of all being whether these treatments are successful and whether the hormones are safe in the long run.

How successful are these treatments?
There are different forms of bioidentical hormones and different hormones work in different ways. Therefore, it is important to treat each patient in a manner that her unique physiology responds to the treatment most effectively. Many experts agree that both male and female patients have experienced tremendous success with these treatments. However, it is also seen that treatment is more successful when it is tailored to suit individual requirements of patients.

Experts also point out that hormones, whether they are bioidentical or synthesized, have to be treated with a lot of respect. Therefore, these are not necessarily the first step in achieving hormonal balance. At the onset of menopause or andropause, many women and men can find natural relief from bothersome symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes alone. It is only when these steps have been tried and tested and the results are not up to the expectations that therapy has to be considered.

How safe are they?
Coming to the second most important question - there are medical studies that suggest that bioidentical hormone therapy is safer than synthetic hormones. The greatest advantage of this kind of therapy is that it makes use of natural hormones that are similar in molecular structure to the hormones produced in the body. Therefore, the body is equipped to metabolize these hormones quickly. Side effects are minimal too. On the other hand, synthetic hormones are not identical to the hormones naturally produced by the body. Thus, they may have unpredictable and undesirable side effects.

In addition to the above, bioidentical hormone therapy also has another appeal for patients and doctors alike. These hormones are available in different doses and can therefore be calibrated and matched to suit the individual needs of different patients. This is something that mass produced synthetic hormones cannot achieve.

That said, it is important to know that there are no long term studies have been conducted on bioidentical hormones as of now. Therefore, the long term impact of bioidentical hormone therapy is hard to predict with any degree of certainty.

Biomimetic Hormone Supplementation With the Wiley Protocol

The Controversy Surrounding Biomimetic Hormone Supplementation

Created by T.S. "Susie" Wiley and an oncologist, the Wiley Protocol is the use of natural bioidentical hormones in a biomimetic manner. Biomimetic is actually a method of duplicating or "mimicking" the natural cyclical hormonal fluctuations in the body of a young woman at age 20.

T.S. "Susie" Wiley is a researcher, anthropologist, and author of two books, "Sex, Lies and Menopause" and "Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival". Wiley's research and Protocol has created much controversy in the area of women's health. Her research and writings are valid and compel further investigation by both medical practitioners and patients alike. Until clinical trials are held and researchers seriously study menopause and the use of bioidentical hormones, criticism from the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment does not have much to fall back on.

Biomimetic hormone supplementation uses the natural bioidentical hormones estradiol and progesterone in pre-measured doses in syringes over the course of 28 days. A menstrual period will occur at the end of the 28 day cycle. Certified compounding pharmacists make up these prescriptions. The creams are applied to the skin on different areas of the body. This method differs from the static dosing of bioidentical hormones used by many women today in that the daily doses differ and replicate natural hormonal fluctuations in the body of a young woman.

A new battlefield in the world of hormone replacement therapy and women's health has been created with the advent of the Wiley Protocol. Supporters of the Protocol such as actress and author Suzanne Somers, an advocate for bioidentical hormone replacement, now uses the Protocol after spending years using the static dosing method. Intense criticism of the Protocol is found at the which is highly critical of both the Wiley Protocol and of Ms Wiley personally. The chief criticism of the Wiley Protocol is the high dosing of hormones which they say could be dangerous. The obvious problem with the criticism is the lack of research done in the field of menopause and bioidentical hormone replacement. It is a difficult thing to criticize when you have nothing to back up your criticism. Some women have reported negative results with the Protocol, but there is a period of time needed to adjust the body to the Protocol and many different individual factors come into play, such as length of time since the onset menopause.

Whether the Wiley Protocol works or not for women depends on many individual factors, including lifestyle choices and stress levels. Lifestyle factors such as exercise, diet, smoking and alcohol consumption can influence hormone levels negatively or positively. One compounding pharmacist we interviewed said three of his clients were following the Wiley Protocol. One of the three women reported successful results. Many women who had tried traditional chemical hormone therapy had not experienced good results and hated using drugs such as Premarin. All women we have interviewed who are using bioidentical hormones have reported great relief of menopausal symptoms using natural bioidentical hormones To state that bioidentical hormones do not work is a completely false statement. Ask the women who are using them.

To obtain the Wiley Protocol, one must find a certified compounding pharmacist and a doctor certified in the Wiley Protocol to obtain the specially formulated and dosed creams.

We strongly feel that both bioidentical hormone replacement and the Biomimetic Hormone Supplementation of the Wiley Protocol should be seriously studied and researched in North America. The use of bioidentical hormones continues to spread in North America and has been used in Europe for more than 50 years. It necessitates further investigation and serious clinical trials.

The Side Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Today the medical community is changing its thinking about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) following the findings of a major study which showed that long-term HRT can cause heart attacks, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer in women. All of which do not bestow health or beauty to ageing women.

The study, part of a large US government-funded research programme known as the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), was the first and only large one to compare the effects of HRT with placebos (dummy pills) in healthy women.

The study looked at the effects of one commonly used form of HRT drug; estrogen plus progestin (known as combined HRT) on 16,000 healthy menopausal women whose condition was monitored for about 5 years.

The study was supposed to prove, once and for all, that HRT was beneficial. Instead, HRT turned out to do more harm than good. There was a 29% increase in coronary heart disease, a 26% increase in breast cancer, and a 41% increase in stroke. All of which overpowered a decrease in the incidence of hip fractures and colon cancer.

Due to the serious harm involved, on 9th July 2002 the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the US National Institutes of Health announced that they had stopped the initially planned 15-year study early, after an average of 5.2 years, to protect the test subjects from the serious side effects.

Letters were immediately sent out to all the study's participants, telling them to stop taking their medications.

Doctors know there are benefits and risks associated with postmenopausal hormone use. However, many doctors have always felt that the benefits outweighed the risks.

Findings from the WHI study, however, proved otherwise. The study concluded that the combined hormone medication used in the trial posed more risks than benefits.

New Prominent Warning label for HRT Drugs

Following the study, on 8th January 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration approved new patient information leaflets for Prempro (the drug used in the WHI study), Premphase (containing estrogens with a progestin) and Premarin (containing estrogens); as well as new physician prescribing information.

The new, boxed warning; the highest level of warning information in labelling highlights the increased risks for heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and breast cancer.

The warning also emphasis that the products are not approved for heart disease prevention.

The approved indications for the 3 drugs have also been modified to clarify that these drugs should only be used when the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. Of the 3 indications, 3 have been revised to include consideration of other therapies.

