Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hormonal Acne Treatment - Learn More Today

Acne problem is usually encountered when there are surges in hormones like during pregnancy or stage of puberty. For some cases, acne problem is caused by hormonal imbalance. The good news is that, finding inexpensive and effective hormonal acne treatment is so possible. This article will teach you some of the hormonal acne treatments that you can do at the comfort of your own home.

Urine Therapy

Yes, you read it right. Urine as hormonal acne treatment has helped many sufferers around the world for thousands of years. As you know, urine is a sterile substance and it is proven to be a good remedy for many health problems, illnesses and skin ailments.

In fact, the uses of urine in improving skin conditions and its effectiveness as hormonal acne treatment are well documented and the results are surprisingly positive. Urine has high levels of minerals, hormones and vitamins that can greatly contribute in sustaining balance to hormonal acne when applied to the skin.

Urine therapy is more effective when the urine is highly concentrated which is the very first urine of the day. Use a cotton pad and dab a generous amount of urine on the affected area and let it dry on the skin. You may repeat this procedure up to three times daily.

Oil Cleansing

Well, if you're a fan of urine therapy and would rather pay for a manufactured product, oil cleansing as hormonal acne treatment is a good choice. Oil cleansing is far different from typical cleansers as the latter can irritate your skin even more. Typical cleansers may worsen the condition of your acne because of the harsh chemical ingredients they contain.

Oil cleansing uses a manufactured product but not commercialized. It's been an ancient manner of cleaning the skin which uses olive oil to clear out the pores. Massaging a generous amount of olive oil for 2 minutes releases oils trapped in the pores without irritating the skin. Then place a steaming cloth or towel over your face so pores will open up. Wipe away excess oil as soon as the cloth cools down. This procedure will balance oil production in the skin which reduces acne naturally.


A digestive tract teeming with harmful bacteria will eventually result to hormonal imbalances as the systems in the body cease to work properly. These hormonal imbalances can cause acne break outs. Help keep your digestive tract in best condition, take in probiotics as hormonal acne treatment which can be bought at any health food shops.

Birth Control Pill

This hormonal acne treatment controls progestin and estrogen which will also reduce the production of oil in the skin. Obviously, this remedy is only suitable for women who are not pregnant and don't want to be pregnant for some time.

All About Menopause - Symptoms and Treatment

What is menopause?

Also called the climacteric, the term menopause refers to the last menstrual period. However links to the period between the childbearing years, the last normal menses and menstruation. At this stage of a woman's life, which usually occurs between 45 and 55 years, there is progressive loss of function of the ovaries due to aging of these, that cause hormonal changes.

It is a natural event in women's lives and should not be regarded as a disease. However the decline in hormone levels often causes problems concern as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness and urinary disorders.

Hormones (estrogen and progesterone) ceasing to be synthesized were responsible for the maintenance of the female genital organs and are associated with metabolic reactions that regulate the calcium, sodium, potassium, water and fats. Due to this the woman may suffer from osteoporosis, have increased blood pressure or weight gain.


The symptoms observed are:

  • Vasomotor instability - which consists of hot flashes suddenly flushing, night sweats, palpitations and anxiety;

  • Urogenital epithelium atrophy with vaginal dryness, increased susceptibility to vaginal infections, pain during intercourse, and decreased sexual desire;

  • Decreased breast size and breast tenderness;

  • Osteoporosis;

  • Nervousness, anxiety, irritability and depression;

  • Fatigue;

  • Headaches.

The most characteristic symptoms of menopause and those early and often manifest are hot flashes. Described as a burning sensation in the chest and started spreading over the face, may be associated with:

  • Excessive sweating, often at night;

  • Skin visibly blushing;

  • Tachycardia.

The level of the vaginal mucosa, a structure which is estrogen-dependent, low estrogen is also present and vaginal mucosa atrophy is the pH rises and the vaginal secretion is reduced and can even disappear. This leads to the appearance of comirritacao vaginal dryness, pain and burning during intercourse and susceptibility to infection. Urogenital atrophy, with or without urinary incontinence, can interfere with sexual activity of women and often decreases libido, increases anxiety, affect self-esteem and marital relationships.

The vaginal dryness can be on the surface or in depth. It is manifested through irritation, burning, itching, pain and burning that are most evident during sex. The causes of vaginal dryness surface are varied as recent delivery, oral contraception, sex hurried, psychological problems, etc.. In the case of vaginal dryness, menopause resulting in detail and it is due to reduction of estrogen.

The level of the skin, skin atrophy is rendered low elasticity of tissue and a loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue that affects their wrinkle progression.

The situation arises more often is postmenopausal osteoporosis and effects are often heavy as it can lead to fractures, more or less severe. The central cause of postmenopausal osteoporosis is estrogen deficiency.

Cardiovascular disease is by far the leading cause of death in postmenopausal women in the developed world, far surpassing the mortality due to cancerous disease. In women, the incidence of myocardial infarction has an exponential increase from 50 years of age, the opposite was observed that premenopausal women are relatively protected. Among cardiovascular risk factors is necessary to emphasize the changes related to elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, hypertension, smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.

A general feeling of tiredness is usually referenced by menopausal women. In this complaint is usually associated symptoms:

  • Insomnia;

  • Nervousness;

  • Irritability;

  • Anxiety;

  • Depression.

Effects of Menopause

As a result of menopause arise serious diseases such as osteoporosis, breast cancer and gynecological and cardiovascular diseases. So at this age a woman should do:

  • Rasteio

  • Cancer screening breast and uterus;

  • Determination of risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


Osteoporosis is a weakening of bones, which lose calcium, becoming more porous and therefore more fragile. Installation is a progressive disease, more common and more severe in women than in men. The symptoms are pain in the bones and frequent fractures.

Risk factors for osteoporosis:

  • Thinness;

  • Excessive physical activity or inactivity;

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption;

  • Ingestion of a little milk and dairy products;

  • Family history;

  • Certain medications such as corticosteroids.

Detection: Bone densitometry.

Cardiovascular Disease

After menopause the cardiovascular problems of the woman the equal of man. The woman no longer has the protection of hormones.

Risk Factors:

  • Hypertension;

  • Cholesterol;

  • Diabetes;

  • Obesity;

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption.

Detection: Medical.

Breast Cancer

It is the most common cancer in women.

Risk Factors:

  • More important:

  • Family history.

  • Less important:

  • Early menstruation;

  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding;

  • Late menopause;

  • Obesity;

  • Diet rich in fats and low in fiber;

  • Alcoholism;

  • Solar radiation.


  • Monthly breast palpation;

  • Mammography.

Warning Signs:

  • Change the color or texture of the breasts;

  • Secretions from the nipples;

  • Invagination nipple.

Cervical cancer

Risk Factors:

  • More important:

  • Family history;

  • Less important:

  • Diabetes;

  • Early menstruation;

  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding;

  • Late menopause;

  • Obesity;

  • Diet rich in fats and low in fiber;

  • Alcoholism and smoking;

  • Solar radiation.


  • Pap test (smear vaginal and uterine) or Colpocitologia;

  • Transvaginal uterine ultrasound.

Warning Signs:

  • Postcoital bleeding;

  • Whitish discharge with odor;

  • Pain in the basin;

  • Difficulty urinating.

Ovarian Cancer

Detection: Transvaginal ultrasound.


Estrogen replacement therapy

Estradiol is used for hormone replacement therapy. Relieves symptoms and prevents vaginal atrophy and osteoporosis. However, the risk of endometrial cancer, thromboembolism (varices, stroke, etc.). And hypertension are increased. To minimize these risks are administered at low doses and associated with progestogens. In menopausal women without a uterus are used only estrogen.

It is contraindicated when breastfeeding, pregnancy is suspected, have liver problems, or is suspected of having tumors of the ovaries, uterus or breast cancer, suffering from vascular disorders, thromboembolism or have diabetes mellitus.

It is used sometimes to apply vaginal creams containing estrogen that correct post-menopausal vaginal atrophy and with less risk.


It is a non-hormonal therapy for the symptomatic treatment of menopause, especially hot flashes and neurological symptoms. There are benefits in the prevention of osteoporosis and urogenital atrophy.

Is contraindicated in patients with galactorrhoea, and breast disease fibroquistica known or suspected breast cancer.

The treatment is normally of short duration, in cycles of 20 days per month. Should be made periodic examinations to the breasts.

It is an option when there is risk of thromboembolic problems (e.g. varicose veins) or risk of estrogen-dependent carcinoma.


Isoflavones are substances existing in pulses, in particular soya and lentils and have a beneficial effect in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. This effect was observed in oriental women, consuming soy, which did not suffer from menopausal symptoms so intense.

The administration of these substances supplements in some cases can reduce the symptoms of menopause without apparent side effects. It should, however, be attentive to the vaginal atrophy and osteoporosis which should be treated with appropriate medication, for example, calcium and use of vaginal creams.

Hormonal Acne - Its Causes and Treatments

Hormonal acne is seen mostly in women due to the natural cycles a woman goes through, such as menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.Women suffering from adult onset acne or worsening acne during adult years, typically seek standard acne therapies such as topical preparations, antibiotics or Accutane.This form of acne is treatable and with the availability of modern medicine, no woman needs to suffer from it.It not only affects adults but also teenagers.This form of acne is represented by the acne breakouts that appear only before and during the women's period. It typically begins in the early to mid-20s and can last for years. Hormonal acne treatment is classified by dermatologists as the best way to treat female hormonal acne, no matter what the severity may be.

Acne by its very nature can be considered a hormonal disease. It is one of those conditions about which insensitive jokes are still made. It is anandrogenic disorder, like hirsutism (Hormones and Unwanted Hair), which means that it is set off by the effects of the family of hormones called androgens.It can develop at any age, from teenager to adult.

