Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stage III Prostate Cancer

In Stage III prostate cancer, the cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland. It is now affecting nearby tissues but has not reached the bladder, lymph nodes, rectum, or other organs and structures of the body. Surgery and radiation therapy can be an option for Stage III prostate cancer, depending on the case; however, normally they are less likely to work at this stage.

Possible Treatment Options
Radiation therapy or surgery may not be an option at this stage of the cancer; it depends on the patient and that particular case of cancer for the doctors to decide. They still could be possibilities in some cases. In others, a combination of different treatment options could be prescribed. Below is a list of possible treatment options for Stage III cancer of the prostate.

• External radiation therapy (XRT) in combination with Hormone therapy
• Hormone therapy by itself
• Radical Prostatectomy
• Watchful waiting

Watchful waiting will normally be used in patients who are 70 years old and older. This type of usually grows at a slow pace, so in older patients many doctors may prefer to use this technique to see what the cancer is going to do and whether treatment is even necessary.

Hormone therapy slows the growth of the cancerous tumor. If the growth of the tumor can be slowed to a point that is acceptable, doctors may be comfortable in prescribing this treatment option by itself.
Hormone therapy tends to work better when it is used in combination with another treatment option. In Stage III prostate cancer, the recommendation is to perform hormone therapy in combination with external radiation therapy (XRT).

Stage III prostate cancer is considered to be treatable but the prognosis is not as good as the earlier stages of prostate cancer. Otherwise known as locally advanced prostate cancer, Stage III prostate cancer, if treated by radiation therapy options and hormone therapy, yields a 70% to 80% chance of a relative 5-year survival rate. In other words, 7 to 8 men out of every 10 have a chance of surviving longer than five years after the diagnosis has been made.

In the end, it is up to the patient whether to receive treatment for the cancer. Treatment is highly advisable and no prognosis should discourage the patient in any way. Feel free to ask your doctor any questions about any part of your diagnosis, treatment, side effects, and prognosis, or anything else that you may have a question about. This involves your life and you should know what treatment entails. Remember, new clinical trials are being conducted constantly and eventually there may be better techniques available that can offer better results.

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