Yeast Infection Causes - Hormonal Changes As a Cause

Hormonal changes do have a lasting effect on the occurrence of yeast infection. Scientifically, yeast is referred to as Candida.  This specific fungus that is responsible for vaginitis is known as Candida albicans. Yeast is seen in areas of warmth and moisture on the human skin, such as the mouth and vagina. Around 25% percent of all healthy women do have vaginal yeast present in their bodies. 

Factors affecting yeast infection: 

There are many factors leading to yeast infection in women. One of the primary factors for vaginal swelling, discharge or itching is mainly due to yeast infection. While the use of antibiotics and steroids result in this condition, other factors cannot be ruled out.  Yeast infection may also be caused owing to diabetes, pregnancy, menstruation, diet or taking of birth control pills. A weakened immune system after the treatment due to cancer can also lead to yeast infection. Yeast infection is also caused in some women after menopause.  

How do hormonal changes affect yeast infection? 

One becomes more susceptible to yeast infections when certain hormones are released especially during pregnancy, ovulation or menstruation. Though there are no visible signs of direct links to certain hormonal periods, yeast infections are definitely susceptible during hormonal alterations.  Some of the main causes are: 

  • Menopause

  • Pregnancy

  • Menstruation

Women are most likely to have vaginal yeast infections when they are stressed.  During stress, digestive problems, allergies, fatigue, skin problems and loss of memory worsen.  

The effect of Cortisol: 

When a person is in stress, the adrenals produce an anti inflammatory hormone named cortisol. This hormone does the function of breaking down different tissues to release sugar, proteins and other nutrients so that muscles and organs working during stress are nourished. Dhea is secreted in order to balance the Cortisol. When Dhea is released, the Cortisol release is slowed down and tissues are built back. The longer the stress continues, so will the Cortisol be released. This will lower the immune system as well as raise blood sugar.  This further result in increase of Candida. The hormone Cortisol may sometimes kill friendly bacteria and those that give protection against Candida.  It is also known to raise blood sugar levels.  

Progesterone and Estrogen 

Hormone therapy often causes vaginal yeast infections in women. The most important of them is the estrogen therapy. Any imbalance between estrogen and another hormone namely progesterone could lead to causing Candida. This leads to have a negative effect on the friendly and protective bacteria. As a result the Candida tends to overgrow.  Thus both of these hormones, whether in excess or not in balance with each other, will have a direct effect on causing of Candida to thrive and destroying the protective friendly bacteria.  

Many factors can cause yeast infection in a person but hormonal changes inside a woman's body is the primary factor that leads to yeast infection.

Menopause - Why Neither Synthetic Nor Bio-Identical Hormones Meet the Dynamic Hormone Needs

During menopause, although the hormonal fluctuations are gradually reducing, the production of hormones is still a dynamic process, which is constantly responding to changing body needs. Hormones are action messengers for an interrelated, ever-changing network of organ-system commands. So, they must be continually produced for moment-to-moment situational needs.

However, hormone therapy for menopause is to take a synthetic or bio-identical hormone pill every day to mask menopause symptoms. The chemical structure and amount of hormones are precisely fixed. The body is dancing with "a wood stick" which can not change structures and quantities. It is a very poor choreograph of the dance.

Conventional medicine is a mechanistic medicine which takes the body apart and analyzes it down into a small unit. It assumes that every illness is caused by one unit, so a single-chemical drug is used to target the unit linearly. Obviously, this model fits perfectly for acute diseases, but fails for chronic problems which the majority of us suffer.

Menopause is a chronic disorder caused by aging of multiple systems. Estrogens have effects on many organs, such as the breasts, uterus, ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina and bones. When synthetic or bio-identical estrogens are added to the body during menopause, they don't know where the target is. They shoot all targets and stimulate cancers.

While Western medicine of a linear approach is good at acute diseases, Chinese medicine of a multiple-target approach has advantage on chronic disorders. They are complementary to each other for health. Like the black and white keys on a piano, both are necessary for music.

Side effects are "crying" voices from your chemically abused body systems. To the body, no matter West or East, no side effects show the best treatment.

Are the Risks of Taking Menopause Hormone Replacement Therapy Real?

Menopause - a time of hot flashes, poor sleep and mood shifts - can be a difficult time for any woman.

Menopause is a normal and natural stage of life that is as automatic as puberty, and programmed into every woman's body. However, a question many women have on their mind as they are entering menopause is how to safely and effectively manage menopause symptoms, go natural, try hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or do nothing.

My personal undertaking with Solutions for Women has been to help women better understand confusing information about hormone replacement treatment options including bioidentical hormone therapy.

I was recently asked this question:

Are the risks of taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during menopause real?

The answer is yes and clinically proven many times over to harm to a women's health.

Taking hormone replacement therapy has been associated with increased rates of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and memory loss. Most recently HRT has also been associated with lung cancer.

These risks were revealed with the sudden closure of the 2002 Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study. In 2008 the WHI also reported on a study that confirmed that the risk for developing breast cancer doubles after 5 years of taking HRT.

After the WHI results were released to the public in 2002, prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy decreased by over 60 percent. Two years later there was a dramatic decline in the number of new cases of breast cancer reported. This drop in breast cancer was seen in women over 50 who are the candidates for hormone replacement as a treatment for the symptoms of menopause. Many experts account the unforeseen change in the numbers of women developing breast cancer to women refusing to take artificial hormones (HRT).

The FDA and the WHI both agree the health risks of HRT outweigh any possible benefit.

It does not appear that HRT in any form is safe for women to take for menopause symptom relief, or any other reason. There also is no evidence that Bioidentical Hormones are any safer than traditional HRT.Many doctors still prescribe low-dose HRT only for women with severe hot flashes and only for a short period of time, approximately one year. The problem is that most women who stop taking HRT find that their hot flashes return and typically will be more severe.

You should not ever feel forced into taking hormone replacement therapy of any kind.

Dr. Susan Love, Breast Cancer Research Foundation states: "We need high levels of hormones to reproduce, and then, when we reach menopause, our hormones shift down to a safer level. The bottom-line has been reinforced: Artificially maintaining higher levels of hormones is not good for our health. This is true regardless of whether the hormones are "bioidentical" or not."

Hormones and Tinnitus

Many people aren't aware that hormone levels can play a role in tinnitus. There are various conditions that affect the level of hormones in the body. This article will discuss some of these conditions that are to blame.