Hormonal treatment of acne, limited to women, offers a different approach that is helpful when other treatments are ineffective.This form of treatment is generally not used in the most severe forms of acne, nodular/cystic acne. Hormonally-influenced acne is usually moderate and limited to inflammatory papules and small inflammatory nodules and occasional comedones. It is a common problem among teenagers.This form of acne typically appears for the first time around the age of 20 and 25, although it can strike as well both teen girls and mature women. This form of acne is usually moderate and it's usually limited to inflammatory papules, as well as small inflammatory nodules and occasional comedones. Hormonal treatment has to be properly planned and controlled and is always very successful, even in severe cystic forms of acne.

This treatment varies depending on the individual but usually involves lowering free testosterone and protecting the oil glands from this hormone. Treatment with salicylic acid and sulfur to address the symptoms of mild acne, rather that providing effective support for the body's own anti-acne resources. Treatment through hormone therapy, research has demonstrated, have a high probability of success.

Women who benefit most from hormonal treatment are typically in their 20s or 30s, have acne on the lower part of the face and neck, and have a history of failed treatment, or an intolerance to standard acne therapies (both topical and oral).Most of these women who develop adult acne typically have the problem for years, frequently through menopause. Women who experience hormonal acne may have been dealing with it since they were teenagers or they may not have had any real acne problems at all when they were younger.

When pores become clogged and the body is lacking certain nutrients to remove excess debris, they can become infected and inflamed, causing hormonal acne. These forms of acnes have a weakness for our chins, jaw lines and necks.It is simply acne caused by an overproduction of various hormones in your body. Hormonal acne in teenagers is a passing phase which tends to go away once the body hormone levels stabilize. This form of acne can be particularly frustrating because it may not respond to the same over-the-counter treatments that worked for some women during their teenage years.In addition, women with hormonal acne also may experience irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, infertility or diabetes. For women with hormonal acne who still develop premenstrual flares, oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) can be used successfully. There are several treatment options available for women with hormonal acne, including topical retinoids, topical antimicrobials (such as benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics), and oral antibiotics that are prescribed when the inflammation is more severe.

Stage 4 Breast Cancer Prognosis Factors

There are four stages of breast cancer, from stage 1 to stage 4. In stage 1, the cancer is least severe and the chance of recovery is still high. However, at stage 4, the malignant tumor has spread to other parts of the body (such as the lungs, skin, bones, liver, brain, or distant lymph nodes) and is very difficult to cure. Thus, this stage is also known as advanced or metastatic stage. The cancer might be already at the advanced stage when it is first discovered, but it can also be a reappearance of previous breast cancer that has already affected other parts of the body. It is a very serious condition and requires focused treatments. Stage 4 breast cancer prognosis involves the prediction of outcome and the chance of survival that are based on other patients' experiences. Here are the prognosis factors of a stage 4 breast cancer:

1. The first factor is the survival tendency. As a matter of a fact, the five-year survival rate for patients suffering from metastatic breast cancer is only 20 percent. Thus, the aim of the treatment is a long term survival of the patient, since the cancer at this stage is incurable.

2. Hormonal factors also play an important role. Estrogen and progesterone that can be found in birth control medications or hormone replacement therapy can actually cause the cancerous cells to grow. A hormone receptor status test will show whether or not any of these hormones are causing the growth of the malignant tumor. If the patient is estrogen receptor positive (ER+) or progesterone receptor positive (PR+), the cancer should respond well to hormone suppression treatments. Moreover, the three-year survival rate for ER+/PR+ patients reaches 97 percent while the survival rate for ER-/PR- patients is only 83 percent.

3. Histology is another important factor since it determines the degree of aggressiveness of the disease by identifying the types of cancer cells found in the tumor. For instance, the type of breast cancer known as tubular adenocarcinoma is considered as the most survivable. On the other hand, inflammatory breast cancer is very aggressive and the five-year survival rate for stage 4 is only about 11 percent.

4. Other factors that affect the stage 4 breast cancer prognosis and survival rates are the areas in which the cancer has spread, the size of the tumor, age and race factor, genetic history, response to treatment such as chemotherapy, biological therapy, clinical trials, medications, radiation therapy and surgery.

Balancing Your Hormones with Natural Progesterone Cream

Dozens of women enter our health store every week with symptoms of unbalanced hormones. Some have tried many things, including the traditional medical approach of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and haven't achieved their desired results. So, often as a last resort, they come to our store. Having been through major hormonal imbalance some years ago, and a person who searches until answers are found, I have answers for them.

Natural Progesterone Cream is where I always begin. We live in an estrogen dominant society where symptoms seemed to be the norm. Actually, when a woman is hormonally balanced, there are no symptoms!
But I bet you thought cramping, bloating, headaches, mood swings or hot flashes are what you should expect; that's just being a woman. Not so!

What is Estrogen Dominance?

Due to our environment, diet, stress, and lifestyle choices, we have become an estrogen dominant society. Massive amounts of hormones, steroids and antibiotics are injected into our cattle and poultry, posing a serious health risk to all who ingest them. Consequently, the use of these substances in our meat and dairy supply, has helped to create estrogen dominance in men, women and children alike. Environmental use of petroleum products and a whole parade of chemicals have also added to an overabundance of estrogen-like substances (false estrogens) in our bodies when we use products made from these chemicals. These products include: plastics, synthetic clothing, pesticides, cosmetics, cleaning products, toiletries, food and even things like condoms. We use these things every day of our lives in multiple ways, so you can see how easy it is to become estrogen dominant.

Estrogen, when out of balance in its ratio to progesterone within your body, causes many problems. Progesterone is crucially important and acts as a regulator for all other hormones in your body, and especially assists in balancing your estrogen levels. Progesterone is one of the first hormones in an entire chain of hormones, and it is necessary for the other hormones in your body to function properly, including thyroid and adrenal hormones. All of these hormones are part of the endocrine system, and your endocrine system supports and regulates every system in your body. When there is imbalance and estrogen dominance, the following symptoms can occur:

o Mood swings or depression

o Bloating

o Headaches, even migraines

o Breast soreness and swelling

o Weight gain

o Water retention

o Fibroid tumors

o Endometriosis

o Cramps

o Constipation

o Foggy thinking

o Loss of sex drive

o Heavy menstruation or irregularity

o Infertility

o Craving for sweets

o Dry skin and hair

o Dark circles under eyes

o Fatigue, lethargy

Traditional Medical Response

If you're feeling really awful and you decide to visit your doctor, you'll probably be given a different approach, one that uses chemicals (something that is foreign to your body and highly toxic) to possibly get rid of your present symptoms, only to trade off for maybe a half dozen other side effects. It could be a prescription of Prozac or something similar to help your mood swings and depression or a stimulant to help you lose weight. You could be given HRT or birth control pills, all synthetic hormones, to relieve your symptoms. You might actually find some relief in these approaches, but in the long run you'll be putting yourself at a higher risk for breast and uterine cancer and a host of other possible disorders as well as addressing only symptoms rather than finding the cure.

You might ask why the medical profession doesn't acknowledge the benefits of natural, safe and effective ways to approach your imbalance. The reason is actually quite simple; they are not taught preventative medicine. They are taught in medical schools which are supported by drug companies. They are taught to get rid of symptoms with surgery or prescription drugs. But going beyond that, we know that natural remedies cannot be regulated by the FDA, which means they receive no financial benefits from people using them, especially if they correct the imbalance and the patient no longer seeks a doctor's help. So what it all boils down to is monetary greed, and perhaps lack of awareness as to the healthier benefits of a natural approach. The beauty of it all is you have a choice. You can choose to take control of your own body and health rather than giving away that control to someone else.

Why are the synthetic hormones so harmful to you? They are not even close to the progesterone your body produces. Dr. John Lee, a noted authority on the beneficial uses of Natural Progesterone Cream, has often shown in his lectures and books through diagrams, how the synthetic progestin (posing as progesterone) used as a replacement for your own natural progesterone by traditional medicine, is only one molecule away from PVC pipe! The synthetic hormones, whether estrogen or progestin, pose an increased risk for breast, cervical and endometrial cancer as well as for gall stones and heart attacks, according to various alternative medical reports. It was written that a woman who has taken HRT for a few years and is 55 years old or more has an increased risk by 80% for a stroke or heart attack. I doubt you've been told that by your medical professional! And you've probably not been told that one out of eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime while one out of a thousand men will also develop breast cancer in their lifetime! (Dr John Lee's book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" is a wonderful reference and source for understanding hormonal balance naturally and obtaining more information.)

Benefits of Using Natural Progesterone Cream

So what can using Natural Progesterone Cream do for you? Below is a list of the benefits that often occur when using Natural Progesterone Cream.

o Helps use fat for energy rather than storing it

o Is a natural antidepressant

o Protects against fibrocystic breasts

o Helps to boost thyroid action

o Restores libido (sex drive)

o Helps to prevent breast cancer

o Improves energy and endurance

o Helps to balance estrogen, testosterone and other


o Provides a feeling of well being

o Assists in improving and even reversing osteoporosis

o Balances blood sugar levels

o Precursor to cortisol and DHEA - important adrenal


o Needed for proper function of adrenal glands

To fully understand the importance of progesterone, the following list gives the effects of estrogen in your body. Do understand that estrogen is a necessary hormone for many functions, like puberty and pro-creation, but if not balanced it can create havoc in your life and body.

o Increases body fat

o Breast stimulation

o Interferes with thyroid hormone

o Decreases libido

o Salt and fluid retention

o Interferes with blood sugar balance

o Increases risk of endometrial cancer

o Stimulates growth of cells

o Can cause headaches

o Contributes to depression

Natural progesterone therapy is being used successfully by many health care professionals around the globe to treat the symptoms of both PMS and menopause. More and more health professionals are becoming aware of the potential dangers of synthetic hormones, particularly estrogen, and we are seeing a shift to using natural approaches, particularly the use of Natural Progesterone Cream. Even though a shift has begun, we have a long way to go in convincing the main stream medical professionals of the benefits of natural remedies over chemical drugs.

