Friday, July 19, 2013

What Is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is the use of identical molecular hormones used for replacement treatment. It is also referred to as bio-identical hormone therapy and natural hormone therapy. A bio-identical hormone is not any kind of simulation, synthetic or replica, but comprises of natural plant-based substances, like soy, that have similar molecular structure of that of human hormones. Since these are bio-identical, it essentially means that the body recognises these substances as the same as human hormones and uses them in the same way it would use the natural body hormones.

This replacement therapy, although sounds like a new concept, it dates back to as far as 1930s. Numerous document studies and medical journals can be found on BHRT, when hormones were first used for relief from menopausal symptoms.

How does it work?

The hormones in the body act as messengers which transmit chemicals to the blood, and they in turn affect numerous things from our appetite, energy, mood, metabolism, weight to even our behaviour. With age, the body's hormonal system tends to become inefficient and imbalanced which leads to mood disorders and declining immunity and results in menopause.

With BHRT, hormones are administered to the body by way of tablets, pills, gels or creams. These bio-identical substances when administered to the body, it extracts the required chemicals, passes them through the liver which turns it into estrone and finally releases it into the blood stream to be used as replacement hormones. This replacement therapy is an alternative form of therapy and which in most cases proves to be simple, affordable and free of hassles and has no side effects. Its benefits and effects can last up to at least six months.

What are the advantages?

BHRT has many advantages when compared to equivalent synthetic products trying to achieve the same results. The 3 most important benefits are:

It reduces the risk of breast cancer: In many published journals like Postgraduate Medicine, Maturitas and Alternative Medicine Review, supportive evidence has been brought to light that bio-identical progesterone is far better suited to suppress the effects of cancer growth cells and its relapse or reproduction. The use of natural bio-identical hormones has less or no risk of breast cancer when compared to its synthetic counterparts.

It helps to improve circulation: The above mentioned journals also state that natural bio-identical hormones have a good effect on the blood vessels as it has practically no side effects on the blood lipids or vasculature and does not allow for any blood clots in the body when compared to the synthetic products which often leave inflammatory blood clots upon administration.

It provides relief from menopause symptoms: According to the Alternative Medicine Review, bio-identical hormones provide relief in menopause related symptoms such as sleep disorder, mood swings and mental cognition. Where the synthetic equivalents tend to increase the risk of dementia, this natural alternative, provides a no side effect relief from these symptoms.

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