Hypothyroidism is one of the conditions that may lead to tinnitus. This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces too little hormone. It can occur because of an inflammatory condition that attacks the gland known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. One of the common ways to treat hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

On the flip side, another condition that can possible lead to tinnitus is hyperthyroidism. However, this condition is very rare. It occurs when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. This condition causes an increased heart rate and can cause pulsatile tinnitus.

Surgery may be used to treat hyperthyroidism. However, there may be an ironic consequence of having surgery to correct any issue with an overactive thyroid gland. Once the gland is removed, there won't be enough hormones produced, so you would develop hypothyroidism and need to take hormone drugs.

Women also have an increased risk of developing tinnitus. It's common for menopausal women to experience the condition. This is due to the fact that hormone levels take a drastic turn during the time of menopause.

Women who are suffering from menopause often resort to hormone replacement therapy. This method aimed at relieve symptoms of menopause involves taking supplements of female sex hormones. This helps prevent heart disease and osteoporosis.

However, there are side effects of hormone replacement therapy to treat symptoms of menopause. Some women report experiencing hearing loss after beginning the treatment regimen. Hearing loss can result in tinnitus since you'll have less of an ability to hear external sounds.

Pregnant women are also at risk of developing tinnitus. There are many hormonal changes that women experience whenever they are pregnant. It is common for pregnant women to experience some degree of hearing loss or associated tinnitus. Fortunately, tinnitus that develops as a result of pregnancy usually will go away after the pregnancy is over.

There are various conditions that can cause hormonal changes that can result in tinnitus. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common conditions to blame. However, women who are pregnant or experiencing menopause have also been known to develop the condition. This is commonly attributed to hormone replacement therapy that is used to treat the symptoms of menopause.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Help for Diabetics With HGH Replacement Therapy

There are two types of diabetes, including Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body's pancreas is not producing sufficient levels of insulin, while Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body produces and releases adequate levels of insulin, but the body does not utilize the insulin, and the body's cells cannot process blood sugar properly.

Clinical studies have determined that human growth hormone treatment may actually benefit diabetes patients. A medical study was completed at John Hopkins University that evaluated the effect that HGH therapy had on patient blood glucose levels and the subsequent effects on patients suffering from diabetes. Generally speaking, it is the elderly who suffer from diabetes. The elderly also have the lowest natural levels of naturally producing HGH as well as the highest levels of intra-abdominal fat. This is due in part to the fact that as we age, starting in our twenties, our pituitary gland naturally produces less HGH, and our metabolism progressively slows down.

Patients who undergo human growth hormone treatment have successfully reduced their overall percentage of body fat while assisting in transforming fat into lean muscle mass. They have also enhanced the action of insulin, where HGH assists in directing insulin to strategically place glucose into the muscular cells, nerve cells, and cardiac cells instead of the lipid and fat cells. By increasing bodily levels of HGH via treatment and prescription plans, such a strategic placement of glucose can help improve the effects of Type 2 diabetes for diabetic patients and facilitate an overall healthier life.

A doctor can prescribe human growth hormone injections. However, these treatment plans require a painful process that is expensive and inconvenient for most. The treatment plans generally require a monthly investment of up to $2,000 and upwards of 48 injections. Despite the overwhelming health and physical benefits of HGH this option is not cost-effective or feasible for most.

Many have adopted natural and homeopathic alternatives to prescription human growth hormone. Such homeopathic formulas offer a unique, safe, and effective combination of natural ingredients that safely empower and strengthen the body's pituitary gland to function at more youthful levels. The connection could be made that a stronger and more youthful pituitary gland could produce increased levels of HGH in the body's bloodstream. This natural and homeopathic alternative provides a more efficient, cost effective, safe, and convenient over the counter option for diabetic patients in search of obtaining health benefits.

French Study Suggests That Skin Patches Are a Safe Alternative for HRT

The use of skin patches instead of pills may not increase the risk of blood clotting in the legs or lungs, even for those with a history of blood clots, a new study reports.

The report, published in the journal Menopause, goes on to say skin patches may even be safer than pills for women looking to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat uncomfortable menopause symptoms.

HRT use declined drastically in 2002 when a after an extensive U.S. clinical trial found that women on estrogen-plus-progesterone pills had elevated risks of heart attack, blood clots, stroke and breast cancer compared to placebo users.

Until then, HRT had been widely given out by doctors to prevent heart disease and osteoporosis. This is no longer the case.

Despite this, HRT is still the most reliable way to alleviate menopausal hot flashes, so a significant number so some women with severe symptoms decide to use it. However, because of the perceived risks, experts suggest that women use HRT at the lowest possible dose and for the shortest time possible.

There is now an increasing amount of evidence, though, that low-dose patches may carry less risk than pills. A number of studies have found that, compared to pills, patches don't raise the risk of a first-time venous thromboembolism (VTE) - blood clots, typically in the leg veins or the lungs.

A British study earlier this year produced results that suggested that women using low-dose patches for hormone therapy suffered no increased risk of stroke or varicose veins than those not on HRT. Women on hormone pills or high-dose patches, however, did have a higher stroke risk than non-users.

Strokes are most often caused by clots that disrupt blood flow to the brain.

In the new study, researchers investigated hormone therapy and the risk of repeat VTEs in women who had previously suffered this condition.

From the 1,023 women studied, 103 started used hormone patches to treat menopausal symptoms after stopping their VTE treatment, which typically involves many months on anti-clotting medicines. Another ten subjects used oral HRT, while the rest did not use any hormone replacement.

Over a period averaging 6.5 years, 77 women (1% per year) had a repeat blood clot. For women using hormone patches, the risk was found to be no greater than it was for women not on HRT.

Out of the 103 women who chose to use the patches, six of them had a repeat blood clot. In comparison, two of the 10 who used hormone pills suffered a repeat clot. When other factors were considered, such as the women's weight and age, those on pills showed a six-fold greater risk of a repeat blood clot compared to those women who did not use hormone therapy.

Results suggest that for all women, even those at high risk of VTE, hormone patches may not further that risk.

Researchers believe that hormone patches may be less risky than pills because of the way they work. Unlike oral hormones, those delivered by the skin patch bypass the liver, and so may not promote the formation of clot-promoting proteins in the blood.

This study is the first to suggest that high-risk women who use hormone patches have no extra risk of repeat blood clots.

However researchers said that it remains a personal decision for women to make after talking with their doctor about the risks and benefits.

Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy the Natural Alternative to HRT?