We have learned through modern research and documented results that progesterone can elevate hormone levels while balancing those levels, counteract bone loss, help restore adrenal and thyroid function, and even strengthen the action of the liver. Your body has the right to experience vibrant and healthy hormones in balance, and you deserve the best. The best for you will never be synthetic hormones, or anything synthetic for that matter, because your body is a vibrantly alive, energetic being who breathes the breath of life. Life can only be sustained through something alive, not synthetic!

So why not simply take a pill of progesterone? Anything you take internally must go through the digestive system and be broken down. Part of that, perhaps half or more, will be lost in the process. Using progesterone cream however is readily absorbed into your body, often within seconds, and the majority of the cream is utilized by your body. You see, there are many pores in your skin that easily absorb whatever you place on your skin, making the cream the most beneficial way of a receiving a dose that is quickly and effectively used by your body.

How Do You Use Natural Progesterone Cream?

If you are still Menstruating Regularly and have a 28 day cycle, use the Natural Progesterone Cream from day 13 of your cycle (day 1 is the first day of your period) and discontinue it on day 27. Your period should begin the next day. Follow the directions for the amount to use according to the instructions on your container of progesterone cream. Adjust the days if your cycle is longer or shorter to where you use the cream for 14 days, beginning at the middle of your cycle.

For Peri Menopause, you may begin using the Natural Progesterone Cream on day 8 and continue until day 27. If your period doesn't start, simply wait 8 days and begin again.

Menopause means you haven't had a menses for one year. At this time you shift into using the Natural Progesterone Cream the majority of the month, but always remaining off the progesterone cream for 4 - 7 days. Why? Because your body continues to cycle even without the flow of blood. Hormones are normally low during your menses, so it is important to continue with the normal rhythm of your body and discontinue use for those few days. For me, as a postmenopausal woman, I find that if I discontinue using the progesterone cream after the last day of the month, then resume it on day 5 or 6 of the following month, I can more easily remember this since there are no more periods to calculate.

Rub the Natural Progesterone Cream onto your skin morning and evening (twice daily) because it only lasts in your body 8-10 hours. Rotate where it is applied as well because different receptor sites around your body need to benefit. Apply to breasts, stomach, inside upper arms, inside and outside thighs, bottoms of feet, wrists, etc. These areas of your body can absorb easier and faster and are ideal locations for applying the progesterone cream. It might be good to rub a small amount into your adrenal gland area (right above your kidneys in your low back) and/or thyroid area (at the base of your throat) as these glands are often in need of hormonal assistance too.

A container of Natural Progesterone Cream usually lasts about two months, more or less according to how much you use. Avoid purchasing a jar or pump of progesterone cream that has phyto-estrogens in it. These could be: black cohosh, dong quai, licorice, Siberian ginseng, blessed thistle. The main purpose of using the progesterone cream is to help your body balance from the excess of estrogen you presently are experiencing, so even using natural plant (phyto) estrogens simply continues the symptoms and contributes to more estrogen overload. Avoid soy as well as it is usually a processed product which makes it synthetic, and can have estrogen-like activity in your body. It is also linked to multiple digestive and allergy problems.

Understand that using progesterone cream is a plus for men and women alike. Men are being exposed to multitudes of chemicals and synthetic hormones through their diet and environment just as women and children. That's one of the reasons so many men are developing breast cancer as well as prostate cancer. Dr John Lee and other holistic health professionals suggest a man should use the progesterone cream once daily to protect his prostate glands (4 out of 5 men 50 and older will have prostate enlargement and difficulties) and to help balance all hormones in his body. Girls approaching puberty who are experiencing mood swings and irritable behavior, may also benefit from using Natural Progesterone Cream.

Do understand that using Natural Progesterone Cream is not a panacea, however I believe it may very well be an adjunct for improving your health. It is always advisable to seek the help of a professional, but seek out a holistic practitioner who realizes the whole body must be taken into consideration when diagnosing and creating a remedy for an issue. My personal choice, having used it for years, is Restored Balance.

Subclinical Thyroid Disease

Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) is an entity that practically is diagnosed based on laboratory data because there are not clinical data or are minimal. Thus, subclinical hypothyroidism was defined as elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) above the normal range (0.45-4.5 mIU/L) with normal concentration of free thyroxine (FT4).

The prevalence of SH is 7.5 to 8.5% in women and 2.8 to 4.4% in men. SH increases its incidence after 60 years of age, so that in women at this stage of life is recorded up to 15% and in men up to 8%. SH patients develop permanent hypothyroidism at the rate of 4% per year.

Many studies have shown improvement in the clinical condition of patients receiving thyroid hormone replacement doses, with normalization of serum lipids and improvement in cardiovascular and neurological systems.

The literature review also shows that a high percentage of patients with subclinical or even with the overt form of hypothyroidism are not diagnosed and therefore not treated consequently developing major neuropsychiatric disorders as well as lipids and cardiovascular disease.

However, also through a systematic literature review is found that factors (cost/benefit) to be taken into account before initiating replacement therapy in the SH are:

  1. Cost of not only drugs but also consultations and laboratory studies

  2. Duration of therapy, because once started is difficult to discontinue it

  3. Risk of exacerbation of preexisting heart disease in elderly patients

What Type Of Patients Should Be Performed TSH Test?

It is recommended practice Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test in men and women aged 35 years old and measure free thyroxine (FT4) to those who have high TSH.

A doctor would treat with levothyroxine to patients with elevated TSH and normal or low FT4 with a dose to normalize TSH levels. Patients aged 60 years or a heart disease background only is considered the possibility of giving thyroid hormone therapy if the TSH is above 10 mU/L and a dose which would reduce TSH levels only about 6 mU/L.

In the case of women in gestational age or pregnant should be made appropriate testing regardless of age since early diagnosis allows us to establish the appropriate replacement therapy with levothyroxine and avoid fatigue, weakness, weight gain and edema in the mother and promote the proper neurological development of the product.

Since conventional medical treatment involves several types of complications can be considered various alternative treatments, mainly focused on nutrition and based on herbs that help in improving thyroid function.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Human Growth Hormone Enters Realm of Illegal Drugs

Heroin, Cocaine, Crystal Meth, Human Growth Hormone - wait- Human Growth Hormone?

What's that doing in this list of illegal substances?

Well it looks like when it comes down to a product that is reputed to slow the aging process, then a lot of people consider "legal" to be just a minor technicality.

We're talking about of injectable, synthetic HGH, and its growing popularity. Seems like the more it's been advertised, the more it's being abused. So much so that the Feds (as in the Drug Enforcement Agency, DEA) have begun scrutinizing the situation.

Since drug suppliers the world over know that the USA is the choice market for their wares, it should come as no surprise that illegal supplies of synthetic human growth hormone are pouring in from foreign sources. The increased misuse has prompted a federal crackdown on the new influx of illegal HGH.

Unfortunately, as so often happens, rather than stopping misuse, the opposite seems to have occurred. Sources from a recent Associated Press investigation say the crackdown appears to have produced record sales of the drug by some of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies.

The federal effort, according to the investigation, which began in 2006, actually worked almost too well, reducing the illicit flow of unregulated Human Growth Hormone (HGH) from Mexico, China, and India.

So because nature abhors a vacuum, major U.S. pharmaceutical companies have stepped up to fill the gap. They have amped up production to satisfy the craving of the growing U.S. market, both legitimate U.S. users and not-so-legal abusers. The latter group mostly composed of persons who take the drug in hopes of that it is an anti-aging miracle concoction.

HGH does have legitimate use. Legally, sales in the U.S. are limited by law to treat a rare growth defect in children and a handful of uncommon conditions like short bowel syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome, a congenital disease that causes reduced muscle tone and a lack of hormones in sex glands.

However the Associated Press reports that at least half of last year's sales most likely went to patients not legally entitled to get the drug. In fact, U.S. pharmacies processed nearly double the expected number of prescriptions.

Of concern are a number of documented side-effects from synthetic HGH, such as enlargement of breast tissue, carpal tunnel syndrome and swelling of hands and feet, as well as greater risks of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Understanding Acne Hormones in Men and Women

Ever thought of how hormones contribute to the development of acne? Though, acne can be very depressing, given the right information about acne and its prevention can greatly help a person find solutions to his or her acne problems.

Acne also known as Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease that affects men and women, teenagers and adults alike. Skin experts and dermatologists believe that there is no single cause of acne. Genetics, stress, pregnancy, puberty and hormonal imbalance are the factors that contribute to acne. Yes, hormones play a major role in the development of acne in both men and women.

Acne Hormone - Puberty

Teens are more likely to suffer from breakouts because they usually have relatively large amounts of androgen present in their bodies. Androgen causes acne because it stimulates the sebaceous gland. The sebaceous glands are accountable in producing oil. The excess production of oil is brought about by over stimulation of the sebaceous gland. This leads to clogging of pores and the appearance of acne.

In fact, androgen or the male hormone is seen in both gender. On the other hand, boys are inclined to produce more of these hormones as compared to girls. The androgen level is supposed to normalize as the teenager reaches adulthood. Theoretical, any acne problems should have cleared up by then. Unfortunately at any age, acne can flare up again. So brace yourself, but don't get too stressed out. Remember that stress can also contribute to acne development.

