Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Magical Flower Therapy

Flowers are known to be provocative to many beneficial effects on the body. There is a certain therapy called flower therapy, and it is medically asserted as a stimulating and relaxing way to free your body. Flower therapy has been used for many centuries. To start with the ancient Chinese physicians, who believed in the flower powerfulness, which was considered as the only true means of gaining good health. Flower therapy is nowadays used in many experiments. Flower therapy patients are known to have many weaknesses healed by the floral influence. Flower therapy is not just the influence of flowers over the human body, it also comprises the overpowering influence of color. Colors contain different light waves, which can be stimulating for different body parts. Colors provoke the work of human glands. Glands are those organs responsible for the hormones.

Flower therapy is believed to unlock the production of beneficial hormones in the human body: the energetic adrenaline, the calming melotonin and the mood boosting serotonin.

What effect do different flowers possess over our bodies? Take a look at the following list:

1. Red is the color of vigor. Red roses can increase your energy. Red has the slowest vibratory length and the longest wavelength. It has a strong influence over the adrenal glands.

2. Orange is thought to prevent allergies. Typical orange flowers are daisies. Flower therapy with daisies has beneficial effect over the immune system and the lungs. It is also known to stimulate the sexual organs and to have empowering effect over your sexual potential. Orange is also used for mild therapy over the digestive system.

3. Yellow is a sunny color and it has a good influence over the brain. Yellow flower therapy is mostly practised with sunflowers. They stimulate your clear thinking and make you alert and decisive. Yellow is often used to create optimistic mood as it has a positive vibration. Sunflowers enhance your alertness.

4. Green is often used in flower therapy. Green zinnias are considered to affect the nervous system and to make our breath calm and smooth. It helps a lot when we are under large amount of stress: green is a stress-reducer, as it calms your heart beating and holds up our breathing.

5. Blue is the color of sleep. It triggers the production of melotonin, the hormone of sleep. This brain chemical helps us in sleeping long and pacifies our brain activity. Bluebells are largely acknowledged in flower therapy. Blue also stimulates the thyroid glad. This gland is the producer of thyroxin, a hormone that regulates human metabolism.

6. Irises are known in flower therapy as the symbol of indigo. Indigo is another sleep evoking color. Indigo stimulates the brain's pineal gland, which is said to control our confident emotions. It is also the regulator of sleep patterns. Thus, indigo helps us free the negative emotions of fear, worries and inhibition.

7. Lilacs are greatly used in flower therapy. The positive effects of violet are that it alleviates the "hot" conditions such as heat rush or sunburn. Violet suppresses hunger and regulates metabolism. It is a stimulator of the pituitary gland that produces beta-endorphines. They are known to be tension fighting with highly acknowledged stress- relieving effect.

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