Has anyone else heard of bioidentical hormone therapy? The reason I ask, is because I've only recently become aware of it myself and wanted to know why is was not more widely available.

You may already know that traditional Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replaces some of the hormones that are reduced during menopause and alleviates the symptoms of menopause by adjusting hormonal levels.

Because taking estrogen alone increases the risk of cancer in the lining of the womb, HRT usually includes a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Although it's OK to have estrogen only HRT if you have had a hysterectomy.

BUT, traditional hormone therapy uses the urine from horse's - pregnant mare's to be exact, plus a host of chemical additives to achieve the same effect as the hormones that are naturally produced by our body. These elements can have some very undesirable side effects on the body, as they are basically synthetic.
So, how come bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT), which is derived from plant extracts and can be tailored to suit the individual needs of the patient is not offered as an alternative?

Well, from what I can gather, the big pharmaceutical companies are not able to patent the ingredients as they emulate the naturally occurring hormones in the body so accurately, that, in the same way that blood cells can't be patented, neither can BHT. Which basically means that these companies will not be able to make huge profits out of it and so therefore aren't interested in selling it. Also, due to the varying compounds being made up for the individual patent, it has not been possible to gain approved by the FDA.

You may be able to find a doctor who is championing the use of BHT or even a pharmacist, but if not, why not do your own investigation and find out more. I for one intend to look into this further and will keep you posted.

If anyone has any experience with BHT, I would love to hear from you.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Its Benefits

By definition, testosterone is a sex hormone. Specifically, it is known as the "male sex hormone". Its major function is the development of men's sexual characteristics but apart from that, it has many other functions that can affect both your physical and psychological state.

Normal level of testosterone can maintain a good health condition. For example, it can reduce the possibility of acquiring heart attack and high blood pressure. However, your body's production of testosterone decreases as you age. It normally peaks at late twenty's and gradually falls down each year which slowly produces various aging problems.

Most people directly associate the growing discomforts and health issues over the years to aging and not to the decreasing number of hormones such as testosterone. Little do they know however, that this hormone is playing a much bigger role than what is usually believed. Luckily though, the idea that all these "aging problems" are actually caused by the diminishing testosterone is now being seen through by many.

One indication of the rising awareness to the effects of testosterone deficiency is the booming of testosterone replacement therapy. It is now being considered by many as the ultimate solution to their long unanswered "growing old problems". And who knows, this might also be the therapy that you just need to get yourself back to what it used be on some degree.

Basically, what testosterone replacement therapy does is to set back your testosterone level to normal. This enables your body to renew the functions that was weakened when the number of your testosterone decreased. There are several methods used for testosterone replacement therapy including tablet intakes, transdermal systems and injection. Among these means, injection is the most used in the recent years.

Although, testosterone replacement therapy spells numerous benefits, it can still be dangerous if not properly implemented and used. Those who have normal testosterone level should not administer the treatment for the sheer fun of it or for purposes other than for health. Mainly, it is because testosterone replacement therapy is also associated with lipid abnormalities, sleeping problems and some other diseases.

However, if the treatment is for the right purpose, under the right condition and is administered by a licensed and competitive physician, it can sure deliver great benefits. These benefits are the following.

-o improved positive moods such as calmness, wellness and friendliness
o reduced fatigue and tension
o improved sexual functions
o increased body mass
o increased bone strength
o improved mental functions
o increased energy level

In general, testosterone replacement therapy is purposely to rejuvenate your body. There are many ways of how you can administer it. However, no matter what method you use, just remember that for you to experience the benefits it can give, it must be implemented properly and for the right purposes.

Hormone Pellet Implants - A New, Old Option For Hormone Replacement Therapy

Intended use: primarily for controlling symptoms of menopause and age related testosterone deficiency in men (andropause).

Advantages over other forms of HRT: Convenience of every 3 to 4 month repeat insertion in women and every 6 month insertion for men. Higher, more steady levels of hormone due to continuous release from tissue depository results in more consistent, reliable relief of symptoms. Worry of exposing children to hormone absent.

Preliminary evaluation: Any candidate for hormone replacement therapy needs a comprehensive medical evaluation, lab and risk assessment prior to consideration for this form of therapy. A recent well woman examination to include appropriate breast screening is required of women. Men require a similar comprehensive examination plus a normal prostate examination.

Hormones used: Natural bio identical Estrogen and Testosterone in women. Natural bio identical Testosterone only in men. Both hormones are derived from plant, not animal sources. A compounding pharmacy prepares each hormone and packages them in a sterile container.

Typical dosage: Women may have two to 4 separate pellets implanted depending on their lab data, body size and symptom load. Estrogen doses from 6 to up to 25mg and testosterone doses from 25 to 150mg are typical ranges.

Men utilize a much larger pellet (200mg) and may receive anywhere from 6 to 10 pellets again depending on their lab data, body size and age.

To the eye, each pellet may be the size of a small grain of rice up to a larger grain.

Method of administration: The pellets are implanted just under the skin level. A local anesthetic is injected into the skin before a very small (about 1/4 inch) incision is made in the upper/outer region of the buttock/hip. A sterile surgical instrument is passed under the skin and the pellets are advanced through its opening. The pellets ultimately lay about 2 inches away from the skin incision. The skin is then closed with a surgical tape (no stitch needed!) with completion of the procedure.

Wound healing takes about a week with avoidance of tub baths, swimming and lunging type leg exercises. Showering is OK. After a week, return to normal activity is encouraged.

Post insertion lab tests are ordered 1 month later to measure levels and determine adequacy of treatment. Women many times notice symptom relief within 1 week and men notice improvement after 2 to 3 weeks (due to the density of the male pellets).

Hormone replacement therapy is "the icing on the cake" when a foundation of good health including proper diet, individualized supplementation, exercise and other lifestyle modifications are in place. Hormone replacement therapy alone, without addressing these other important variables while helpful, is no match for a more comprehensive approach to health and wellness.

Treatment Options for Menopause Symptoms

Menopause simply refers to a woman's ending of menstruation. Commonly the term is used to refer to the entire span of time during which ovarian function declines and menstruation stops. Sometime around forty, a woman might notice that her period is different - how long it lasts, how much she bleeds, or how often it happens may not be the same. However with adequate treatment and good personal hygiene, the symptoms most women experience entering and living with menopause can be greatly reduced.

In looking at the possible treatment options for managing menopause, it should be noted that there is no doubt that the severity of menopausal symptoms is a physiological phenomenon and is affected only slightly by a woman's emotional adjustment, satisfaction with her life, anxiety or tranquility over aging or similar concerns. Sometimes, menopause symptoms go away over time without treatment, but there's no way to know when.

