Friday, July 5, 2013

Human Growth Hormone Heals Body Tissue

As children, we all came home with bruises or scraped knees after a day of play. Our bruises and scrapes healed much faster than they do as adults; even when we experienced fractures or broken bones in our youth, the healing was much faster. Our cells regenerate quickly when we are young, facilitating a more rapid recovery time. As we age, our body's recovery process slows down and recovery time is extended. One of the principle reasons for the difference between children and adults concerning healing, recovery, and rejuvenation is the amount of human growth hormone (HGH) present in our bodies.

Starting in our early twenties, the amount of HGH produced in our bodies begins to steadily decrease. Human growth hormone is naturally produced by the pituitary gland and functions at optimal levels when we are young. However, starting in our early twenties, the amount of HGH produced by the pituitary gland and released into the body decreases by approximately 14 percent each passing decade. Clinical studies have provided medical experts with evidence that injecting HGH into patients, thereby elevating the levels of human growth hormone in the body will cause much faster healing of wounds, injuries, and tissue damage. While undergoing HGH therapy, the elevated, or youthful levels of HGH stimulate the body to produce collagen, speeding up the healing process and shortening recovery times. Other clinical studies have shown a link between higher levels of human growth hormone and proper nitrogen balance in the body, an essential component in the formation of new tissue.

Medical researchers have also reported on the benefits for patients who participated in human growth hormone treatment. These patients have experienced more rapid success in healing leg ulcers and other types open wounds. The wonderful healing properties of HGH continues to be studied and scrutinized as a treatment with tremendous healing potential for patients who are recuperating subsequent to injury, illness, accident, or surgery.

Not only have studies shown that HGH strengthens body tissue and shortens recovery time, but human growth hormone also has also been clinically proven to restore youthful organ health, fight cardiovascular disease, restore libido, eliminate excess fat, and increase lean muscle mass.

Though HGH treatment shows amazing promise for many candidates, many people are not able to take full advantage of its benefits. Treatment plans are available by prescription, but this process requires nearly 50 monthly injections at a cost typically exceeding $2,000 per month. For most potential candidates, this is not a viable option.

Many individuals seeking the health benefits of HGH have discovered a safe and natural formula available without a prescription, requiring no needles, at a fraction of the cost. Such safe and effective homeopathic alternatives contain an exclusive blend of natural ingredients designed to strengthen and empower the body's pituitary gland to function at stronger and more youthful levels. By strengthening and empowering the pituitary gland to function at more youthful levels, the connection could be made that this process may result in greater levels of HGH being produced from the pituitary gland and delivered into the bloodstream. These select homeopathic formulas provide individuals with a safe, convenient, and cost-effective alternative to painful and expensive prescription HGH treatment.

1 comment:

  1. To understand the link between growth hormone and cardiovascular disease, let’s take a look at the human growth hormone as produced by the body. It is a peptide hormone naturally produced, secreted and stored by the pituitary gland.

    It is crucial in the repair, division and replacement as well as regeneration of cells in the body, thus, its importance in maintaining good health.

    In this case, good health means a youthful appearance coupled with high levels of energy, stamina and strength. This results in smooth, supple and sexy skin as well as firm muscle tone and definition, fast sugar and fat metabolism, and optimum bone health. best hypergh14x review
