Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Balance Hormones Naturally - Balancing Hormones Without HRT

Many men and women prefer to consider ways to balance hormones naturally without resorting to using synthetic HRT treatment. At around the time of the menopause and andropause, men and women experience similar unpleasant symptoms and these are caused by an imbalance in hormones.

In men, the hormone lacking is predominantly testosterone and in women, estrogen.

Both Men and Women May Experience Some of the Following Symptoms

* Night Sweats (men and women)

* Acne, allergies, dry skin conditions and lack of skin elasticity

* Depression, fatigue, memory loss and anxiety

* Lowered sex drive

* Urinary tract infections and/or incontinence

* Weight gain, bloating and water retention

* Osteoporosis

* Headaches and migraines

* Reduced muscle mass

* Diabetes

Men may also suffer from prostate problems and erection difficulties, whilst women may experience breast tenderness/lumpiness and facial hair.

One of the best ways to begin to balance hormones naturally is to take a critical look at your diet as this has been shown to have a considerable effect on overall health including hormonal balance.

The following principles form the basis of a good diet for life.

* Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily

* Eat wholefoods such as wholegrains, lentils, beans, nuts and seeds-4 portions a day is recommended

* Avoid sugar and processed foods which contain a lot of sugar

* Eat oily fish a couple of times a week

* Avoid fatty foods-choose low fat versions of dairy foods when possible

* Flax, pumpkin and sesame seeds are good for hormone health

* Consider omega 3 and calcium supplements

* Avoid highly processed foods, such as bacon and reformed meats

In addition to diet, it has been shown that certain pollutants in the atmosphere can mimic estrogen and can be stored in the liver, unbalancing the natural hormones in your body. It is therefore worthwhile considering a liver detox. Exercise is also generally beneficial for health and can help with hormonal imbalances. For some men and women, simple changes like these can reduce symptoms significantly.

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