Acne Hormones - Pregnancy

Yes, pregnant women are very susceptible to develop acne because of increasing level of hormones in their body. Androgenic hormones like progesterone activate the sebaceous glands to generate more oil, which leads to more acne outburst.

When it comes to acne treatment, pregnant women should consult with their dermatologists first before buying any anti acne products. Since there is a high possibility that some of the ingredients of these drugs and products can pass through the baby via the placenta or in the bloodstream.
A piece of advice to pregnant moms out there, it is true that acne can affect your confidence. Nevertheless, refrain from using over the counter medicines and anti acne products if you love your baby.

Acne Hormones Testing

Hormonal testing is very useful. The similar test is used to check for extra hair growth or alopecia. The specialist would measure the androgens in your body to monitor for elevated levels. To control acne breakouts, evaluation with an experienced physician is a must. Other symptoms that dermatologists will look for are irregular periods, increased hair growth, and weight problem.

Birth control pills like Yasmin is one of the most commonly prescribed treatment for hormonal acne in women. As for men, anti-androgen drugs or oral corticosteroids are usually prescribed.


Surely, everyone wants a healthy, flawless looking skin. But before you finally decide to use hormonal acne therapy either the synthetic or the natural ones, be sure to check with a highly regarded dermatologist to make sure that the chosen therapy is suitable for you.

Breast Cancer and Estradiol

Breast cancer is one of the principal causes of early death in women worldwide and roughly 1 in 8 women will grow this disease as long as their life span. Increased exposure to estrogen is an established danger factor for its growth in both young women and postmenopausal taking hormone therapy (HT). Even after years of intense research, the mechanisms of breast cancer progression and metastasis are not completely understood.

Even though estrogen play a significant role in the development of normal mammary glands, however, they are implicated as well in the growth of breast cancer by all together stimulating cell proliferation and gene expression through the estrogen receptor (ER) and by causing DNA damage potentially through their genotoxic catechol estrogen metabolites.

There is a lack of consensus concerning the safety of estrogen replacement therapy, particularly regarding its effect on a woman's risk for breast cancer. Elevated urinary or serum estrone and estradiol concentrations in postmenopausal women are linked with a moderately elevated risk of the disease.

Clinical usage of hormone therapy in postmenopausal women has considerably changed over the past 5 years. The latest data connect to its risk amongst consumers of estradiol, a formulation more generally in use in Europe than the USA.

Unopposed estradiol leads to these similar kinds of cancer. Because breast cancer is deemed to be a hormone dependent cancer it is seriously significant to avoid the factors that would encourage extra estradiol.

Hormonal therapy medicines either blockade the effect of estrogen on hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer cells or restrict the quantity of estrogen created in the body. Eventually, some hormone-receptor-positive, advanced-stage breast cancers that reacted to hormonal therapy discontinue responding.

The little study established that giving estradiol, a type of estrogen, to women being treated for advanced-stage, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers that had ended reacting to hormonal therapy caused approximately 30% of the cancers to stabilize or begin reacting to treatment once more. In a number of cases the cancers started to react to hormonal therapy again. The examination was in attendance at the 2008 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

When you're being cured for hormone-receptor-positive, advanced-stage breast cancer and the cancer has ended reacting to hormonal therapy medicine, think talking about this study with your doctor. Employing estradiol to treat breast cancer isn't regularly completed in this situation, and the majority of the cancers in this study didn't react to estradiol. Still, as you and your doctor think about your treatment choices, the effects of this study make it reasonable to think whether treatment with estradiol may seem right for you.

Melasma - The Mask Of Pregnancy - Diagnosis And Treatment

Up to 75% of pregnant women have some form of hyper-pigmentation (an increased dark pigmentation of any area of the skin). Typically, it is mild and affects already pigmented areas such as the nipple/areola. The midline of the abdomen can also develop a dark line called the "linea nigra". Melasma is the medical term for a hyperpigmentation condition also called "chloasma" and many know as the "mask of pregnancy". It affects more than half of all pregnant women. Asian and Hispanic women have an increased risk for melasma. Melasma is identified as a light tan to dark brown pigmented discoloration of the central facial skin almost as if one were wearing a "lone ranger" style of mask. Melasma is not exclusively associated with pregnancy. It can also occur in women on oral contraceptives, in those receiving hormone replacement therapy, and in some medical conditions that involve abnormalities of hormone levels, such as menopause or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This is because melasma is directly linked to fluctuating higher than normal levels of estrogen and/or progesterone. Men can also get melasma but it is very uncommon - 90%+ of melasma cases occur in women. Thyroid disease and stress may also cause melasma as these conditions can lead to increased production of MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone). Melanocytes are special cells in the skin that produce melanin - the pigment which is in produced in overabundance in melasma and other forms of hyperpigmentation.

Melasma is a special form of hyperpigmentation primarily affecting the central portion of the face; less commonly, the cheeks, the jawline and even the forearms may be involved. No one has ever determined why this unique distribution pattern occurs. The hyperpigmentation of melasma is microscopically characterized by a greater than usual number of melanocytes in the affected areas. These melanocytes are also carrying an abnormally high amount of dark melanin pigment (melanosomes) and have an increased number of connecting "bridges" (called "dendrites") with which they can "inject" pigment into the surrounding skin cells and skin tissues. These cellular characteristics are somewhat unique to melasma and not seen to the same degree in other forms of hyperpigmentation such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (a hyperpigmentation condition which can occur e.g. after laser treatments). The hyperpigmentation of melasma is also deeper in the skin tissue (more pigments are deposited in the deeper layers than in the superficial layers) than is seen with other kinds of pigment problems. Melasma is also associated with a general increase in capillary vascularity often lending an accompanying reddish hue to the affected area.

UV radiation is probably the most potent stimulator of melanin synthesis that there is. Properly protecting the face and judicious use of sunblock are extremely important if there is the slightest suggestion of the appearance of melasma.

In the 6 - 12 months following labor and delivery or with the stopping of any supplemental hormones, melasma most often disappears on its own. Once again, sunblock use during this time is critical. UV radiation perpetuates the stimulation of melanocyte activity and melanin production. This may turn some or all of the pigmentations darker and possibly permanent.

Treatment for melasma that does not show signs of regressing spontaneously involves some basic concepts. Again, the most important of these is sunblock use and the avoiding of tanning rays. Consistent and regular use of a reliable high quality sunblock, wearing a UV blocking hat, and using an umbrella when at the beach are all good strategies.

Consult with your physician expert in cosmetic skin care to develop a cohesive treatment plan. Topical anti-inflammatory agents (e.g. steroids) can help - minimizing any existing inflammation and irritation is key to a quicker and more definitive resolution. Minimizing any inflammation or irritation to the skin in general is similarly wise. Gentle washing, and stopping the use of any skin care products or fragrances that are irritating is helpful. Azeleic acid, lactic acid, vitamin c, retinoids and steroids have all been used with success in treating melasma, usually in combination therapy. Hydroquinone has also been very successful, but there are growing concerns about absorption, carcinogenicity, and side effects. Any therapy which produces too much irritation may be counterproductive; this is often also a potential problem with hydroquinone, and with the retinoids as well.

Breast Enhancement Hormone

The primary breast enhancement hormone is estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that is naturally produced in the two ovaries. This hormone is responsible for helping to maintain the reproductive cycle as well as the secondary sex characteristics of girls at puberty. A number of hormones really start to become active around the time of puberty, and estrogen is only one of the ones responsible for growth of breast tissue.

Some naturally occurring herbs also have chemical properties that are similar to estrogen. These chemicals, or phytoestrogens, seem to do some of the same things in the body that estrogen does. Phytoestrogens are found in fennel, fenugreek, wild yam, dandelion root, and saw palmetto. When added together, the estrogen like effects of these phytoestrogens have been noted in some herbal breast enhancing creams and pills to increase breast size.

The same phenomenon is noted during the menstrual cycle. Estrogen levels are at their highest during the week right before a woman begins to menstruate. This causes an increase in sensitivity in the breasts that may be noticed as soreness in some women. Many women also notice that their breasts swell a bit around this same time. This is the work of the breast enhancement hormone, estrogen.

Breast growth is at its highest during puberty and does not continue throughout a woman's life without a little help from phytoestrogens and implants. Both of these can improve the size and firmness of breasts either by supplementation or surgery. The effects of supplementation will only be temporary, but surgical implants can add several sizes to a woman's breasts permanently.

When discussing a breast enhancement hormone, many women just assume that hormone therapy is the only method to increasing bust size. This could not be further from the truth. Hormone therapy is only one way to increase breast size, and many times hormone therapy has been implicated in many cancers. When doing research, you may be able to find other phytoestrogen herbs that will work better for you. Herbal remedies can be used as a synthetic breast enhancement hormone when consulting first with your physician.

Testosterone-Hormone Therapy For Men

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the hottest topics in bodybuilding today. It involves the use of synthetic hormones to allow the body to produce higher levels of the sex hormones testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Originally designed for people with low hormone levels due to a condition, it quickly caught on among elderly people who were able to match the vitality of a person decades younger. Hollywood noticed next, and was followed by groups of 30-, 40-, and 50-something professionals seeking to regain their youth. Hormone therapy is today's fountain of youth - allowing people of all ages to return to the testosterone levels they enjoyed in their twenties, even if they are decades older.

As men age, their body's natural level of testosterone (male sex hormone) decreases, and their production of estrogen (female sex hormone) increases. As a result, men experience muscle loss, fat increases, Gynecomastia, and other issues. In other words, they get old. HRT reverses that.