Generally, eating a healthy diet and exercising at menopause and beyond are important for a woman to be and feel at her best. Most women do not need any special treatment for menopause. However, some women may have menopause symptoms that need treatment. Several treatments are available. It's best to discuss treatment options with her doctor in order to get the best possible treatment. It should be noted that there is no one treatment that is good for all women.

General treatment options for Menopause symptoms

Hormone Therapy (HT)

If used properly, hormone therapy (once called hormone replacement therapy or HRT) is one way to deal with the more difficult symptoms of menopause. It's the only therapy that is approved by the FDA for treating more difficult hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Hormone therapy most commonly involves estrogen, or estrogen combined with progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone.

There are many kinds of hormone therapies that can greatly relieve the symptoms of menopause, but no decision about hormone therapy should be made without careful, individual evaluation and discussion with a doctor. This is due to the fact that like with all treatments, hormone therapy has both possible benefits and possible risks.

Fewer than half of women who are post-menopausal are on hormone therapy, despite the obvious, even life-prolonging benefits many women could receive from this treatment. However, hormone therapy is not for every woman. Women are complex individuals; personalities and preferences differ, and so do reactions to hormonal intervention. Tailoring the hormonal replacement to one's individual needs is most important.

A woman deciding to use HT should use lowest dosage that helps and for the shortest time needed. A check with the doctor is necessary after every six month to see if hormone therapy continuation is still necessary.

Considerations before undertaking Hormone Therapy

Some benefits of hormone therapy include the reduction of hot flashes; treatment of vaginal dryness; slow down of bone loss; and sleep improvement (thus decreasing mood swings). However, for some women, hormone therapy increases the chances of blood clots, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer and gall bladder disease.

Specifically, women who think they are pregnant; having problems with vaginal bleeding; have had certain kinds of cancer (such as breast and uterine cancer; have had a stroke or heart attack; have had blood clots; have liver disease and have heart disease should not take hormone therapy for menopause. Hormone therapy could also cause vaginal bleeding, bloating, breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, mood changes and nausea.

Natural Treatments for Menopause

Some women may decide to take herbal or other plant-based products to help relieve hot flashes.

Soy products

Soy contains phytoestrogens (chemicals that are like estrogen). But, there is no proof that soy - or other sources of phytoestrogens - really does make hot flashes better. And the risks of taking soy - mainly soy pills and powders - are not known. The best sources of soy are foods such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy nuts. These soy products are more likely to work on mild hot flashes.

Other sources of phytoestrogens include herbs such as black cohosh, wild yam, dong quai, and valerian root. Again, there is no proof that these herbs (or pills or creams containing these herbs) help with hot flashes.

Products that come from plants may sound like they are safe, but there is no proof they really are. There also is no proof that they are better at helping symptoms of menopause. A woman should make sure to discuss these types of products with her doctor before taking them. She should also tell her doctor about other medicines she is taking, since some plant products can be harmful when combined with other drugs.


Regular physical exercise, especially brisk walking (a 15-minute mile) and swimming, helps keep bones and muscles strong. A woman should first talk to her doctor to see what's best for her. The goal is to exercise regularly so you can lower the risk of serious disease (such as heart disease or diabetes) and maintain a healthy weight. Also, weight-bearing exercise of any kind (including walking) counteracts osteoporosis, and swimming helps arthritis (in assisting flexibility). Exercise maintains muscle tone and cardiovascular capacity, and also gives a sense of general well-being and burns extra calories.

Specific treatment options for menopause symptoms

Hot Flashes

Some women report that eating or drinking hot or spicy foods, alcohol, or caffeine, feeling stressed, or being in a hot place can bring on hot flashes. Try to avoid any triggers that bring on your hot flashes. Dress in layers, and keep a fan in your home or workplace. Regular exercise might also ease hot flashes, but sometimes exercise can cause a hot flash. If hot flashes continue and hormone therapy is not an option, ask your doctor about taking an antidepressant or epilepsy medicine. There is proof that these can relieve hot flashes for some women.

Vaginal Dryness

A water-based, over-the-counter vaginal lubricant (such as KY Jelly) can be helpful if sex is painful. A vaginal moisturizer (also over-the-counter) can provide lubrication and help keep needed moisture in vaginal tissues. Really bad vaginal dryness may need hormone therapy. If vaginal dryness is the only reason for considering hormone therapy, an estrogen product for the vagina is the best choice. Vaginal estrogen products (creams, tablet, and ring) treat only the vagina.

Sleeping Problems

One of the best ways to get a good night's sleep is to get at least thirty minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. But, don't exercise close to bedtime. Also avoid large meals, smoking, and working right before bedtime. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided after noon. Drinking something warm before bedtime, such as herbal tea (no caffeine) or warm milk might help you to feel sleepy. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool, and use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex. Avoid napping during the day, and try to go to bed and get up at the same times every day. If you wake during the night and can't get back to sleep, get up and read until you're sleepy. Don't just lie there. If hot flashes are the cause of sleep problems, treating the hot flashes will usually improve sleep.

Mood Swings

Women, who had mood swings (PMS) before their periods, or postpartum depression after giving birth, may have more mood swings around menopause. These are women who are sensitive to hormone changes. Often the mood swings will go away with time. If a woman is using hormone therapy for hot flashes or another menopause symptom, sometimes her mood swings will get better, too. Also, getting enough sleep and staying physically active will help a woman to feel her best. However, mood swings are not the same as depression.

Memory Problems

As people age, their memory is not as good as it once was. Some women say they have "fuzzy thinking" as they reach menopause. This may be caused by changing hormones and can improve over time. Getting enough sleep and keeping physically active can help. If memory problems are really bad, a woman might need to talk to her doctor as this is not caused by menopause.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Does Every Woman Have Menopausal Symptoms?

The most common menopausal symptoms are hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, mood swings, fuzzy thinking, and loss of libido.

Studies have found that some women only experience one or two symptoms that they can easily live with. However, most women have symptoms that they feel require treatment. But even when women do have symptoms, they don't have all symptoms all of the time. Some symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and fuzzy thinking are the result of the pendulum swinging between high estrogen and low progesterone, a scenario common during the perimenopause years. All symptoms come and go like acne, breast pain, and heavy bleeding. Though symptoms like vaginal dryness and decreased libido can happen at anytime for a multitude of reasons like medications, medical treatments, or after child birth, they are usually more noticeable after hormones settle in the post menopause years.

