Monday, July 29, 2013

Can You Have It All With Human Growth Hormone Therapy?

Do you strive to simply beat the "average life expectancy" or would you rather strive for an "active life expectancy"? If the second option sounds more appealing to you then you may be interested in the findings surrounding human growth hormone as they relate to anti-aging therapies.

This hormone is naturally produced in your body in abundance when you are young. However, after the age of thirty production consistently decreases each year so that by the time you are eighty, you've lost 80% of its benefits.

The age of eighty may seem like a long way off; however, people are living longer these days. The average life expectancy in 1970 was 70.8 years old. By the year 2000, that number jumped to 76.9 years old and is expected to continue upward so that by 2030 there could be as many as 10 million people who are 85 years old or more.

All of this is thanks to medical advances which help ward off preventable diseases that may have plagued earlier generations. But all this really means is that we are walking and breathing for a longer amount of time than in the past. That's living...but is that a life? The answer to that question is what everyone is chasing when they look at human growth hormone therapies.

The "what if" challenge is: What if we could look and feel just as good physically and mentally as we did when we were in our twenties and have the benefits and wisdom brought by decades of life experience. Can we truly "have it all", and continue to have an active, pain free life in our senior years.

While answers are still being sought, research conducted, and advancements made, human grown hormone supplementation seems to hold some promise for our future aging population.

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