To get approved for HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), one must visit a doctor and make the case for an actual need. HRT agents like testosterone and growth hormone are highly controlled. Telling your doctor that you want to win a local NPC contest will not get you the prescription you desire. Typically, a patient will undergo a series of examinations to determine what sex hormones are out of balance. A hormone panel is completed, and cancer screening is done. If patient is cancer-free, has a measured lack of sex hormones, and exhibits the mental characteristics of low testosterone, he will likely receive the prescription.

Initially, aromatase Inhibitors (AI's) may be used to offset the estrogen rise. This is the simplest treatment, and is actually the same compounds used in post-cycle-therapy (PCT) for steroid users, to negate the post-cycle spike in estrogen that occurs when synthetic testosterone levels suddenly drop. The very consistent and expensive Arimidex is most commonly prescribed. Recently, Femara and Aromasin have begun being used because they are more potent.

If AI's fail to fit the bill, prohormones are often introduced next. Adione and 4-Adiol are most frequently used, along with 1-AD and others. Prohormones, unlike actual testosterone, do not convert to estrogen, so they can boost testosterone levels and improve quality of life without the side effects that follow estrogen levels jumping.

Transdermal Testosterone is the third step in correcting low sex hormone levels. Pulse therapy (2-3 time per day) or patch/gel testosterone therapy are very effective for raising testosterone levels in the body. They are effective, but do completely or partially shut down the body's natural ability to produce testosterone, so their use may remain permanent.

Finally, Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is used in a small percentage of patients whose bodies don't produce adequate growth hormone, or if the patient hasn't responded to the first three treatment methods. HGH is expensive and difficult to store and administer.

Finding the right hormone replacement method is an important decision that you and your doctor should complete together. Use the above descriptions as a starter point, do your research, and see if hormone replacement is right for you.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hormone Therapy As an Anti Wrinkle and Anti Aging Treatment Solution

I always tell my friends - it's only a crazy person that can prevent looking old with wrinkles, yet doesn't want to do anything about it. If you are on the other side of the camp of people that hate looking old with nasty looking wrinkles, then this article will help you. It looks closely at one of the popular anti wrinkle treatments - hormone therapy - and how it can help you or not.

One of the most radical treatment procedures for wrinkle removal that have been contemplated and tried over time with varying degrees of success is anti-wrinkle treatment by hormone therapy. While many insist that it doesn't work to reduce the aging process at all, lots of other people say it does.

If you look closely at several anti-wrinkle creams and lotions that are out there for sale today, especially those that work for lots of users, they have a lot of these hormones as part of their ingredients. Also, as many anti aging experts have opined, most anti-aging treatment methods are basically hormone therapies.

Also, some of the more common hormones that are commonly used in the treatment of aging symptoms include melatonin, the human growth hormone, testosterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and a number of other performance enhancing drugs.

You should know again that these hormone treatments are basically anti-aging medications, but if they can keep you from aging too fast, certainly they can keep you from growing wrinkles at some level as well. But of course, as I always caution - you should consider going for this or any other anti-wrinkle treatment with the guide or advice of your doctor.

An Overview of Growth Hormone Issues in Children With Cerebral Palsy

We've all heard the horror stories about the abuse of HGH (human growth hormones) in aspiring athletes the world over, but just because something gains its notoriety from abuse, doesn't mean the same advances in science don't have real value when manufactured, distributed and administered properly and legally. In this article we're going to look at cerebral palsy's effect on the body's natural production of growth hormones and the use of replacement HGH therapy.

Unfortunately, when a parent learns their young child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, the question that cannot be immediately answered is "what impact will this have on my child?" Because cerebral palsy can result from damage to different parts of the brain, only time will tell how, and to what degree, the disorder will manifest itself. Cerebral palsy commonly has physical manifestations, leading to compromised growth and physical development. Its effects can also be primarily cognitive, leaving the body to mature in a relatively proper and healthy manner. The child may be several years old before all symptoms can be detected.

Endocrine glands refer to the system in the body that secretes hormones directly into the blood stream. The endocrine system includes the pituitary gland, the pancreas, the testes, the ovaries, the adrenal glands and the thyroid. A hormone is a chemical that sends messages that affect cells in other parts of the body, facilitating functions such as growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction and mood. As the "master control gland," the pituitary gland controls a number of important functions in the body and when compromised, can have many negative effects on the rest of the body.

There are no absolutes in cerebral palsy, but from birth to puberty, many children with CP demonstrate a slower rate of growth and delays in the onset of puberty. In 2010, a study was conducted by the School of Medicine of Santiago de Compostela, Spain to determine if this stunted growth might be the result of a deficiency in the secretion of natural growth hormones. It was determined that roughly 70% of the 46 children in the study lacked normal growth hormone secretion as a result of their cerebral palsy.

There are a number of growth receptors in the brain and central nervous system, including the hypothalamus and hippocampus. Studies, such as the one mentioned above, indicate that in children with cerebral palsy, the neurotransmitter pathways serving growth hormone control are impaired, limiting the normal and required levels of secretion.

Again, not all children with cerebral palsy have a growth hormone deficiency. Some of the symptoms to look for beginning around your child's 3rd year include: 1) child is noticeably shorter than other children the same age 2) growth rate flattens or slows to less than 2 inches per year 3) delayed signs of puberty 4) facial features seem younger than children of same age and gender. If you suspect your child may be experiencing symptoms of slow growth, it may be the result of a dysfunctional pituitary gland. Pituitary disorders are treated by specialists called endocrinologists.

The conclusion that the short stature exhibited in many children with cerebral palsy is likely due to impaired or deficient growth hormone secretion is fairly recent, therefore recommendations that these children undergo growth hormone therapy is not without controversy. Most of us first heard of growth hormones when it was approved for use in the livestock industry. And while we've all heard of human's injecting themselves with bovine GH, that's not what we're talking about. In the United States (and most of the world) the only artificial growth hormones approved for human consumption are human GH, manufactured by recombinant DNA technology (cloning). While it is legal if obtained from a pharmacy in administered by a medical professional, the long-term safety has yet to be tested in a clinical trial.

The therapy requires and almost daily injection of the HGH into subcutaneous tissue or muscle to get it into the blood stream. While less painful than it sounds, it can be prohibitively expensive, costing between $10,000 and $30,000 a year. It is not yet known if the therapy will need to be continued over a patient's entire life.

Recent years have seen growth hormone therapy used successfully to treat certain children suffering from linear growth failure as a result of cerebral palsy. Consult with an endocrinologist to learn of new developments in this type of therapy and to see if it might be the right choice for your child.

Can You Have It All With Human Growth Hormone Therapy?

Do you strive to simply beat the "average life expectancy" or would you rather strive for an "active life expectancy"? If the second option sounds more appealing to you then you may be interested in the findings surrounding human growth hormone as they relate to anti-aging therapies.

This hormone is naturally produced in your body in abundance when you are young. However, after the age of thirty production consistently decreases each year so that by the time you are eighty, you've lost 80% of its benefits.

The age of eighty may seem like a long way off; however, people are living longer these days. The average life expectancy in 1970 was 70.8 years old. By the year 2000, that number jumped to 76.9 years old and is expected to continue upward so that by 2030 there could be as many as 10 million people who are 85 years old or more.

All of this is thanks to medical advances which help ward off preventable diseases that may have plagued earlier generations. But all this really means is that we are walking and breathing for a longer amount of time than in the past. That's living...but is that a life? The answer to that question is what everyone is chasing when they look at human growth hormone therapies.

The "what if" challenge is: What if we could look and feel just as good physically and mentally as we did when we were in our twenties and have the benefits and wisdom brought by decades of life experience. Can we truly "have it all", and continue to have an active, pain free life in our senior years.

While answers are still being sought, research conducted, and advancements made, human grown hormone supplementation seems to hold some promise for our future aging population.

Getting Rid of Ovarian Cysts

The formation of cysts on the surface of the ovary is not a rare event, in fact many women may have ovarian cysts and not have any symptoms as a result. Ovarian cysts build-up is a consequence of anovulatory cycles. Whenever the follicle doesn't sufficiently grow at ovulation and therefore can't give off the egg, a small cyst is develops. This is a functional cyst that continues to grow under the action of female hormones estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) during the first half of the menstrual cycle. When progesterone is secreted by the ovary during the second half of the cycle, the cyst ultimately shrinks down and vanishes on its own. This type of process can be repeated the next month and a new cyst can form or the old one continues to grow.

As the cysts continues to grow the woman feels pain during ovulation. Some women tend to continually produce many small cysts within their ovaries and suffer from high FSH levels and low progesterone levels. They suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome. The main problem with this condition is the inability to conceive and other unpleasant symptoms like weight gain, mood swings, abnormal blood sugar levels, and hirsutism.

A drug free approach to this problem is always recommended especially if a woman is trying to conceive. In many cases a natural healing methods can even prevent surgery.

What not every woman knows is that the major cause of ovarian cyst formation is due to hormonal imbalance caused by environmental agents called xenoestrogens.

High amounts of estrogen can affect hormonal imbalance producing dysfunctional ovulation patterns and the formation of ovarian cysts.
Let's learn more about things that each woman can do in order to avoid excess estrogen:

1. Soy foods contain phyto-estrogens that increase estrogen in the body. The only recommended type of soy products are those that are fermented.
2. Many commercially raised animals are feed hormones to grow more rapidly and larger. When a woman consumes these meats or dairy products containing high hormone levels, she will increase her changes of developing an ovarian cysts.
3. Some xenoestrogen are also present in plastic container which give off a very potent compound which has estrogenic effect within the body when heated. Because of this, it is recommended not to warm the food in a microwave oven using a plastic container, glass or ceramic is always better.
4. Xenostrogens are present in tap water. Many municipalities do not filter their water from chemical compounds. It is recommended not to drink water that has been stored in water bottles as well.
5. Pesticides are another souse of these compounds. It is best to buy only organically grown fruits and vegetables.
6. Many women do not know but their cosmetics, creams and shampoos contain xenoestrogen. This are parabens. It is possible now to find paraben-free personal products at the health food store.