Fluctuating Hormone Levels

The phase menopausal symptoms refers to the body's reaction to fluctuating hormone levels.But the symptoms of menopause are not caused by the lack of estrogen but by the fluctuations in hormone levels. Symptoms resolve as hormones rebalance, it can take as little as a few months or for many women a few years for the body to settle into its new comfort zone. Nonetheless, with a little non drug intervention you can feel more like yourself during the rough spots of transition.

Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): What the Evidence Shows

Menopausal hormone replacement therapy has proven not to be the wonder drug that many thought it would be. We now know without doubt that menopausal hormones:

  • Increases the risk for invasive breast cancer.

  • Increases the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots.

  • Increases incontinence and uterine prolapse.

  • Does not prevent heart disease.

  • Does not prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Alternatives to HRT


As an alternative to drug therapy, acupuncture influences the body's flow of energy along the body's pathways called meridians. The hair fine needles used during an acupuncture session stimulate points along the meridians to correct health concerns or imbalances. The theory of Acupuncture is that it treats the root cause of the health problem instead of just the symptom to produce a healing effect.

Herbs for Symptom Relief

How do you choose?

Today, a stated 85% of the world's population use herbs as their first step solution to what ails them. Menopause symptoms are no different. Below is a list of ingredients known to treat the multifaceted problems of hormonal balance. It is the combinations of ingredients that produce the desired state of wellness. Don't try this at home! Either work with an herbalist or purchase a product that is specially designed and clinically tested to support your body during hormonal imbalances.

Bayberry: Traditionally used for intestinal upset, inflammation of the throat, and discharge due to vaginal irritation.

Black Cohosh: Used in Europe for over 40 years, and known worldwide as an alternative to estrogen therapy for symptoms of menopause. Efficacy and safety are confirmed by long-term clinical experience, controlled clinical studies and toxicity studies which substantiate its safety.

Capsicum: The fruit of the plant is authorized in the German Pharmacopeia and the Commission E monographs for the relief of muscle spasms. In the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary, capsicum is used as a carminative and stimulant, and recognized by the U.S. FDA for use in over the counter products for arthritis and neuropathic pain.

Damiana Leaf: Traditionally used to ease feelings of sadness, low energy, hot flashes, low libido, and classic symptoms of PMS.

Ginger Root: Anti-nauseant, anti-motion sickness and an aid for digestive upset are the classical uses of ginger. Ginger is valued the world over, as a culinary herb, home remedy, and medicinal agent. Ginger extracts have been extensively studied for a broad range of biological activities including antibacterial, anticonvulsant, analgesic, antiulcer, gastric antisecretory, antitumor, antifungal, antispasmodic, antiallergenic, and other activities.

Kudzu Root: High in isoflavones, such as daidzein, as well as isoflavone glycosides. Known for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine under the name "ge-gen" and used to treat thirst, muscle aches and pains, allergies and migraine headaches. The historical application of Kudzu for alcohol abuse is a major focal point of modern medical research.

Licorice Root: The German Commission E approved licorice root for inflammations of the upper respiratory tract and for stomach ulcers. Today, Licorice is one of the most extensively researched medicinal plants. Dietary consumption of licorice root extract may also help to lower cholesterol and act as an antioxidant.

Red Clover: Shown in clinical studies to relive menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and night sweats. Studies also indicate that the isoflavones in red clover may decrease bone loss and have a protective effect on the lumbar spine in postmenopausal women. Red clover isoflavones have been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure in certain populations.

Red Raspberry: Historically red raspberry has been used to strengthen the uterus and ease uterine cramping, help strengthen women's wombs in preparation for childbirth and aid with morning sickness.

Sage: The German Commission E approved sage for upset stomach and excessive perspiration (such as that may occur with hot flashes and night sweats) and for inflammation of the nose and throat. Traditionally sage was used to increase fertility, stop bleeding, and to promote regularity in a woman's menstrual cycle. Also used to heal minor skin wounds, treat hoarseness or cough, and improve memory function. In India, sage was used to treat intestinal gas, upset stomach, and infections.

Valerian Root: The German Commission E has approved Valerian for restlessness and sleeping disorders and recognized for its benefits in the national pharmacopeias of Austria, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Russia, and the United States, among others. The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy notes that Valerian is used for tenseness, restlessness, and irritability, with difficulty in falling asleep.

Serious Health Risks Attributed to Human Growth Hormone and How to Avoid It

Serious consequences of abuse

The society in general is concerned about the abuse of HGH therapy by many persons and especially athletes, celebrities, and those who are trying to beat the biological clock and remain young for much longer. Like we have said, there are many legal and safe uses of human growth hormone treatment in both children and adults, trouble abounds in what is referred to professionally as the "off label use" of growth hormone as an anti-aging agent or in the athletics market coming with a host of side effects and risks.   

One major risk factor that off label users have to contend with is the issue of proper dosage. Most of them assume that the dose they should use should be greater than that which is given professionally for the right purposes.  When one exceeds the doses that are proper and goes for something higher, there are complications they will encounter like those found in Acromegaly, an endocrine disease, which is the result of too much HGH in the body. The condition can very easily lead to muscle weakness and sometimes heart diseases.

Abuse by athletes

There is the other danger that athletes have to contend with. Because of advertisement they sometimes end up acquiring something completely different from what they intend to purchase. Thinking they got HG hormone, they end up with synthetic chemicals that are harmful to their health. Many of the preparations they by in the name of growth hormones are taken orally or through sprays, however, the scientific fact remains that the real HGH can only be administered through an injection.

The substances they end up with are usually anabolic steroid hormones or steroid precursors, which are suspected to promote the growth of tumors. The unlisted ingredients are usually in quantities only known to the manufacturer and the purity can also be in doubt

Danger of diseases

The human growth hormone that is administered professionally is made by recombinant DNA techniques and not from human tissue. Along time ago the only source of HGH was from the pituitary gland harvested from dead bodies but this is not the case anymore. This was discontinued because it was known to spread the rare but fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. There are suspicions that some of the HGH available from the black market is actually harvested illegally from cadavers and may carry this deadly disease.


The human growth hormone is prescribed legitimately for a number of serious health challenges such as GH deficiency, chronic kidney disease, and idiopathic short stature among many others. This however does not include anti-aging or improvement in athletic performance, using it for any purpose other than that which is intended puts one at a very big health risk.  