The next step in getting rid of ovarian cysts is to take natural supplements that help the body eliminate excess estrogen, thus balancing progesterone levels back to normal levels. These supplements are:

1. DIM helps break down and eliminate excess estrogen levels in the body.
2. Maca increases progesterone levels without having any hormonal properties.
3. Vitex is an herbal remedy that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), decreasing FSH and increasing progesterone.
4. Natural progesterone cream is another natural form of therapy that can be done in place of Vitex. This type of therapy is called bio-identical hormonal replacement therapy and it is advisable in women who have very high levels of FSH and very low levels of progesterone. It is also indicated inc cases when the ovarian cyst is very large and keeps growing. Natural progesterone cream should be applied in these cases from day 8 to day 26 of the menstrual cycle. By doing this, ovulation is suppressed and the ovarian cyst has enough time to shrink as progesterone levels increase balancing excess estrogen.
5. Castor oil packs applications are an excellent way to shrink ovarian cysts and to treat a lot other gynecological disorders that involve tissue growth and that are under the action of the hormone estrogen. These are fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, and of course ovarian cyst formation. Castor oil pack applications help cleanse the body tissues, deep inside, and eliminate toxins.

The following steps indicate how to do a Castor oil pack:
a. Apply a generous amount of Castor oil on your lower abdomen.
b. Cover with a piece of flannel or wool.
c. Place a warm pad on top.
d. Keep the pack for 45 minutes.
e. Repeat 3 times a week.

Avoid doing a Castor oil pack application during menstruation or pregnancy.

6. Use homeopathic remedies to assist the body in the process of reducing, shrink and eliminate ovarian cysts. Homeopathic medicine uses highly diluted, non-toxic natural remedies that stimulate the body to heal itself. Homeopathy is very successful because it takes into consideration, not only the local symptoms that the woman is currently experiencing, but also her past medical history and her constitutional weakness.

Many women who have used the birth control pill in the past have for many years suppressed the action of their ovaries. This often leads to abnormal ovulation leading to distorted ovarian and the formation of ovarian cysts. Also, many women develop ovarian cysts that a very large and very painful while on birth control pill. This is the result of the detrimental action of synthetic hormones, which the body has a hard time to metabolize and eliminate. In fact, it can take a woman over one year to regain full ovarian function after been on birth control pill. Homeopathic can help women solve this problem by re-establishing fertility, hormonal balance and treat ovarian cysts development. This type of treatment is recommended for every woman who has or has had an ovarian cyst, but it is especially important if the woman is trying to conceive.

Transitioning Through Menopause and Middle-Age With Ease

Transitioning through menopause is challenging. Do we take hormone replacement therapy? Only you can answer that. Do you have body fat and fluid changes, and hunger cravings before your menses? This may be a clue whether hormone therapy will actually benefit you. More breast and ovarian cancers seem to occur during this transition through menopause. Because these cancers are estrogen dependent, I chose not to take hormone replacement therapy.

Starting in peri-menopause, especially if you are working, are you more stressed? Are you hungry all the time? Have you previously noticed that before your menses, that you are retaining more water, and hungry all the time? Peri-menopause and menopause is the time when the progesterone, and testosterone are dropping out of the mix, creating unbalance. Since we have an excess of estrogen, and since cancers like breast cancer and ovarian cancer, (and uterine fibroids) are driven by an excess of estrogen, I think it would be unwise to supplement with hormone replacement therapy.

It is challenging, navigating the transition through menopause, and even middle age. Yes, I used to be addicted to giant chocolate bars. I knew that I was not feeling better when I ate these. I was losing energy, good skin, and retaining more water and fat cells.

Have you noticed that things that you were perfectly happy with before, now become intolerable? I have read that this is the age when women try to rectify the things that they think are unfair. Has communication with your spouse or your children come to heated arguments, with no resolve? Hormone replacement (I believe) will exacerbate the situation. So how do we get back in balance?

Lets start with healthy eating. Yes we may need to fine-tune it a bit. We are all genetic individuals, and we all have different requirements to help our bodies, and cells feel better. What is "healthy" for one may not be healthy for another. Fine tuning our intake of food, can give us immediate results. I was pleasantly surprised that I actually felt good eating something "good for me" rather than feeling the same as I did before. The change in how I felt was dramatic. I could give up the chocolate bars (slowly) and eat the way I knew I should.

I still notice those "monthly" cycles, even though I have no menses. I get more hungry, and I don't digest as well. See if you notice these times too. I promise, if you eat what is good for you, you be able to eliminate the ups and downs of these cycles, making them easier. When the stress and other symptoms subside, we can have less of that "PMS" (out of control) feeling.

I have been able to find my perfect "weight" for my age, without energy loss, and breast cyst recurrence. I have been through the almost dissolution of my marriage, and the animosity of my children. In fact when I worked at a large insurance company, I was sad to notice, that most of the households broke up between the 40's and 60's with most concentrated around the early 50's.

If you have a genetic predisposition to put on belly fat because of your ancestors, you can start to stop it and minimize the "belly". I know because it runs in my family.

I know I can help you with your health, and your relationships, and your personal self-worth. I promise you will not feel hungry or have an upset stomach. You may be able to avoid type II diabetes, and maybe this will even help you avoid the Big C.

Different Types of Breast Cancer Drugs

As breast cancer survivors would attest, the journey to purging the body of the cancer cells is not easy. The good thing about the struggles that one has to overcome during treatment however is the fact that one feels like a real winner when health is finally regained. The easiest way to handle treatment is to gain knowledge about the breast cancer drugs and their side effects. Once this is done, the patient is in a better position to prepare him or herself psychologically for the treatment regimens and the effects that may come with them.

Some of the most common breast cancer drugs are used in chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and biological therapy. Drugs in the chemotherapy regimen are intended to stop further multiplication of the cancer cells. They include drugs such as Flurouracil, Epurubicin, Clyclophosphamide, Adrriamycin Methotrexate, and Mitozantrone among others. Some of these cancer treatments are used in combination in order to give the patient maximum benefits. The most common side effects experienced when the chemotherapy drugs are used include hair loss, nausea, premature menopause, fatigue, hot flashes, and temporary low blood count. Once complete healing is attained however, most of these side effects disappear. Some like menopause are however permanent.

Hormone therapy includes the use of cancer drugs such as Tamoxifen, Arimidex, Femara, and Aromasin. Tamoxifen is specifically used in pre-menopausal women, while Arimidex, Femara, and Aromasin are administered on postmenopausal women. Drugs administered under the hormone therapy regimen inhibit cancer cells from growing by preventing the release of the estrogen hormone by the body. The hormone therapy drugs are often used after breast cancer surgery to prevent further growth of cancer cells in the breasts. Taxol is also another cancer drug that falls in the hormonal inhibiting category. The drug is specifically administered to patients who had received Adriamycin during chemotherapy. Some of the noted side effects for the drugs as used in the hormone therapy regimen are manifested through vaginal dryness and hot flashes. When Taxol is used, patients may experience tingling or numbness of their feet and hands, and muscular pains. Painful joints are also a common complaint among patients receiving Taxol treatment. Other drugs such as Herceptin fall in the biological therapy regimen. Drugs in this category work by boosting the patient's immune system. The immune system in turn acts by destroying existing cancer cells.

The specific type of breast cancer drugs to be used on an individual patient is determined by the oncologist based on the patient's condition. Depending on the patients age, health condition, resistance to specific cancer treatments and the stage of cancer, the oncologist may recommend different or a combination of breast cancer treatments. Notably however, the list of cancer drugs will continue growing in coming days, especially because researchers continue investigating newer and more effective treatment methods. Patients may also benefit from newer drug discoveries through taking part in clinical trials.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Chocolate Cysts - Learn About Treatment For Endometrioma Cysts

There are many different types of ovarian cysts and fortunately, most do not cause serious problems. A functional cyst develops as a glitch in the normal functioning of the ovaries and is rarely problematic. Other types of cysts develop as a result of abnormal cell growth. Endometrioma cysts or chocolate cysts fit this description.

Chocolate cysts occur in women who have Endometriosis of the ovaries. Under normal circumstances, endometrial tissue lines the uterus. When endometriosis is present, this tissue grows abnormally in other parts of the body. When endometrial tissue grows on the outside of the ovaries, small blood filled cysts form called Endometrioma cysts or chocolate cysts. Diagnosis of endometriosis can only be done by laparoscopy.

It is unclear what causes Endometriosis or chocolate cysts to occur but they are very responsive to hormone fluctuations in the body. They are frequently benign and often go undiagnosed until a woman is unable to conceive. Endometriosis is one of the major causes of infertility. It can cause severe pain around the time of menstruation and pain may be experienced during intercourse.

Endometrial tissue grows more rapidly when surges of estrogen occur and decrease in its absence. As a result, endometriosis often diminishes during pregnancy and after menopause. The most common traditional medical form of treatment is hormone therapy. Sometimes birth control pills are prescribed for a brief period of time to help shrink the endometrial tissue in order to allow a woman to become pregnant. Pain relieving medications are recommended to treat the symptoms.

Laparoscopy is sometimes performed to remove the adhesions that often occur as a result of endometriosis. In more serious cases surgery such as a hysterectomy or bowel resection are performed to help minimize the growth of the abnormal tissue or to relieve pain. Occasionally, a chocolate cyst can grow in size and rupture. In this case, emergency surgery may be required.

Regardless of the treatment plan recommended by a traditional medical practitioner, it can be extremely beneficial to take a holistic approach to dealing with chocolate cysts and endometriosis. Like other types of cyst development, hormones play a crucial role and hormone levels are influenced by such things as emotions, diet, stress and other lifestyle factors that can be altered.

Natural treatment methods work well in combination with traditional medicine. They can help slow the growth of chocolate cysts and improve your overall health to such a degree that recovery from any surgical treatment may be quicker. Vitamin supplements are an important component of a natural treatment plan for chocolate cysts.

Making important dietary changes and adding a vitamin and mineral supplement will help balance hormone levels in the body, raise immunity, improve liver functioning, and help guard against abnormal cell growth.

Helpful herbs are also included in a natural treatment plan. They provide the added benefit of helping the body rid itself of harmful toxins that may contribute to a hormone imbalance and the growth of all types of cysts.

5 Common Ways to Treat Cancer

About 60% of humans in the world develop cancer in their life. Some of the cancer cells can grow and metastasize until upset normal bodily functions. It becomes one of the most frequent causes of human death.

Different types of cancer might induce varies of death rate. Usually, lung and pancreatic cancer are the worst! These two kinds of cancer will cause the death within a year. However, not all cancers are untreatable.

There are 5 common ways to treat cancer. Often, the objective of treatment is to cure the cancer. In other cases, the goal is to control the cancer disease or to reduce the symptoms. Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects.

5 Common Ways to Treat Cancer

1) Surgery

Surgery is one of the cancer treatment methods that remove cancer by operation. This is the most common way to treat cancer. It is very rare that the cancer will spread the disease during the surgery. The cancer does not cause disease to be spread by exposing to the air.

Side effects:
a) Terrible pain
b) Tired and weak

2) Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is a treatment that uses a radiation ray to kill cancer cells in a infected area. It can be done externally by a machine that aims the radiation at the targeted area. I can also be done internally by using needles, seeds, wires, and so on. The advantage of this treatment method is painless. Some people afraid that the external radiotherapy will cause the body become radioactive. In fact, there is no such thing happen. However, a patient treated with internal radiation may need to stay in the hospital and quarantine from others until the permanent implant goes down to a safe level.

Side effects:
a) Feel very tired in the later weeks of treatment
b) Radiotherapy kills most of the white blood cells that protecting the body against infection.
c) Hair loss in treated area
d) Skin become red, dry, tender, and itchy

3) Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a method that uses the drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. However, the healthy cells can also be harmed. The doctor may use one drug or a combination of drugs to fully control the cancer cells from spreading. The body will start to produce the normal cell after the chemotherapy is over.

Side effects:
a) Hair loss
b) Temporary fatigue
c) Poor appetite, nausea and vomiting

4) Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy is a method that treats certain cancers with forbidding certain hormone from growth. This may include the use of drugs to stop the production of some hormones. Some hormone therapies even have to remove the hormone producing organ to stop the body from secreting the hormone anymore according to cancer research. For example, sometimes, we have to remove the ovary to treat the breast cancer. In some of the cases, the side effects of hormone therapy may be temporary or permanent.

Side effect:
a) Tired
b) Have fluid retention
c) Weight gain
d) Bone loss in premenopausal women

5) Biological therapy

Biological therapy is a method that uses our body immune system to fight the disease or to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, directly or indirectly. This is the most suggested way to treat the cancer.

Side effects:
a) Cause flu-like symptoms
b) Bleed or bruise easily

The treatment of cancer may be only a method or a combination of methods. The best option is depending to the type and location of the cancer diseases. If the disease has spread to other parts of body, the combination methods might be used. Other factors are depending to the patients' age, general health and so on. Patients may worry whether the side effects of treatment will become worse than the disease or not. Thus, patients and doctors will discuss the treatment options regarding the benefits of the treatment method and the risks of side effects.

How to Get a Deep Voice Quickly

There are many resources that assist with the depth of the speaking voice. The majority of these require a long and laborious training of the voice, from singing lessons, to hypnosis to speech therapy. All these types of courses require long term training and long term commitment.

The reason why they take so long is because none of these types of tuitional endeavors address the real issue. There is a kind of tangent solution effect happening here. Most men that enquirer about these solutions want one thing. They would like a crisp and deep speaking voice, thats all. They really don't want singing lessons, nor do they want hypnosis, nor elocution lessons.

However the idea, is if you did any of these types of solutions, you may improve the depth and crispness and timber of your voice. In plain fact, the issue is the vocal chords. Plain and simple, that is what we are dealing with. Most vocal chords are roughly the same size. They are a small muscle group that when strained produce an inferior raw sound when air is passed through them.

This is easily bared out by women that have hormone replacement therapy. If a woman can achieve a deep crisp voice than a man with a squeaky and high pitched voice can do the same. Sure you could take hrt (hormone replacement therapy) but this often has side effects.

The essence of the problem for a man with a squeaky voice is not the size of the voice box. The problem is the quality of the tension. Loosen the tension and you deepen the resulting voice. Looser vocal chords provide a deeper, crisper voice.

A Must-Read HGH-Treatment For Psoriasis

The skin is the largest sense organ of our body. It is the body part that is visible to other people and the part which you ought to take care of. A healthy radiant skin is also an indication of an overall healthy body. However, even if you think that you are healthy, you cannot avoid having a skin disease especially if it is hereditary. Psoriasis is a type of skin disease that can be inherited and is characterized by an unpleasant appearance.

Psoriasis may also affect your fingernails and not just your skin. Your elbow and your fingertips both in your hands and feet could have a thick dry skin that would lead to cracking. The cracked thick dry skin would also bleed and will either take a very long time before they heal or will never heal at all. For a worse case, your cracked skin will likewise be subject to tearing that is really painful.

Treatments for psoriasis may differ from one person to another. You have to consult first your dermatologist before undergoing the necessary treatment. You may be required to apply some cream or take some medicines that may contain something that would induce your pituitary gland to produce hormones.

Human growth hormones are the ones responsible in some of your physiological functions which include making your skin as well as your nails healthy. That is why it is advisable to have an HGH for treatment of psoriasis. You will possibly be asked to take some treatment with HGH-inducing medication to allow your body to produce natural hormones.

The HGH for treatment of psoriasis that would be advised for you to take must contain the necessary ingredients that would strengthen your immune system, help you fight infection, improve your blood circulation, and prevent skin irritation. In that way, your body can have the firsthand treatment against your skin disease because of the hormones in your body.

Your pituitary gland may start producing limited amount of hormones starting at the age of 25. It is really recommended if you will have this HGH for treatment of psoriasis. Your HGH supplement or treatment may contain the following:

o Naringinine which works against inflammation, virus, and skin irritation. It has antioxidant that removes harmful substances in the body. It also has the ability to reduce your risk of having cancer and lessen your muscle or join pain.

o Arginine is said to improve your blood circulation. Your painful wounds due to psoriasis could be alleviated because this substance helps in the quick healing process of wounds.

o Glutamine is another substance that also contributes to the proper and fast healing process of wounds. It likewise contains antioxidant to get rid of the harmful materials in your body.

o Colostrum contains antibodies that strengthen the immune system and fight infection. Colostrum is what the newborn babies need to strengthen their defense against infection. They can get this from their mother's milk few days after the delivery.

This HGH for treatment of psoriasis has been proven to be effective. The ingredients of the HGH supplements undoubtedly enhance your skin and reduces the symptoms of skin irritations or diseases.

Why Choose Bio-identical Hormones Over Traditional Hormones?

Any woman interested in bio-identical hormones should know the difference between natural hormones (bhrt) and synthetic hormones (hrt). Bio-identical hormones are derived from yams or soy and are the chemical replicates of the exact hormone found in the human body. Synthetic hormones such as Premarin and Provera are drugs made and patented by drug companies. Some of these hormones are derived from pregnant horses urine. The chemicals used are similar to our hormones but have been changed slightly in order to be patented.

Bio-identicals cannot be patented because the drugs have been available for over 15 years. Since bio-identicals can't be patented there is no way for the drug companies to make large amounts of money on them.

Many drug studies have been preformed on synthetic hormones.

The Women's Health Initiative study (WHI) was preformed in 2002 and was stopped early because of the findings. The study involved thousands of women from multiple sites all over the country. The research was done on diet, exercise, calcium supplements, and synthetic hormones. The results were that these drugs should not be given to prevent heart disease, strokes, venous thrombosis, or breast cancer. The findings showed they may increase a woman's risk of developing these problems over time.

The problem with most studies is that the drug companies are funding the study. Therefore, if bio-identicals can't be patented, then the drug companies are not going to spend money on a study.

If you research bio-identical hormones, you can find drug studies on them.

Breast cancer and BHRT

Androgens and Mammary growth and neoplasia

Antiestrogen action of progesterone in breast tissue

Cancer and Hormonal balance

Epidemiology of breast cancer

Hormones in the etiology and prevention of breast and endometrial cancer

This is only 5 examples of the hundreds of studies found on Dr. Rebecca Glaser's website, Dr. Rebecca Glaser also has studies on other topics (not just breast cancer) such as cortisol, estriol, dosage delivery, testosterone and progesterone to name a few.

My belief is that bio-identical hormones bring the menopausal or pre-menopausal woman back to the hormone levels found in a youthful woman. By doing this, the drugs have shown an improvement in heart health, skin, hair, and memory.

Two other benefits are they slightly lower cholesterol and they will keep bone density from decreasing further. Other than relief from the normal menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, etc.) I believe bio-identical hormones can also help with heart, bones, memory and cholesterol. I do not think they will decrease the risk of breast cancer, but taken in the correct dosage amount I think they do not increase the risk of cancer.