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy - Menopause Symptom Relief Without Side Effects

If you are pre-menopausal or in menopause and are experiencing unpleasant symptoms because of a decrease in hormone production, you might want to think about taking natural hormone replacement therapy (NHRT), which is made up of non-synthetic hormones that are derived from plant sources.

Natural hormones, also called "bio-natural" or "human iso-molecular," are chemically the same as the ones the human body produces. Synthetic hormones are manufactured with a chemical structure that is foreign to the human body but mimics some hormonal activity.

Examples of bio-naturals include Estriol, DHEA, Biest, Progesterone, Triest, and Testosterone. Synthetic examples include birth control pills, Premarin, Prempro, Climara, Estratab, and Estratest. NHRT is not new. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine.

NHRT has been available commercially since the 1980s. More and more women are choosing to use NHRT rather than synthetic treatments because synthetic hormones can cause side effects and have been shown to cause uterine and breast cancer. In addition, they are often ineffective.

Natural hormone replacement therapy can provide you with relief of a variety of pre-menopause and menopause symptoms, including:

  • Eliminating or reducing hot flashes

  • Improving concentration and memory

  • Preventing vaginal thinning and dryness

  • Improving skin elasticity and prevent thinning of skin

  • Preventing bone loss

  • Increasing energy

  • Reducing symptoms of depression

  • Promoting fat burning

  • Reducing sleep difficulties

  • Enhancing sex drive and libido

  • Improving blood flow

Natural hormone replacement therapy treatment can be delivered in capsule, gel caps or tablet form. You can also take delivery through mouth sprays, lozenges or drops, injections, patches, suppositories or implants. You can find many doctors who can prescribe NHRT where you live.

Perimenopause: Let It Be, But Not Too Early

When a girl turns to a young lady, she experiences puberty or adolescence where her breast and her hips start developing (leading to a more feminine figure) and her menstrual cycle begins. Such transition also occurs when a fertile woman has her period less than usual, and eventually loses it (menopause), and this transition stage is referred to as perimenopause. People usually interchange menopause and perimenopause although, technically, they are different stages. Menopause is the stage when the ovulation has completely stopped; meaning, the woman has become permanently unable to produce egg cells. Perimenopause, on the other hand, involves the ups-and-downs of a woman traversing from fertility to infertility.

If you have been asked are you in perimenopause? You probably need to check out some symptoms that you might be experiencing because perimenopause may actually occur as early as 30's. If you have not had your menstrual period for a year, then you are no longer in your perimenopause stage, instead, you already reached the menopause stage and after that, the post-menopause. Symptoms of perimenopause might include hot flashes, or sudden feverish feelings; mood swings like anxiety, depression and irritability; night sweats without any particular reason (hot weather); and, irregular or sometimes decreasing occurrence of menstrual period. These are the more common signs that you are on your way to menopause. It is a natural phenomenon, with all the hormonal changes your body experiences, but the onset of perimenopause can be delayed.

Are you in perimenopause and are you wishing to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms? There are varying approaches on how to slow down this process including hormone therapy where the patient is supplemented with either estrogen or progesterone (or a combination); however, many claims have gone against this because of the suggested risk leading to breast cancer. Nevertheless, natural therapy is fast becoming popular and it seems that patients are more positive about such treatment. For example, bioflavonoids, vitamin E and soy isoflavones are some suggested relief for hot flashes since they lower the severity of the symptom. Chamomile and kava root are natural sedatives that helps calm the mind and may lessen sleeping disorders.

Perimenopause and menopause will happen and there is no way to avoid it, however, the cases of premature perimenopause have been observed and this is primarily due to poor eating and health lifestyle. This will also help you with other severe effects of menopause like osteoporosis so as early as now (assuming you haven't experienced perimenopause), you should avoid foods high in cholesterol, exercise regularly, take in supplements for your bone and stop or do not smoke. Smoking has been regarded as a culprit for premature menopause.

When asked, are you in perimenopause? Do not be disturbed. It is only natural for women to experience such. It is not normal when you feel pain far from discomfort, like when you suddenly had excessive bleeding. While there is no way to delay what is to come, you can prevent it from happening too early, so starting today, you should make it a habit to live healthy.

Eliminating Male Breasts Without The Expensive Surgery Or Dangerous Hormone Therapy

Do you have "Male Breasts"? You aren't alone. My name is Cliff Manchaster. It wasn't so long ago that I was desperately trying everything under the sun to get rid of this chest fat. Diets, exercises, drugs, Q&A boards ... Safe or dangerous, you name it. I've most likely got fooled into it.

So there are only 3 option out there to get rid of "Male Breasts"

  1. Surgery

  2. Hormone pills

  3. Find a natural solution to Male Breasts (what is done, can be undone right?)

Surgery seems to be the best option. And yes, I almost considered it. What put me off is when I actually talked to a couple of guys who had been through this type of surgery.

Safe to say, it put me totally off this type of surgery. Who wants to wear an uncomfortable "compression vest" for many weeks of a painful recovery time anyways? Who really wants to risk ugly scars and saggy skin either?

Now how about hormone pills. Safe or dangerous, you name it. I've most likely got fooled into it. Their ads seem so appealing and I wanted my problem gone.

There had to be another way. And I think after 3 and a half months of frustrating yet desperate faith I found it. Best of all, it's probably the safest of all the options. It's all got to do with naturally balancing your hormones, which isn't that difficult when you know how to correctly do it.

I've created a free mini guide on how I did it here:

Natural Treatments For Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is the condition in which, there is increased amount of the thyroid hormone in the body. This is generally due to over-activity of the thyroid gland in the human body. Thyroid gland is the gland that is situated at front side of the neck somewhere nearer to the voice-box. The gland play important role in the metabolism of the body. Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food particles into the consumable form and release the energy for its routine functions. Hyperthyroidism should be treated as early as possible and fortunately, we have natural treatments for hyperthyroidism that can effectively treat condition without producing any side or harmful effects.

In hyperthyroidism, the metabolism is highly affected and body has faster digestion and assimilation of the food. Whatever the cause, hyperthyroidism causes many problems in the body and it becomes necessary to treat it before it turns into any complications, which in turn, becomes difficult to treat.