In other words, if you are on the correct strengths of hormones there will be no increase or decrease in cancer risk.

Life and Death Symptoms of Cortisol Hormone Imbalance

When cortisol, a hormone produced in the adrenal glands is not produced properly, there could be different effects on the individual. Hypercortisolism or hypocortisolism can progress and become life-threatening so immediate detection and treatment is important. Find out more about the symptoms of cortisol hormone imbalance to know the right methods of approach.


Hypocortisolism is a disorder wherein the adrenal glands which are located above the kidneys cannot produce enough cortisol and aldosterone. The adrenal glands may fail slowly due to poor circulation or immediately such as in the case of trauma or hemorrhage. The rate of symptom manifestation will depend on the pace of adrenal gland failure.

The condition is also known as Addison's disease, chronic adrenocortical insufficiency, primary adrenal insufficiency or adrenocortical hypofunction. The cortex of the adrenal glands produces 3 kinds of hormones. Cortisol is included in the glucocorticoid hormone type which helps maintain proper glucose levels, suppress the immune response and help the body respond to stress.

Three main symptoms of cortisol hormone imbalance include loss of appetite, fatigue and muscle weakness that slowly get worse over time and profound weight loss. Other symptoms are darkening of the skin or hyperpigmentation of skin folds, lips, nose, lining in the mouth, creases of the palms, nipples and areola and joints like elbows, knees and knuckles, development of scars, lightheadedness, orthostatic hypotension or fainting when suddenly getting up from a lying or sitting position, craving for salty foods, trembling or shakiness due to low blood sugar, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, difficulty concentrating, depression and irritability.


Hypercortisolism a disease that occurs when the body produces excessive cortisol. Most commonly, the problems results from taking anti-inflammatory steroid medications for disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and asthma. Cushing's disease is the second most common cause wherein the pituitary gland produces excessive ACTH hormone which is responsible for the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. Other causes of symptoms of cortisol hormone imbalance include adrenal gland or pituitary gland tumor or the presence of other tumors in the body.

The problem is also known as Cushing's syndrome causing symptoms such as central obesity, acne and skin infection, backache, headache, buffalo hump or fat accumulation between the shoulders, abnormal facial hair growth, impotence in males, ceasing of the menstrual cycle in women, mental changes, weakness, unintentional weight gain, moon face described as being red, round and full, purple marks on the abdomen, breasts and thighs and thin skin that is easily bruised. More symptoms of the disease include fatigue, high blood pressure, red spots on the skin, skin flushing, muscle atrophy and bone pain or tenderness.

When It Becomes Life-Threatening

Symptoms that develop slowly may not be noticed immediately until Addisonian crisis or adrenal crisis occurs. This condition occurs from a stressful event like trauma, surgery, dehydration or severe infection wherein the body cannot produce enough cortisol to combat stress. Addisonian crisis is considered to be a life-threatening situation requiring fast treatment.

A person can die from shock due to extremely low blood pressure. Symptoms of the complication include severe vomiting and diarrhea leading to dehydration, confusion, restlessness, fearfulness, severe weakness, light-headedness, feeling of fainting, sudden pain in the stomach, legs and lower back, high fever, total loss of consciousness and pale face and lips. Hormone levels need to return to normal via surgery, hormone replace therapy and other dire measures.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hormone Showdown - You're in Charge

A woman faces many phases of hormonal change over the course of her life: puberty, menstruation, PMS, pregnancy, infertility, pre-menopause, and menopause. A woman can experience hormone imbalance at each stage; however, she need not be at the mercy of her hormones. Instead, she can take charge of her condition and work towards well-being and optimal health - without drugs that have dangerous side effects, or suffering the consequences of non-treatment.

Understanding hormone imbalance is an important aspect of women empowering themselves toward well-being. To identify hormone imbalance, its causes, and alternative treatments, it is helpful to ask and answer the following questions.

What are hormones?

Hormones are the messengers of the body, a kind of wireless communication system that carries the messages of emotions and physical well-being or stress. Stress hormones are adrenalin and cortisol. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are the so-called sex hormones. Cholesterol and vitamins A and D are the main ingredients needed to make hormones, also called the building blocks. Stress hormones and sex hormones work in balance with each other, and the body works diligently to create hormone reserves, a well to draw from when it encounters stress.

What is hormone imbalance?

Hormone imbalance occurs when the body does not have enough of the right building blocks to create both stress hormones and sex hormones. When the body is under stress, it extracts hormones from the hormone reserves. The body tries to make hormones to replace the ones it takes from the reserves, but if stress is overwhelming or a woman is nutritionally deprived, hormone imbalance will exact its toll and symptoms will appear.

What are the symptoms of hormone imbalance?

To make a diagnosis of hormone imbalance, a woman would have five or more of these symptoms:

* water retention and bloating

* weight gain

* hot flashes

* low sex drive

* memory loss or confusion

* night sweats

* dry skin

* hair loss

* anxiety

* depression

* irritability

* breast tenderness

* poor concentration

* pre-menstrual syndrome

* fibroids

* vaginal dryness

* fibrocystic breasts

* endometriosis

* breast and uterine cancer

When these symptoms exist, what are the next steps toward treatment?

If a woman identifies with these symptoms, it is essential to seek out treatment. The most healthful treatments are improvements in nutrition and emotional stability, which lead the body toward hormonal restoration and physical and mental well-being.

How does good nutrition help to balance hormones?

For a woman's body to manufacture the right balance of hormones she must eat healthy foods that supply her with the necessary building blocks. Nutrition knowledge is a necessary step in the healing process and essential for the long-term maintenance of well being. A woman must learn about the foods that will help restore hormonal balance and which ones will not. For example:

* Healthy fats are an essential building block required to make all hormones. Diets low in fat are harmful to hormone production. Fats from natural sources are best and can help the body regain hormonal balance. Excellent sources of fat, rich in natural minerals and vitamins, include whole milk, beef or chicken broth, and butter.

* Processed foods, nontraditional soy foods, or those containing trans fats or hydrogenated oils block hormone production. Savvy marketers have successfully convinced people to eat a diet that lacks nutrients necessary to maintain hormonal balance. Most foods introduced in the last few decades fall into this category. While it is worthwhile to read nutrition labels, some will not list trans fats.

* Eggs are an excellent source of cholesterol for hormone production. Our healthy ancestors consumed eggs in great quantities. Reintroducing eggs into a woman's diet is occasionally all that is necessary to restore hormone balance.

* Fish oils are an excellent source of vitamins A and D and essential for hormone production. Look for the brands that are mercury and heavy metal free.

* A woman will receive the highest levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and fats from natural and organic foods.

* Establish healthy eating habits with young girls. This helps to set a woman on the right road to healthy hormonal balance. If girls eat poorly at a young age, they may not build up sufficient hormone reserves to handle physiological or emotional stress.

What is an example of a treatment to help with emotional stability?

Homeopathy is an excellent treatment that provides relief and helps the body to heal using its own resources. Homeopathy is the safe and natural administration of minute doses of medicines derived from plants, animals, minerals, or chemicals that stimulate the body's own defenses. Once a woman is able to gain control over her emotional state, she feels empowered to take on long-term changes such as addressing her relationship to food and improving her nutrition.

What is the holistic approach to hormonal restoration and continued balance?

The holistic approach to helping a woman attain a state of hormonal balance is to look at the whole person: emotions, nutrition, relationships, lifestyle, work habits, and temperament. This approach offers a higher likelihood of optimal results and effective treatment. Often women may need a stepping stone treatment such as hormone replacement therapy or bioidentical hormone therapy to restore hormones to their proper balance. Once achieved, the woman can move toward natural methods to restore balance with homeopathy and nutritional changes.

How Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women Helps in More Ways Than One

The menopausal stage can be a very difficult phase for any woman. Hormone replacement therapy for women can come as a real relief and not only to address menopausal symptoms but also to address several health problems that come with aging.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause

The signs of menopause are clear, though it may vary among different women. Hot flashes, frequent mood swings, genital dryness, insomnia, night sweats, and the loss of libido are a few of the numerous symptoms associated with menopause. This is due to the drop of estrogen production in the female body which prepares it for the end of a woman's fertile years.

The period wherein the symptoms of menopause show, also known as perimenopause, can be very distressing for those affected. It isn't only because of physical discomfort, though. Because of the way hormones influence emotion, there is a chance that a woman might unknowingly hurt the people around her without understanding why she feels that way.

To mitigate this, women can seek supplementation of a combination of female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Under the supervision of a medical expert, this need to balance out the dropping hormone levels may be replenished through hormone replacement therapy for women. With hormone levels finally back in balance, a woman may find the conditions brought about by menopause lightened.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Aging

Apart from menopause, middle-aged women may gradually acquire a number of health conditions due to weaker resistance, which usually comes with age. Some of the most common health conditions that are particularly problematic for women are osteoporosis and vulnerability to diabetes and heart disease due to weight gain.

Another kind of hormone replacement therapy available to women is HGH therapy. Some of the signs of aging are attributed to declining HGH levels, which also happen in men. HGH, or human growth hormone, is what aids in repairing cell and tissue damage. As people grow older, the body has less and less of this available for use. Restoring natural levels of this hormone can increase bone density, which in turn helps a woman prevent osteoporosis. Also, healthy levels of HGH make it easier to maintain a healthy weight as it can help increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve energy.

Those concerned about perimenopause and aging can inquire with their doctor to see if they are viable for HRT. Regardless, physicians highly recommend hormone replacement therapy for women suffering heavily from the symptoms of menopause.