Apart from radioactive iodine therapy, surgical removal of the thyroid gland and anti-hyperthyroid drugs, there are some other natural and safe way to treat hyperthyroidism and all those symptoms that are related to the disease. There have been continuous researches performed in order to know about the role of various herbs and natural therapies to treat hyperthyroidism. Research confirms that the traditional wisdom gives favorable results in the condition and hence, they are to be evaluated further (Auf'mkolk M, Ingbar JC, Kubota K, et al. 'Extracts and auto-oxidized constituents of certain plants inhibit the receptor-binding and the biological activity of graves' immunoglobulins'. Endocrinology 1985; 116:1687-1693)

Some of the herbs have favorable effect for hyperthyroidism. For instance, Lycopus europea, is useful treating hyperthyroidism. There are some clinical trials and studies suggest that bugleweed can reduce thyroid hormone as it increases the levels of TSH, the hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland and orders it to produce thyroid hormone). The herb also impairs the thyroid hormone synthesis. Another effective treatment includes L-Carnitine. This is an amino acid that blocks the effects of thyroid gland that is over-active. It blocks the entry of excess thyroid hormones into the liver cells' nucleus, neurons and many other bodily structures that are targeted by excessive thyroid hormones.

Some of the naturopaths suggest trying magnet therapy and reflexology that can be very helpful treating hyperthyroidism. Acupressure and acupuncture also play important role in treating various endocrine disorders including hyperthyroidism. These are typical Chinese system of medicines that describe that our body has various acupoints that are regulators for the body's negative and positive energies. In diseased condition, negative energy is more than positive and treating such acupoints in a special way can balance those energies and can cure various health ailments including hyperthyroidism.

Some of the health experts suggest taking Vitamin supplements. Vitamins such as B12 and C significantly restore body hormones and enzymes including thyroid excessive hormones. Vitamin B12 depletion is occasionally considered as the factor giving raise to hyperthyroidism and its related symptoms.

Related Articles:

Top rated thyroid supplement

chinese herbal remedies for hyperthyroidism

Can Natural Hypothyroid Treatment Methods Cure Your Condition?

Thyroid hormone is the treatment method that just about everyone with a hypothyroid condition receives. But more and more people with hypothyroidism are turning to natural hypothyroid treatment methods to help restore their health to normal. Although some people do need to take synthetic or natural thyroid hormone daily for the rest of their life, many people who thought they would need to be on thyroid hormone forever have been helped through a natural hypothyroid treatment protocol.

The first thing that is important to understand is that in most cases of hypothyroidism, the malfunctioning thyroid gland is not the cause of the disorder. So the thyroid gland usually doesn't just begin slowing down or stop the production on thyroid hormone on its own, as something causes this to happen. And frequently this malfunctioning of the gland is caused by other compromised areas of the body, such as the adrenal glands, immune system (i.e. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis), digestive tract, and/or other areas of the body. So the goal of any natural hypothyroid treatment protocol is to determine the cause of the thyroid condition. And unless the cause is addressed, the person will most likely need to continue taking thyroid hormone daily.

Sometimes a hypothyroid disorder develops after receiving thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine. While some of these people can't be cured, many people still can benefit from natural hypothyroid treatment methods. For example, someone who had hyperthyroidism and received radioactive iodine very well may become hypothyroid, and be told to take thyroid hormone daily for the rest of his or her life. But while the radioactive iodine therapy might have helped to eliminate the hyperthyroid symptoms (and replace them with hypothyroid symptoms), it did absolutely nothing for the cause of the disorder.

What Are Some Of The Causes Of Thyroid Conditions?

There are multiple causes of thyroid conditions that are too numerous to list here. Frequently lifestyle factors will lead to the development of a thyroid condition. For example, someone who has a lot of stress in their life and does a poor job of managing it might develop weakened adrenal glands, which in turn can lead to a thyroid condition. Or the person might have a compromised immune system and develop a hypothyroid condition, and eventually an autoimmune thyroid disorder such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Of course it takes a long period of time for these conditions to develop.

Another lifestyle factor that can cause or contribute to the development of a thyroid condition is poor eating habits. Eating a lot of refined foods and sugars, skipping breakfast, and/or going long periods of time without eating can also but a lot of stress on your body. This is why one of the primary goals of any natural hypothyroid treatment protocol will be to help the person eat healthier foods that are essential for optimal thyroid health.

In addition to lifestyle factors, environmental toxins can also play a role in the development of a thyroid condition. Over the last few decades there has been a dramatic increase in our exposure to toxins, many of them in our own homes. In fact, about 2,000 new chemicals are manufactured each year. Not surprisingly, over the years there also has been an increase in the number of thyroid conditions. This obviously doesn't mean that all thyroid conditions are caused by environmental toxins, but research has shown that many of these toxins do have a negative impact on the thyroid gland.

Of course genetic factors need to be considered as well. The good news is that the majority of thyroid conditions are not caused by genetics, which means that in many cases we can restore the health in people who have a thyroid condition, and prevent the occurrence of such a condition in someone who currently has a healthy thyroid gland.

How Can Natural Hypothyroid Treatment Methods Help?

A natural hypothyroid treatment protocol will try to get to the underlying cause of the disorder, rather than just manage the symptoms. So for example, someone with a thyroid condition who wants to see if they can avoid conventional medical treatment (synthetic or natural thyroid hormone) might decide to see a natural endocrine doctor. Such a doctor will first evaluate your condition to determine whether or not you're a candidate for natural hypothyroid treatment protocols.

In order to do this, they not only will look at the standard thyroid blood tests that most doctors look at (TSH, T3, T4, etc.), but many also recommend additional tests. For example, many natural doctors will recommend an adrenal stress index test (ASI), which will help to evaluate the function of your adrenal glands. Or they might recommend a male or female hormone panel to determine if there are any hormonal imbalances. Other doctors might want to perform tests to determine if you have any nutritional deficiencies.

In any case, if they determine that you are a good candidate for natural hypothyroid treatment methods, then they will give you their recommendations, and then of course it's up to you whether or not you want to follow them. Unlike conventional medical treatment methods that simply involve taking thyroid hormone, restoring one's health through a natural hypothyroid treatment protocol can be a challenge. As mentioned earlier, any natural endocrine doctor will most likely recommend changes in your diet, as well as you modifying other lifestyle factors. They very well might also recommend that you take multiple nutritional supplements and/or herbal remedies.

So it is a complex process in both finding the cause of the problem, and then treating your condition naturally. This is why it is not recommended that you self-treat your condition, as many people think that simply eating better and taking some nutritional supplements from their local health food store can cure their condition, when this is usually not the case. For those people looking for a quick and easy solution to cure their condition, then a natural hypothyroid treatment protocol might not be for you. On the other hand, if you're committed to getting well and realize that this is not going to be something that takes a few days or weeks to correct, then natural hypothyroid treatment methods might be able to help you.